Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 758: Kill one kill

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The roots of the other two seals only need Lin Fan to connect the space gate with the Voidwalker, and other things are done by the Zerg forces.

However, the complexity of the labyrinth in the tower and the quality of the lurking demonic forces still took the Zerg forces to complete for several hours.

It's just that many demonic forces can't face the air, and they were killed by the alien dragon in the distance ... Through these demonic forces, Lin Fan's reaper and armour have risen to the extreme, and the crossblade and benevolence have been raised to high level.

Finally, the three seals were lifted, and Azir, the angel of death, was free and strength was restored. "Stragala is waiting ..."

Azir opened the stairs to Stella with magic ...

Go down the stairs.

Go to the elevator room below, open the machine and go down ...

The bottom.

This is the palace of Stellagala, hidden in the soul well. Millions of fallen souls are nourishing the demonic force in the human world with the power of fear.

Stegara now awakens from the well of the soul and sees Lin Fan, saying: "You are stronger than Stegara's memory ... but in the face of Stegara, you will have no hope of victory and escape. Tegala is the strongest callee of the Destroyer !!! "

"Does the blind eye on the right not hurt anymore?" Lin Fan pulled out the scabbard of heaven and set up a space door beside the soul well.

Stagala resents: "Stragala is going to kill you again ... ants !!"

Stella's huge sledgehammer fell down.

"Time Ball: Slow."

During the slow time, Lin Fan threw a space gate on Stella's heavy hammer, avoiding the space gate near the soul well.

Waiting for time to recover, Stargara lifted the sledgehammer, but did not find Lin Fan who should turn into flesh.

Lin Fan has now passed the space door and jumped on Stella's back ... Stella's body is very huge, much larger than any of the four callers in front, as if it were a building wall tall.

The key to Stella's is on his back.

Stallara with steel armor on his body was impeccable, but as long as he could hit the key ... there would be no difficulty.

The scabbard of heaven was immediately put into the eye of the vitals on Stella's back by Lin Fanyu. This is the only key that is not protected by the heavy armor except the face door.

As if his roots had been cut, Stagala snarled immediately, smashing things violently, but when this anger poured out, Stagala temporarily failed.

Lin Fan jumped back to the Soul Well, pierced the scabbard of heaven into another eye of Stella, and said, "Now you can die!"

"No, you **** ants, Stella would not die." Blind Stella caught Lin Fan and tried to pinch Lin Fan again.

"Time Ball: Speed ​​up. Skyscraper."

However, under the speed of the time ball, the skyscraper chopped hundreds of times in an instant, and the cutting force directly saw off several of Stella's fingers.

Lin Fan, who fell from a high place, threw an upper space door into the stinging mouth of Stella, and then turned around and set up another space door on the ground ... Lin Fan appeared through the space door and appeared in Stella's mouth. in.

"Time Ball: Speed ​​up. Skyscraper!"


Stegar ramen door, all above the chin, was immediately lifted off ... headshot! !!

The life stone that Lin Fan obtained on the body of Stagala has increased the skull on the blood bar to the ninth.

At this time, the death angel Azriel came down and reminded: "The tower and Stagala are one. Now Stagala is dead, the tower is collapsing ... I will open the soul well for you."

In the well of souls in front of Lin Fan, a large number of souls appeared at once, and a dark magic circle was generated by the power of these souls.

"Just jump into the well," Aziril said.

Garden of Eden.

The teleportation array opened by the Soul Well leads to the Garden of Eden ...

This is the ruins of heaven! !!

The watchman growled: "No ... Eden should no longer exist!"

"Ignorance!" Azir countered: "I witnessed the destruction of the first expelled angels and Eden! I can't let the original gift of heaven ... the greatest weapon, just rot, or annihilate in In the dark ... I hid it. "

"Now you want me to use the Tree of Wisdom?" Lin Fan looked at the huge trees in the distance, with roots staggered, leading directly to the ancient giant trees on the clouds.

Azirel said lightly: "Abaddon has used the tree of wisdom to get its gift, but Abaddon has failed ... now only you, need to get its gift, or only you can end it all ... …follow me."

Azriel took Lin Fan to an empty square without a road.

"There is no way at all!" The watchman snapped.

Azirir said wisely: "For those who deserve ... Knight, you have been fighting the darkness for too long, and it has represented you for a long time. The soul of light can feel it, just like me ... here You're worse than a demon ... Prepare to face yourself in the light. "


Riel then took out a terrible mask.

"Shadow mask." Lin Fan said lightly.

Azir said: "Yes, you will see the realm of shadows, as long as you are wearing a mask ... fight!"

Lin Fan put on a shadow mask, and was immediately separated from a boiling dark shadow on his body, deformed into Lin Fan's appearance.

This shadow has all the capabilities of Lin Fan now! Skills, weapons and knowledge.

However, Black Shadow couldn't copy Lin Fan's rebellious blade. He could only hold the Hun Tun Sword, and there was no time ball ability on the armour.

Lin Fan has already faced and defeated himself ... This dark shadow is just a puppet to Lin Fan.

Slow time to kill immediately.

Through the shadow mask, Lin Fan saw the void bridge across the square leading to Eden.

The tree of wisdom reveals everything!

"Want to be a slave in heaven! Or a king in hell?" A convoluted and soft voice filled with a memory filled with Lin Fan's mind.

This memory was made by Archangel Abaddon. After being pinched to death by Stella's attack, Abaddon fell into a destroyer because of a mysterious existence.

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