Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1082: Helpless

"One hundred thousand tons, a whole hundred thousand tons. Now there are still people who can be so proud." Xiang Ming held a rough bark paper, his fingers were shaking.

On the paper, a charcoal pen is written on the list of aid materials sent by Wen Tianyu via radio. For each grain, each dose of medicine, and each particle bomb are extremely precious eschatology. Every word on the list is delightful. mad.

As a Chinese force in Angola, a group of more than 600,000 people at its heyday had to have a management body. Xiang Ming is the chairman of this body committee.

Xiang Ming was originally the manager of the Chinese construction project in Angola. He had excellent organizational skills to deal with the chaos of the catastrophe.

After the baptism of the cataclysm, the elite may not be able to survive, but all who have survived have become the elite. After confirming that his entire team was expected to be rescued, he immediately ordered the entire base to mobilize to improve the mobility of all staff.

The first command to mobilize is-eat! Take out the food that was difficult to keep in the past and eat a few meals to restore your strength. Nothing can be done without physical strength!

This order is considered to be very happy. In the middle of the night, countless people started to cook vegetable porridge while they were in the midst of fire-yes, the only thing the entire base currently has is a little bit of hard food and fast-growing vegetables grown in the field. Oil and salt have long since disappeared.

But even such shabby food, eating a few bowls wide enough can be inexplicable. And this hot scene not only makes the Chinese inside the base as happy as the New Year, but also makes many non-Chinese feel inexplicable.

There are many foreigners doing business and building in Angola. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese flee hard during the catastrophe, and it is inevitable that they will bring people from other countries.

Saito is a Japanese who is embarrassed. Because black people are common enemies and his ability is good, everyone is going to overcome difficulties with the enemy. But now he expressed great surprise at the sudden crazy carnival of the Chinese people, "What are you doing, guys?"

Saito saw that the Chinese were demolishing houses and demolished large houses with fanatical emotions. He would have thought that these people were committing mass suicide if he did not watch the Chinese orderly.

In the last days, a place that can shelter from the wind, rain, heat by fire, and rest can be very important. At first, in order to provide shelter for everyone, the people who fled were struggling and paid a great price.

Now, at least thousands of thin Chinese have demolished their homes in laughter. This crazy scene is hard to understand. Saito stumbled to the crowd and asked loudly what happened?

"Someone came to save us. The first batch of supplies has arrived in the port of Luanda. An airship will arrive with the supplies within a few hours, and we must build a landing site." Under the torch of the night, someone answered Zhai Vine problem.

"Saved? Is it a UN rescue agency?" Saito was also very excited to hear the word "saved", and he instantly understood the madness of the Chinese before him—depressed life for more than a year in the threat of death, a little hope Are enough to let people vent.

"No, the United Nations is dead. A fearless guy crossed the Atlantic to rescue us." Someone answered.

"Crossing the Atlantic? Great! It must be the United States. Sure enough, only the US government is the backbone of this broken world." Saito was even happier. He even helped move various pieces of dismantled wood. The joy gave him infinite power.

But his conjecture was poured with cold water. "No, we are Chinese. We have a guy who is the leader of the Aurora Corps. He came to rescue us. He said that 100,000 tons of food are waiting for us. Going to eat and drink, the news made everyone in the base yelling. "

"Ah ..., not an American?" Saito's heart suddenly cooled. This is far from his expectation.

"Mr. Saito, let the chairman let you maintain the communication system of the whole base. We need to broadcast the whole." Someone found Saito in the dark and dragged him to the base's headquarters.

Saito is a communications engineer. His ability is to take care of various patchwork radio systems and ensure communication links between hundreds of thousands of people. It is also because there are few and important people who can do the job, and he is even favored in the group.

There was a lot of excitement inside the headquarters. Everyone has a smile on his face, and every connection makes people laugh. Saito can understand Chinese without hindrance. While taking care of several different types of radio stations, he feels the real joy and joy of the scene as an onlooker.

are you happy? Saito is also very happy. After all, these Chinese people are very tolerant and have always been good to him. And with his ability, it should not be excluded in the future. After being happy, he had a deep weakness and fear.

Saito was originally sent by a Japanese company to sell satellite communications equipment in Africa. However, this market has long been not Japan's strong point.

Saito was previously shocked by China's development in Africa. People from other countries come to Africa and rarely go to the lowest level to make money, but the Chinese can walk through every corner of Africa with their strong national strength and their own hard work.

The Chinese are willing to reclaim land and develop agriculture in Africa. The Chinese will travel thousands of miles to build materials and workers to build infrastructure. The Chinese will spend all their efforts to sell meager small commodities. While other countries invest at most ~ www.readwn.com ~, no one has ever done such hard work.

In fact, Saito had originally predicted that the Chinese population would recover faster in Africa than any other ethnic group. Blacks are too bad, whites are too greedy, and only the Chinese are willing to work hard and down to earth. As long as they have survived the beginning of their hardships, they will be more adaptable to the end-world than anyone else.

And now there are strong people helping to help, the speed of the Chinese recovery is much faster. And as long as you think about the dramatic reduction in Africa's population, once the Chinese have established a foothold, no one can stop them.

A great fear came to Saito's mind-I am afraid there is only one China in the world.

"Saito Mori, your supper." A man approached, carrying a bowl of thick vegetable porridge in his hand.

"Park Sang, thank you very much." Saito knows the person who sent the supper, like him, a minority of Koreans who are wrapped in shackles. It is said that the friendship between Japan and South Korea depends on China, and these two brothers are naturally together. "Tonight's vegetable porridge tastes good, even with a lot of salt added."

After hearing Saito's praise for vegetable porridge, the Korean Korean with a surname of Park whispered in frustration: "The Chinese here are going to be saved. Saito Sang, what do you think we should do next?"

"I? I will continue to survive in the team." Saito's first thought of obedience is to follow the collective life, "I have seen more life and death, and my heart has already obeyed the plan of fate."

"Really?" The Korean was disappointed with the answer, "Is there really no other way out?"

"Our own country ca n’t count on it, and the Americans are already dead." Saito only smiled bitterly. "No one can stop a strong nation from rising. It seems we have to mingle with the Chinese in the future. Now. "

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