Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1083: See who else can bully us!

Those who can stand up in a disaster are more responsible and missionary. They will work hard for difficulties, they will struggle for setbacks, and they will be proud of their achievements. ? And this pride will stimulate their enthusiasm even more.

Without the perseverance of Wen Tianyu and others, and the courage and courage of being born and dying, he would not be able to wait for Zhou Qingfeng's rescue. Think of the African black's survival rate of less than 10% under the nuclear winter. The survival rate of the Chinese population over 30% is already particularly impressive.

When Zhou Qingfeng arrived with a huge amount of materials, Wen Tianyu and others were enthusiastic about their work. They loaded seven tons of cargo into the airship in just one hour, and transported it over a base four hundred kilometers away in five hours.

At this time, the sky was still not bright. When the inertial navigation device showed that it had reached the destination, 6 dazzling bonfires were already lit on the night. This bonfire is so large under a clear night sky that it can be easily seen on an airship at a height of 20,000 meters.

"Xiang Bo, are you setting fire to the mountains?" Wen Tianyu descended with the airship in the sky, and asked loudly on the radio.

There was an exaggerated laugh from Xiang Ming on the radio. "I said that some bonfires were used to indicate the targets. As a result, everyone was afraid that you could not see them. You just burned a house. How about it? Our big show?"

Wen Tianyu also cheerfully replied: "Big, really big! Burned well, burned we have a new house. Rest assured, we now have the capital, let everyone be happy, happy happily."

Under the eyes of countless pairs of anticipation, the airship more than 20 meters long slowly fell like a giant in the night sky. When the hatch was opened, Wen Tianyu personally led the team and jumped out and shouted, "Brothers, I'm back! I'm back with help!"

The crowd was boiling, roaring like thunder, and the earth became a sea of ​​joy. After a long period of darkness, those who survive have finally ushered in the dawn!

Although Wen Tianyu urged the first shipment of weapons to upgrade the base's armed forces, Zhou Qingfeng still let him bring a certain amount of food. Xiang Ming, the chairman of the base, asked, "How is our regiment leader?"

"The Chief of the Zhou Qingfeng Army asked me to say hello to you on his behalf. He specially asked me to bring two tons of instant noodles and invite everyone to have a good time. He said, 'Enough, open up! Do n’t save, just do n’t choke on it. '. "

The phrase "Enough is enough ..." conveyed by the agent is extravagant enough, and let the last big rock of everyone's hearts fall down, laughing at Ming Ming and ordering "Boil the water and boil the noodles, everyone will be full".

The noodles are really fragrant when they are cooked. The ingredients for "Extreme" instant noodles are not very good, but they definitely belong to heavy oil and salt. For people with long-term lack of taste, even the instant noodles must be diluted with water to eat, otherwise the stomach can't stand it, and it is necessary to diarrhea.

Two tons of noodles naturally cannot meet the needs of more than 200,000 people, but many people are extremely satisfied with smelling the aroma of the noodles. When the noodles came to their eyes, everyone kept urging, even if the drool was to be given to the weak or injured.

Food can be sold, but medicines don't need to be sold. Most of the people who survived in the last days did not have any serious illness, and they died prematurely. Various gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases, and trauma are constantly tormenting everyone.

Zhou Qingfeng obtained a large number of norfloxacin-type specific drugs to combat intestinal inflammation, as well as various hemostatic, suture and anti-inflammatory devices and drugs required for surgery. These things were sent to the hospital at the base as soon as possible.

There were not a thousand or eighty people dying in the hospital. There were blood transfusions, blood transfusions, surgical operations, and medications. A large number of doctors came in handy again because of lack of medicines and equipment.

And the most amazing thing is of course the “Treatment Needle” sent by Zhou Qingfeng, which is a life-saving medicine produced by the secret laboratory of Big Abaco Island. ‘Little’ Mai Lang still made a lot of extremely useful things.

One hundred doses of the highest-level ‘therapeutic needles’ are extremely valuable materials in the Aurora Corps. The black market in Havana is completely out of stock. Zhou Qingfeng deliberately selected them from the advance team.

Wen Tianyu himself has been treated with this drug, and the gunshot wound on his right shoulder was healed by a 'treatment needle'.

"This medicine is very precious, and it must be used in the most important people, the most critical time." Wen Tianyu explained to the doctors at the base.

To speak of those who matter, dozens of people injured in repeated external conflicts lie in the base hospital.

Most of these people had gunshot wounds, internal organs were injured, and they could not be saved without complicated surgery. And now ... the brothers who rushed to the front line are the most important people, get the treatment needle!

The high-pressure syringe used the medicine, and within a few minutes, you could see dozens of guys dangling in the ghost gate and being pulled back to the sun.

Wen Tianyu now desperately advertises the treatment needle, "I tell you, the effect of this medicine is against sky. It is said that the sky-high price has been sold in North America, but the Aurora Corps tightly seals any information related to this medicine.

Chen Rui, who was able to drive a plane, was seriously injured recently and was about to hang. I was about to hold a memorial service for him ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the kid was so fatal that he was rescued by this medicine. Now Chen Ruitian is going to marry four wives. "

Thanks to Chen Rui's mouth, the joke of 'marrying four wives' has spread throughout the base. Now listening to your ears, everyone laughs again. Someone asked with amusement: "We only have big men here. Where can there be so many women. Now the old sows are all racing."

"Go grabbing!" Wen Tianyu said slowly, but with full murderousness and confidence, "If you want to pass on the line, grab it. Now that there are few women, how can you not grab it? Baibai girl who flees from the north It ’s still good, just wash it. We do n’t hate it. ”

The word 'grab' is straightforward and straightforward. Those who are still alive are not good. In the past, Chinese people who were trapped in the past were not trying to grab, but they couldn't. When Wen Tianyu led everyone to flee, he took people and food first, and his arms and ammunition were quite scarce.

"Now we don't lack weapons." Dozens of large boxes were carried out of the airship. Wen Tianyu pried open a box of boxes of bullets inside. Pry open another case, which contains the machine gun of the five or six class. Pry open again, there are sixty-two telescopes, individual radio and anti-infantry mines.

"Many of us have been soldiers in the past, it ’s okay to play with guns and guns. Now we do n’t have to think about how to capture the enemy ’s weapons, we have a complete supply of weapons ourselves.” Wen Tianyu opened an oil paper bag Inside is a 7.62mm rifle shell with a copper-clad steel shell.

"Why are all old weapons from decades ago?" Someone asked.

"It is said that domestic aid to Cuba was very large in that year. It doesn't matter whether it is old or not. It can be used to fight and kill people. It is easy to use." Wen Tianyu proudly grabbed a six-nine-type rocket launcher and resisted on his shoulder. See who can bully us now? "

"Hahaha ...!" 8

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