Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1098: train

After finishing the airport show, Zhou Qingfeng looked for a chance to return to the wasteland. He also returned with the weapons and equipment of six divisions. The Rabbit Army was very satisfied with the helicopter he had obtained, and thanked him very generously for adding a lot of goods. Although they are all retired equipment, they are also valuable.

Returning to the wasteland, Zhou Qingfeng flew from Nassau in the Caribbean to Luanda, Africa after a series of flights. In the two or three days he left, Luanda's condition had changed dramatically.

Both of the Aurora's airships are now in Africa, carrying out personnel and material transport missions from Roan to Malange. There are a total of eight flights back and forth every day, which can transport 500 people from Malange to Luanda, or nearly 30 tons of supplies from Luanda to Malange.

High-efficiency transportation has greatly strengthened Zhou Qingfeng's ability to control Luanda, but it has also put tremendous pressure on some people in Luanda.

Eric, who was hiding in the underground pipe network, was uncomfortable with this change. Whenever he saw the airship floating in the sky, he expressed his fullness with extremely venomous eyes and cursed words-because he was marginalized Already.

"These **** yellow monkeys want to take control of Angola from us. They want to take advantage of this disaster to expand their influence in Africa." Eric ate ​​the 'Extreme' instant noodles brought by Zhou Qingfeng, While cursing Zhou Qingfeng's ambitions.

Together with other rescued white men, they were not allowed to enter the Legion-controlled Fort San Miguel, but were arranged to clear the ruins of the city. The heavy and boring manual labor makes the white people very painful. In their eyes, this is a matter for the slaves.

"Eric, do you have any ideas?" There was more than one grudge. The working whites had a lunch break at noon, and it was a good time for a secret connection.

"I ..., what good idea can I have?" The failure of the previous organization 'Return Home Mission' not only drastically reduced the remaining white males, but also caused Eric's prestige to plummet.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen companions who are willing to gather around Eric. Others are either grateful for the rescue of the Legion or are satisfied with the current situation. After a long period of suffering, everyone is desperate for a stable life, not many people are willing to make trouble with Eric.

"Victor Hugo calls us as black slaves." All Eric could do was complain, and he couldn't pour the noodles in his hand. "He feeds us all pig food, and robs us. The women who leave us don't give us the appropriate medical treatment? "

"I need a healing needle. I need to heal my legs and my face. I know that the Legion has that magical thing, but his men refuse to give it to me. He is a racist and he is a fascist."

Eric had injuries to his face and legs. He always hoped to restore his health. Unfortunately, Qin Weidong rejected his request without hesitation. "I really shouldn't cooperate with these yellow monkeys. Their quilted eyes are ridiculous, and even Evil. "

The frustrated white man can only laugh and curse in his back during the rest, but still have to work after the leak. Clearing the streets generates a lot of garbage. Eric has inconvenient legs and his task is to drive an electric truck to remove and dump the garbage.

In transit, Eric drove past Luanda Railway Station, a place where many Chinese have come. He stopped at an intersection in the train station and looked at him with a strange feeling.

The train station was in a dilapidated state, and from time to time there was a roar of machinery, or the sound of the collapse of the building. Eric saw a familiar figure passing by before him, and quickly shouted, "Hi ... Martha, why are you here?"

Caucasian teenage girl wearing a dirty yellow hard hat and holding a folder in her hand. When she saw Eric, she laughed, "Hi ... Uncle Eric, good afternoon! I work here, and the Chinese are rebuilding the train station and trying to get it back to work."

"What are you doing over there?" Eric asked, pointing in the direction of the roar of the machine. "It sounds like a lot of movement."

"This railway is electrified, but the city's power supply has been interrupted. The Chinese have found several diesel locomotive heads and they are testing it, but the specific situation does not seem to be very good." Martha shrugged and said that it was difficult.

"Why do the Chinese repair these trains?"

"They have hundreds of thousands of compatriots trapped in the heart of Angola, and ordinary vehicles are not safe to transport, so they consider using trains."

The simple conversation gave Eric a lot of information. Just as he was about to leave, a loud whistle burst out from a shed in the train station, and a rumbling locomotive spewed black smoke out of it.

"Oh ... they succeeded, they really drove the train out. My God, this is really good news." Martha yelled happily and ran to the locomotive.

Eric was uncomfortable with this scene. In the past, he could look down on any black or yellow man in Africa with his skin color high, but now he is the object to be overlooked. But what can he do? Can only leave with cursing.

In the train station, piles of rubble and equipment were piled randomly on the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiang Ming said to Qin Weidong distressed: "You must give me 5,000 more black workers, I must clean up the railway All obstacles, otherwise it is a joke to open to traffic. "

"Five thousand black laborers?" Qin Weidong at the scene also had a headache. "I'll give you five hundred at most. Now those black people are in poor health and need at least one month of rehabilitation to do heavy work."

"I can't wait a month. At most a week, I want 5,000 black people to work." Xiang Ming said, "Don't care too much about the lives of those black people, they are a lot."

"Don't be too anxious, the 'Bird of Paradise' will arrive in a few days, when there will be more than 3,000 Latin American laborers to work." Speaking of this, Qin Weidong also smiled bitterly. Compared to an airship that can fly to the Atlantic in three to five days, the cargo ship ‘Bird of Paradise’ has been running for more than half a month.

"Is that what you said about the expedition?"

"That's right, those people are also workers and soldiers, and they can solve your labor shortage problem. We are probably not in trouble now but in fuel shortage."

Both eyes were on the internal combustion engine locomotive that had just left the maintenance shed, and the gadget needed to burn diesel. But now the whole world is short of diesel.

Qin Weidong said: "I only collected about 50 tons of diesel in the city, and a large amount of diesel will not be available until the arrival of the" Bird of Paradise ". This is all the capacity extruded from the Havana refinery and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. Invaluable. "

Speaking of diesel, Xiang Ming could only sigh, but said helplessly: "Angola's diesel is controlled in Bann's hands. The white men occupy Soyo's refinery and several oil wells along the coast, but it is difficult to deal with.

For potential opponents, Qin Weidong showed a bit of hatred. "Time is more favorable for us. When the 'Bird of Paradise' arrives, we will be able to gain a firm foothold, and we will have to deal with bad ones then." 8

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