Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1099: Build an army

Qin Weidong and Xiang Ming repaired trains in Luanda, while Zhang Hong and Wen Tianyu trained troops in Malange. Wen Tianyu has been a veteran for many years. Zhang Hong was a halfway monk. Both of them were thinking about how to build an army system.

"I am now the Minister of Defense?" Wen Tianyu received the order signed by Xiang Ming, and now he has become the founder of the armed forces of the Chinese forces in Angola. The task is to form a teaching unit.

"Build a shelf division and train officers first." Zhang Hong, as a support staff, joked: "You have more veterans here, and the conditions for forming the army are better than us. When we were in Cuba, That's called shabby. "

In the past, he did not eat or drink, and Wen Tianyu only armed a thousand combatants. Now he uses these 1,000 people to build the division and three combat regiments, nine battalions, and twenty-seven companies. In addition, there are a series of empty-shelf troops such as communication battalions, medical battalions, heavy battalions, and artillery battalions.

Among the equipment shipped by Zhou Qingfeng, it was not the weapon and ammunition that was sent down first, but a division-level communication command system. The pLa's command system in the 1970s seemed rather crude, but even so, Wen Tianyu couldn't get enough people to use it.

"Where do I go to know the staff of map operations early?" Wen Tianyu only had some simple electronic maps of Angola. However, a map does not mean that it can be used. Many people can get lost while holding the map. Field marching operations cannot always follow the road, in case they get lost ...

"It's not easy to be an officer." Zhang Honghao, who had been trained for half a year and had been in combat for half a year, did not dare to say that he was a qualified officer. "In the past, we fought in North America, and we still rely on a large number of experienced Westerners in the team as the backbone. You have few backbones."

There are many civilian survivors with high combat skills in the United States. These people can easily survive the cataclysm. For example, the old Harris in the advance team took his child to survive in the last days. Although he also bowed to the power when he was forced, it did not affect him to be an excellent fighter.

Among the Chinese forces in Africa, veterans are an incredible backbone, but many people have never touched their guns after retiring. In the face of this situation, what Wen Tianyu can do is to organize everyone to continue learning and running. Fortunately, those who survive can now suffer, and no one complains.

In the armed forces command made of wood, Wen Tianyu was holding a bowl of instant noodles and eating them. He drank all the noodle soup before putting down the chopsticks. After a full meal, he said beautifully: "Fortunately, we can eat enough rice now. In the past, we had to eat enough to fight, and it was really hard.

With Zhou Qingfeng's support, the Angolan Chinese first strengthened the combat force. In the past, we could n’t eat enough. Everyone was skinny and could n’t even march long distances. Right now, the "never" instant noodles are good enough, although the quality of the noodles is poor, the oil and water are still enough.

Even after eating for a few days, Wen Tianyu's face slowly grew red. In the past, his face was yellow and yellow, and his face was somber all day. Right now he has a lot of energy, and he has a lot of strength, and he shouts louder.

This change of spirit and spirit is reflected in the entire group. People who are full of food are walking with wind and majestic. However, it is not enough to solve the problem when you are full. The army cannot be formed without a group of strong men.

In the past, Wen Tianyu commanded combat squads with less than fifty members, and command and management were relatively simple. This time he was asked to form a division with at least tens of thousands of people, and he didn't say anyone else, he felt that he was not capable enough.

"Don't talk too much nonsense, let's start with memorizing the rules first." Wen Tianyu was a junior officer before he was discharged from the army. The past military regulations were almost forgotten, and now they must be memorized again!

Not only did you hear Tianyu's back, the training of all the architects began with back regulations. A gun can train at most one soldier. If you want to form a squad, a platoon, a company, or even a division or even an army, it is not possible without systems and regulations.

Buying tens of thousands of guns can make an army? This is the idea of ​​a layman. A good army must not only have good discipline, but also good management. Everyone needs to be clear about their responsibilities and be loyal to their duties.

After having a full stomach, Wen Tianyu organized people in the division to study, and everyone had a booklet in his pocket. In addition to eating and sleeping, you must watch this stuff on Shang Maokeng, and check it at any time.

Duck-like learning is really painful. Everyone is on the back of the gods. After understanding, they must understand it. After understanding, they need to perform field tests. Wanting to build an army is really not something that can be done in a year or two.

Compared to Wen Tianyu, who is constantly learning how to command a division, Zhang Hong is so lucky that he has passed the time of defiance of regulations. But his troubles were not small at all. The armor commander of the Aurora Corps brought several subordinates to train Wen Tianyu as a technical backbone.

The communications battalion needs to be able to play radio, the artillery battalion needs to be able to measure distances, and the medical battalion needs to be able to provide first aid. Wait a minute ... Now that most high-tech weapons are paralyzed, many things can only be done manually, and none of them are simple.

Zhang Hong can only select a few people with strong learning ability to focus on training, and then train others after short-term intensive training ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sometimes he even teaches ten students in the morning, which is the ten in the afternoon. Students went to teach a hundred apprentices.

Among a group of apprentices, Qin Ming is special. This boy was assigned to study management, first of all to equip the shelf division with various units.

"The division battalion is full of 1,200 people. At present, there are only 80 backbone students. Hello ..., whoever you sign a letter, each of them has a 54-type pistol, a magazine, and a 56-type assault rifle. Four magazines, two hundred spare bullets, and four six or seven grenades.

Ah ... wait, the list says training grenades. Where are the training grenades? Qin Ming, a fledgling logistics staff member, just got into a lot of trouble just after taking office. Many people are helpless looking at the wrong equipment in their hands, very speechless.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, people are tight now. We really don't have any professionals in the logistics area, and we have tried our best." Qin Ming was sweating profusely, only hated the lack of skill and couldn't use his heart.

In such a mess, the Chinese in Angola started to form their own armed forces. No one knows how to build an army, no one knows how to command a battle, and no one has experienced large-scale operations, and everything is being explored.

However, the enemy will not prepare them to attack later. Just when Wen Tianyu and others had a headache with various unexpected troubles, a small number of armed forces had been quietly touched near their base.

Old Jossi and Bablo lie on a field of grass. The eyes of the two men are like wolves, seeing the green and greedy light, drooling in the telescope and watching the distant barracks.

"Finally found these Chinese bases."

"They have 100,000 tons of supplies, how exciting this should be!"

"We have to grab them and grab them to keep us alive!" 8

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