Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1101: Tease the army

With a pant of grunts and grunts, a sentry nearly collapsed into the armed command of the base. ?? Wen Tianyu in the command is carrying a group of men to study how to use the map, seeing the panic look of the sentry immediately asked: "What happened?"

"The **** came again and disturbed. They came down the river, and the number was particularly high." The sentry was out of breath.

When Wen Tianyu was in a hurry, he said angrily, "What are you going to do to report? You won't use the radio?"

The sentry looked bitter, and said sadly, "My interphone has dropped, and everyone else has the radio, but no one will use that old radio."


Enemies are here, and a minute's delay is critical. This **** group of wastes came in and ran back to report the letter. What a delay? Wen Tianyu's lungs were about to explode.

When the Chinese in Angola evacuated the chaotic city, they only took food and drink along the way. The people of the Food Empire can naturally think that the key to troubled times is to fill their stomachs, but when they think that they need to get some weapons, they have turned upside down and no one dares to go out and run around.

What's more scarce than weapons is ammunition. The gun can be used repeatedly, but the bullets are getting more and more scarce. The result is that the power of a large group is weak. After all, it was difficult to piece together a unit and lacked training. Enemies have been passively beaten.

At the moment, Wen Tianyu adjusted the backbone for training, and the sentinels responsible for the defense were sent up temporarily. These people have good courage but inexperience. Now that the enemy has come to the door, the sentry has no resilience.

The sentry said that the enemy came along the river, and Wen Tianyu knew who it was? He had dealt countlessly with the group of **** wandering around the base, and also killed many others. But as long as there are so few enemies fleeing back, it won't be long before the other party rekindles the dead-niggas can't be killed.

Thinking that the enemy might have broken through his own line of defense to come in and burn and plunder, Wen Tianyu felt scalp. The situation is so good and he is being bullied like this, it only shows that the head of his armed forces is really incompetent.

Gather, come out, ashamed Wen Tianyu thought that even if he died, he would die on the way to kill the enemy. However, when he led the team to the upper reaches of the river at the base, all the **** were still sitting 500 meters outside the sentry tower. Several people have been scattered in front of the sentry tower, and many wounded are miserable.

"Ah ..., the engineering battalion laid a minefield here?" Wen Tianyu himself didn't know. When he asked on the radio, he realized that thousands of landmines had been delivered by airship the day before yesterday, and his division's engineering battalion smoothly laid them down.

In the minefield, there are 58-type and 59-type anti-infantry squeezing and stumbling mines, and there are some 69-type anti-infantry types. To say that pLa mines are too many to form a disaster. Although not as exaggerated as grenades, they are countless.

Zhou Qingfeng thought that landmines are a good defensive weapon. Although it is difficult to eliminate them after deployment, it is a simple and easy-to-use good equipment for the Chinese in Angola. He asked for 200,000 in one mouth, and now it comes in handy.

"It's dangerous!" Wen Tianyu sweated in his head, secretly hoping that it wasn't this minefield, and he was in trouble.

But then what?

Wen Tianyu's troops have not yet been expanded, he is just over a thousand people. But the dense **** on the opposite side couldn't see the side. They couldn't enter but didn't leave, so they sat idly by the river and looked at the Chinese base.

"What are these blackskins doing?" Someone asked.

"They certainly don't have much food. They can't go anywhere else and can only rest in place." Wen Tianyu knows these **** too well, and they fight with recklessness if they are frustrated. "They're tired, it won't be another two or three hours before they move again."

According to the report of the engineering battalion, there were about 7,000 mines of various types on the side of the river bay, and the width was about 500 meters. Wen Tianyu looked through the telescope for a while and said, "Niggers don't know that the minefield is actually small, but they will definitely try to find a breakthrough in the afternoon."

However, the enemy did not break in. Wen Tianyu immediately decided to fight back and completely disperse the niggas, killing them as much as possible. however…….

"You didn't reserve a safe passage in the minefield?" Wen Tianyu really underestimated the amateurism of his subordinates. The dozens of people in the engineering battalion looked at each other for a few moments, saying that they only lay mines, and then inserted a few pieces of safety warning signs. What should be done ..., everyone is learning!

I served you!

Wen Tianyu could only hold up the telescope again, figuring out how to fight off the **** bandits in another way. He denied the plan to detour, which is equivalent to telling the **** that this minefield is not very wide, "lift up the heavy machine gun. These **** actually stayed at our doorstep and I killed them."

Soon, a number of six-seven-1 heavy machine guns were lifted up. When the tripod was set up, the **** on the opposite side was clearly in a commotion, and many people got upset from the ground and ran backwards. The effect of this escape even caused a mess.

Seeing that the enemy wanted to escape, Wen Tianyu lay down in a temporarily dug out bunker, and sneered and ordered: "Hit me!"

But ..., no response for a long time.

Come on, what are you guys doing?

A group of people stared wide and small, Wen Tianyu looked at the machine gunner, and the machine gunner looked at Wen Tianyu. The latter said innocently: "Head, we don't know how to use this machine gun!"

"Never use a gun, are you a group of pigs?" Wen Tianyu was just going crazy-why is it so difficult to bring a unit?

After a long time, Wen Tianyu, who went to the demonstration in person, also turned black. The Type VII-1 heavy machine gun is really not easy to use, but the problem is that this type of heavy machine gun needs machine gun ammunition. The ammunition that can be delivered in logistics is the rifle shell of the Type 56 submachine gun.

Both types of ammunition are 7.62 millimeters in diameter, but one is 39 millimeters long ~ www.readwn.com ~ one is 54 millimeters long, which is not universal.

Wen Tianyu yelled angrily: "Is that **** **** sending Lao Tzu the wrong bullet?"

The battle is in full swing. The bullets can be sent wrong. How can I fight?

Unlucky Qin Ming was arrested and scolded, but the fifteen-year-old was also angry. "It is because you feel that you are not doing good logistics, and no one is willing to do it, just let me be a minor. logistics.

Logistic is hard and tiring, and there are very few people working. You have low eyes and high skills, and you want to learn how to synchronize rifles and air and ground. I am also learning how to manage a large number of weapons and ammunition. Not that you said, I really don't know that there are two kinds of bullets at 7.62 mm. "

Looking at Qin Mingqi's scolding mother, Wen Tianyu would like to cry now. Tens of thousands of **** are just a few hundred meters away, but we are arguing internally-is this really a battle? This is a funny army!

"Hurry up and bring me a 7.62mm machine gun." Wen Tianyu couldn't help it. Fortunately, the opponent was more aggressive, otherwise everyone would be finished today.

Qin Ming, spreading his hands in two hands, said helplessly: "We only have 7.62 millimeter rifle rounds on hand, and the machine gun rounds are still in Luanda's warehouse."

I must have stepped out of the **** today—Wen Tianyu was so angry that he could scream his heart and lungs, and he could only shout and asked, "Tell me, what is there to fight those niggas?"

"Uh ..., there seems to be a gun."

"Has a cannon? Great, pull me up."

Qin Ming pulled his cannon with a pained face. After an hour, he returned, but only brought a trailer shell. "Sorry, the six or three rocket launchers are still in Luanda's warehouse. We only have this 107 mm. Shells. "

Anyone who smelled Tianyu vomited blood. "No gun, what do I need a bunch of shells?" 8

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