Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1102: Shelling

Five hundred meters away, Old Jossi and Babru also felt that the battle today was quite amused. The number of their two forces has been unprecedentedly strong, and the pressure for survival is also unprecedentedly strong. In order to survive, they have tried everything they can, and the 10,000 people in front of them are already their last main force.

At the multi-party talks some time ago, the style of Victor Hugo's commander has been demonstrated, and the fierce brutality of the mutants has been heard, but these will not change the determination of Old Jossi and Barbro. They tried to attack Chinese bases in exchange for survival and negotiation opportunities.

Now that they have found a hidden Chinese base, Old Jossi and Bablo felt that their plans were at least half successful. How could they know that the mines laid by the river blocked their way.

Angola is gentle across the country, with savannahs and sparse woodlands everywhere. The black robbers who attacked also thought about deviating from the river to find another way, but after entering a woodland and hitting a few mines, they did not dare to walk away. The greatest fear of a landmine is its unknown nature.

Losing the aggression, but greedy for the prey that may be in hand, is a taboo. Only the black robbers knew that they had alarmed the target of plundering, but they didn't leave, and they hoped that there would be a miracle.

The Bablos sought to find out if there was any other way, while the old Josie was observing the Chinese on the opposite side. The two sides separated by four or five hundred meters, and from time to time put a few cold guns to deter each other.

Low and simple wooden houses, simple planned roads, carefully reclaimed land, terrified evacuated people, everything in the telescope pleased Old Jossi-this is a residential area with oil and water. good stuff.

"Especially we don't see many guards, we don't need to pay too much." Old Jossi thought about it, and suddenly his pupils shrank, only to see a few machine guns burst out from a position opposite him. Looking at the triangular gun frame, he knew the bad thing—the other party had a heavy machine gun.

Negro attacks have always been a swarm of bees, telling them about evacuation formations, they will say that their partners are too far away and are afraid. And now they are clustered together at rest, which is the best target for heavy machine guns.

In heavy machine gun shooting, there is a method of indirect attack by hanging. It's like watering flowers in a kettle. Dense bullets rise in a parabolic way and fall down to hit a target. This is a way that ordinary people are not clear, but it is an effective way for good shooters to deal with dense groups.

Old Jossi was a little insightful. When he saw the deployment of several heavy machine guns on his opponent, he immediately realized that something was bad and immediately turned his head and ran-a distance of four or five hundred meters. It is difficult for the human eye to see the distant target, but he It is clear that when the machine gun sounds, the heavy bullet rain will bring huge casualties.

When old Josie ran, his guard naturally followed. The leader turned and ran, and the other blacks ran subconsciously. The black community has long been a bird of shock, and confusion has arisen from this. Countless people have begun to shout and retreat, even blocking Old Jossi's own escape.

And just when old Jossi was bitter for this, the bullet rain he had imagined didn't come. At this time Babulu brought people back and saw the scene immediately fired a gun warning, and finally managed to prevent the team from collapsing.

"Why retreat?" Bablo found the old Josie angrily.

Old Jossi looked back at the direction of the base that hadn't been moving, and said indifferently, "I found those Chinese with machine guns."

The two black leaders touched the front again and found that the machine gun did exist, but the machine gun did not fire. The weird situation puzzled the two, and Bablo lay down in a pile of weeds and gave an explanation that wasn't an explanation-maybe they were just defense and didn't want to kill us.

Is this possible? Old Josie looked puzzled. And just when the black robbers stabilized their mood again, the direction of China's base was facing new problems.

Mr. Qin Ming held a yellow booklet, and Zhenzhen said eloquently: "The book said that the six or three type 107mm rocket cannon can be fired in a single shot without a barrel. Don't you know?"

Facing the questioning, Wen Tianyu nodded his head and said, "I know it, but we have never used it like that!"

The 107mm rocket gun of the 63 type is a strange weapon made by the earthen figure. It is a heavy firepower specially prepared for mountain troops and guerrillas. It has a lot of magical features. The most relishing thing is that its shells do not need gun barrels. They only need to find a mound to fire.

It can be heard that when Tianyu and others joined the army, Rabbit's army was not as poor as it was then. Who has no guns in the army and has to train this kind of inaccuracy and short-range shooting, which is basically a dragon-slaying technique that will never be used for a lifetime?

This was a design reserved for the most difficult and embarrassing situation that year, and Wen Tianyu never really thought that he would come across one day. But now, I really ran into it-the ancestors and ancestors were on, you are definitely teasing me today!

Wen Tianyu grabbed the yellow booklet that appeared with the shells. This booklet was still placed in the ammunition box when the shells were manufactured. The paper pages were crunchy and shattered. The cover also printed 'Great Leader' Teach us ... 'quotes.

"The age of this book is enough for my grandpa." Wen Tianyu caught the battalion commander of the division artillery battalion. "Come on, there is no gun launch, you can get it."

The captain of the artillery battalion was also bitter, and frowned, saying, "I haven't practiced this kind of play. Boss, you're embarrassing me."

Wen Tianyu's face turned black, and Shen Sheng said, "Don't call me boss, we are regular army. I'm your head now."

The regular army uses this weapon?

The captain of the artillery battalion was helpless. He could only scratch the yellow and brittle pamphlet, opened it, read it carefully, and ordered his subordinates: "Come, dig a few mounds with an engineering shovel, and shoot it."

Digging the mound is simple, and the rocket ammunition box is really equipped with a simple three-lens ruler. The cannonball is placed on the mound and the three-lens ruler is placed on the cannonball for aiming. then…….

"Is there a battery?" The biting artillery battalion commander pointed to the instructions in the booklet, "A battery with two wires attached to the bottom of the shell can ignite."

Is it really that simple?

This simple structure of artillery positions attracted a lot of people to watch, it really was a cannonball on a mound. At most, the mound is tilted according to the firing table, and the shell is allowed to shoot at a target 500 meters away.

They said they wanted batteries, and everyone looked at Qin Ming. Qin Ming shrugged, and pointed to the pamphlet, saying, "Where can I find you batteries now? Didn't it say in the pamphlet? If necessary, you can pry open the rear cover of the cannon and fire with a torch."

Use torches to fire cannonballs. What did the designers think then? Are they looking for inspiration from the second kick?

Even when Wen Tianyu was full of black lines, he could only order: "What are you looking at? Pry!"

The artillery battalion can only continue to pry open the back of the shell and prepare a torch. However, he continued to order: "Stop all the artillery shells. If the first shot is OK, we will blast out the rest."

Qin Ming brought a hundred artillery shells, so ten by ten firing positions were easily constructed. The artillery shells were aimed at Uncle tens of thousands of blacks that were several hundred meters away.

"I can ignite it now." The artillery battalion commander kneeled in front of a mound with a torch, not too confident. He was nothing like a modern artillery, but an old gunner who played a rifle hundreds of years ago.

"Click, click." Wen Tianyu urged. To be honest, he has never seen a shell fired without a barrel.

The artillery battalion slammed the torch behind the cannonball, and the propellant gunpowder immediately began to smoke. After a few seconds, the rocket's nozzle spewed out gas and flew out with a bang of the cannonball.

I can really fight, my friends are extremely surprised. In the attention of everyone, the 107mm rocket flew upward for a distance, the nozzle was tilted to make the rocket rotate around the axis of the bullet, the warhead passed the high point, and then pierced downward.

The movement of the rocket was not small. Both the old Josie and Bablo who were watching the front line saw a black spot dragging their tails towards them, exploding across the top of their heads in a crowd behind them ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Cannonball? !!

The brains of the two black heads immediately buzzed, and a cold sweat came out. They immediately overthrew the idea just now-the Chinese people on the other side were not kind and softhearted, they were trying to kill everything!

With the successful launch of one shell, the commander of the artillery battalion suddenly increased his confidence and immediately shouted, "No problem, fire me all. One hundred rounds blasted over."

The advantage of a rocket launcher is that it has a high firing density and high abruptness, and twelve rounds at once are equivalent to a howitzer battalion. And now a hundred shots ... it's an artillery division.

Everyone in the artillery battalion was holding a torch, and after the command of the battalion ordered one to the back of the cannonball, they ignited. The ten by ten firing positions began to spit smoke constantly, and one after another the shells flew to the sky.

The howling sounds continued, and one hundred artillery shells smashed down like a plow, and the blast of explosive air spread like a carpet. The black man who squatted opposite was just startled by the first shell, and when they got up and wanted to run, the subsequent shells fell beside them.

The intensive explosion was inescapable, the chaotic crowd became the best target, and everyone in the black group was fleeing. No matter how you shout and how desperately, many people often run out of dozens of meters or are easily caught up and killed by shells.

One projectile covers a radius of ten meters, and the calculated number of hundred projectiles covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. The river bay a few hundred meters away is like a sea of ​​fire burning with iron and blood, and no one can be spared in the sea of ​​fire.

Watching the **** dying in the waves and fragments, a group of artillery battalions jumped up and shouted, clapping and praising. Wen Tianyu also immediately blossomed, "This grandpa's shells are really powerful!"

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