Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1103: backing

The sound of one hundred artillery shells landing at the same time was astonishing, giving the impression that the **** on the opposite side were submerged in the explosion of smoke and dust, but after the battle subsided, there were not many dead and wounds left on the scene.

The shelling caused the black robbers to retreat quickly, and Wen Tianyu, who was not strong enough, could not chase them. When the battlefield was cleaned, Uncle Hei's body and seriously wounded were counted. As a result, a landmine killed and injured more than 200 people, but there were only more than 400 casualties caused by shelling. This is far below everyone's expectations.

"Well, don't be discouraged, this is the reasonable casualty data. One hundred artillery shells can kill more than four hundred people, which is very remarkable." Wen Tianyu patted the shoulder of the artillery battalion commander, and then everyone fell into the minefield Dead body.

No matter what, it will smell. Well, it's too dangerous.

"Let the black captives drag out the corpse." Wen Tianyu decided to use one of the waste. They still caught hundreds of niggles who could not move on the way of the black people's evacuation. "Pit the burial."

Black people are also important resources that can be used for many jobs. In the past, the Chinese in Angola could not even afford to support themselves, but now they can start to train black slaves in small batches to do some dangerous work.

After the battle was over, the defense line was re-arranged, and the experience summary began that night. In the past, Wen Tianyu had led a team to make a fuss, but now it is difficult to expand the team, and as a result, he encounters a lot of trouble.

The quality of the soldiers, command communications, and logistical support, Wen Tianyu enumerated these issues one by one, and attached personal opinions to Xiangming and Zhou Qingfeng in Luanda.

Xiang Ming can only give encouragement and let Wen Tianyu let go. Zhou Qingfeng advised, "Professional things are done by professional people. I think you can't be limited to veterans as the backbone of the armed forces, and you have other talents to absorb them in."

In order to show his support for the Chinese forces in Angola, Zhou Qingfeng transported a group of white people he had absorbed in Luanda to Malange, among which Fuller, a Belgian who was rescued early.

"Hello, Mr. Fuller, welcome to our base. I have received an order from a superior. From now on, you are the logistics minister of the Chinese People's Front in Angola. We will cooperate with you. "

Saluting, shaking hands, giving a speech, Wen Tianyu welcomed a foreigner as his deputy. Fuller will specialize in logistics support. In the modern army, the soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass come first. Logistically bad, fight a fart.

Most people who come to Africa to work are ordinary members of Chinese society. Most of the veterans are veterans, and the junior officers are rare. No one understands logistics.

Westerners, however, have many high-level intellectuals who like to come to Africa, such as Mr. Fuller, who is unlucky when he gets home. The Belgian was summoned by Zhou Qingfeng, and after taking over the post of logistics, he was sent to an airship and sent to Malange. There was no room for him to refuse.

"Hello, Mr. Wen, I think we can be friendly and cooperative." As a construction engineer, Fuller has professional expertise in planning and statistical distribution. He brought a team of five people to work quickly to sort out some logistical difficulties for the Chinese forces.

Fuller's arrival did help a lot, but the white man lamented after reading a simple document provided by Wen Tianyu: "You Chinese really want to eat anytime."

Any number of more than 200,000 surviving Chinese in Angola can select a group of talents. In fact, no matter whether it is Wen Tianyu or Xiang Ming, the management organization they plan is very small. What are the others doing? Try to plan and eat from the land.

During the nuclear winter, Zhou Qingfeng used coal from Mexico to build greenhouses and used plutonium to obtain protein. The Chinese in Angola do not have coal, but they build underground greenhouses to maintain temperature by burning wood and weeds.

In the most difficult times, no one cares about any team management. Everyone is living in underground greenhouses. Edible fungi grown in greenhouses have become the food for many people.

And even after the nuclear winter has passed, the cultivation of edible fungi in underground greenhouses has not been interrupted, and the output has continued to increase.

Fuller selected from the rough list of people who can form a management agency, and lamented: "You have more than 200,000 people building more than 50,000 underground greenhouses, and you have cultivated 30,000 acres of arable land. Every day in the coldest days Dozens of tons of edible fungi are produced, which is really amazing. "

Regarding Fuller's sigh, Wen Tianyu said sadly: "This is not built by 200,000 people, but by more than 600,000 people. We chose to settle in Marange because we value the water here, although it is remote, Abundant and fertile land.

If it is not nuclear winter, we can make it better here ~ www.readwn.com ~ If nuclear winter can be postponed for three months, we can kill half the people. If nuclear winter is postponed for one year, we even have confidence that we will not die. "

Even Zhou Qingfeng was extremely shocked at the food production capacity of the base. With his cheating ability, the greenhouse built in Havana is only 10,000 or 20,000, and the output of food is far worse.

"Okay, Lao Tzu wants people who can farm the land!" After reading Fuller's report, Zhou Qingfeng stumbled on the current Chinese occupation in Angola.

White people who invest in Angola often simply buy agricultural products, and only the Chinese can really use the light and heat resources here to grow. Before the cataclysm, even the variety of vegetables, fruits, meat, and food produced by Chinese farms was feeding black people in this country.

Xiang Ming explained to Zhou Qingfeng, "Angola's agricultural population is over 70%, and it seems that it does not lack labor. In fact, most black people here prefer to beggars in urban slums rather than open up wasteland. .

Moreover, the farmers here are of low quality and illiterate, and in many places they are almost at the level of slash and burn. The only thing they know to grow is cassava, because cassava doesn't need field management, it can be harvested after it is grown.

Our country once sent people to teach them to grow corn, but they can't grow corn seedlings into corn grass. What a pity this country has 35 million hectares of land! "

It sounds a pity, but it was very exciting at Zhou Qingfeng. "Angola's planting conditions are better than those of Cuba I control. You must know that Cuba's sugar, cigars, cocoa and other crops have high yields, but they can be in the ghost place Food is just not enough.

I will help you restore the agricultural sector in the future, so I do n’t have to worry about eating. Although Angola is separated from the Americas by the Atlantic Ocean, you are my strongest backing! "8

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