Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1111: Yamen

The blockbuster fell at high altitude, exploding fireworks everywhere. For troops lacking effective air defense capabilities, this can only be bombarded alive.

The power of the wasteland has a major flaw. The leader often has to move forward because of lack of command. However, if the situation is not right, the fastest leader is also the leader.

In the face of Zhou Qingfeng's unreasonable high-altitude bombing, Bann's performance was no stronger than that of ordinary black slaves. Faced with life and death, he flew away without notice to the frontline men.

Other troops also received orders from Bann to covertly hold on to the radio, but ‘Winter Frost’ who was near Bann realized that the situation was not right. She was also threatened with death from an airship six kilometers high and bombs falling like raindrops.

It's just that compared to Ban's escape, 'Winter Frost' did not escape. She keenly found that the airship at high altitude would not bombard the ground once again. After avoiding the first wave of bomb rain, she stayed in a crater, excitedly waiting for the upcoming ground attack.

However, the ground attack did not arrive immediately. An airship carried two 'big fat men' and two 'little fat men'. After losing two or three times, they could only retreat. On the ground blasted into a crater, there were thousands of desperate Bann soldiers.

Kuchi hid in an armored car by chance and escaped the air strikes. When he poked his head out of the car, there was already a lot of sorrows around him-he was just staying in the range of a fat man.

Fortunately, his life was retrieved, but Kutch was too late to express his joy. In front of his eyes was a broken arm that fell, and then looked at the scorched soil that smoked around him. He only sat on the roof of the car, panting heavily, and sighed, "The Aurora Corps is different. How can this battle be fought?"

"Reorganize the organization and continue to fight. There are only a few bombs, and there are not as many casualties as you think." The sound of 'Winter Frost' appeared at Kuqi's side in a timely manner.

Just after being bombarded, Kuch even dilutes his fear of 'Winter Frost'. He sat in the armored car and shook his head. "They gave 100,000 tons of supplies by opening their mouths. Do you know what this means? The language seems pale, right? Now the facts are clear enough, we are not our opponents at all."

"Kuch, I thought that a big villain like you is not afraid of death, but you are timid." 'Frost Frost' laughed a few times, stepped away, and headed for the front line.

Watching the power armor disappear into the smoke, Cuke at the back shouted, "Smelly, not everyone wants to die like you. I want to live."

"Winter Frost" did not answer, but a 25mm round of artillery was fired in the smoke, and it hit the armored car under Kuch. The sparks of the bouncing bombarded Kuch, and the whole man fell back into the car again.

‘Winter Frost’ controlled power armor continued to move forward, and she looked forward to fighting Zhou Qingfeng. The woman's intuition told her that the man who dared to run alone would definitely come.

However, in addition to the screams and wounds of the wounded on the battlefield filled with smoke, there were only the sporadic gunshots of the survivors. 'Winter Frost' let the power armored computer filter out these noises and no more sounds were heard.

The battlefield seemed to be dead, no visible light or infrared detection could find any signs of fighting. 'Winter Frost' advanced to the edge of the city, and she could even see the gallows bridge.

Several grimly dead bodies were hung on the gallows. ‘Winter Frost’ kept scanning across the river after hiding in a grass. She did not believe that Zhou Qingfeng had carried out such a high-altitude bombing but did not come back to retrieve the body.

"Come out, come out! Victor. Hugo, I know you're right across. Come out and kill me, or I'll entangle you for a lifetime." 'Winter Frost' waited in the grass for a while, and suddenly found flying in the air Pass a drone.

"Did I be found?" 'Winter Frost' wondered for a few seconds. Suddenly, a roar of paddles stirred the air from her ears, and a dark shadow swept past her head, the wind swept through, violent and manic .

"'Super Toucan'?" 'Winter Frost' came up with an enlightenment-Victor Hugo did come to the front line himself, but this time he flew in the sky.

A 1,600-horsepower turboprop pulled the Super Toucan into the air at low altitude. Zhou Qingfeng, who was driving in the front seat, flew at the treetop height. Chen Rui, who was in charge of weapon control in the back seat, yelled, " Boss, don't you have to fly so low? We will die. "

"Rest assured, my eyes are very sharp, and my brain's ability to process high-speed images and neural response speed is much stronger than ordinary people." Zhou Qingfeng's joystick was deflected, and the fighter immediately turned sideways, again screaming Chen Rui. .

At this moment, the military drone in the sky is using the 1533 data link to transmit ground target information to Zhou Qingfeng. Zhou Qingfeng is here to 'kick the gate'. His mission is to destroy the enemy's radar and anti-aircraft anti-aircraft weapons after the airship creates enough chaos.

According to the target instructions of the drone photoelectric sensor, Zhou Qingfeng immediately reduced the speed of the fighter to 150 kilometers per hour after entering the battlefield. Low speed is good for capturing targets and getting more attack opportunities. He said to Chen Rui in the phone: "We are close to the target and ready to attack."

"Super Toucan" In addition to the two machine guns on the wing, there are five hangers under the wing. Zhou Qingfeng chose a cluster bomb and four rocket nests to attack purely on the ground.

After the speed decreased, Chen Rui in the back seat finally slowed down. He quickly spotted the target on the display in front of him, a mobile radar vehicle escaping fast.

"It's a self-propelled antiaircraft gun."

"Whatever it is, get rid of it."

"Fly smoothly, I'm locked in."

"Hell, we happened to be aiming at its muzzle."

Plutonium rockets flew from under the wings of Super Toucan, and dozens of rounds of ammunition were laid on the ground as a carpet of death. The self-propelled anti-aircraft gun that was just running has stopped, and it seems to have found a fighter flying at low altitude ~ www.readwn.com ~ however, it is a step slower.

Two rockets directly hit the body of the self-propelled antiaircraft artillery, and the explosion tore the weak armor on the body and even ignited the fuel tank. When 'Super Toucan' passed from above, the chariot even burst into an orange flame and blew up with a booming turret.

"Yeah, go on, go on! This is a **** battle. I have been fed up with bad battles on the ground. Soaring the blue sky is the solemn job of my generation of flying knights." Chen Rui in the back seat excited Yelling.

There was a drone for target instructions, and Zhou Qingfeng's 'Super Toucan' completely turned into a low-altitude overlord. Within a few minutes, he found several ground-based air defense targets in succession, and bombs and rockets attacking the ground blew up his opponent.

For the plane, the 6,000 people in Bann did not occupy much space. After flying back and forth twice, Zhou Qingfeng found that he had cleaned the ground. Just when he was going to order the low-speed ‘Yun-Five’ to clear the ground, five enemy propeller planes suddenly fell from the clouds.

Five enemy planes suddenly appeared, and Zhou Qingfeng didn't even try to escape. He shouted, "Sure, someone dare to attack me? The boy in the back seat is seated. I want to show you what the ace pilot!"

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