Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1112: Field control

"Boss Zhou, will you fly the plane?" Chen Rui shouted frantically, still looking back behind the cockpit. The sizzling hot bullets kept coming from the rear, and the ‘super toucan’ he sat on was run by five enemy planes with their butts.

Just now Zhou Qingfeng cowboy banged to be the ace pilot, but when he met, he found that none of the enemy planes fluttered from the clouds were good enough to deal with-it was long gone.

Both sides of the air combat use propeller aircraft. When missiles cannot be used, air combat is similar to combat—who is fast, whose artillery is fierce, who has a thick armor, and who has more partners, by the way, has a winning percentage. higher.

Now Zhou Qingfeng has all sorts of abilities and is useless. He is completely chased by people and fled. He couldn't escape the pursuit of his opponents with all his strengths, so he could only desperately call for support on the radio. "Katarina, come and save me. Lao Tzu pretends to overdo it, and five enemy aircraft are chasing me. "

Catalina is now taking the place of Zhou Qingfeng in the 'Apocalypse' train. When she heard Zhou Qingfeng's shout on the radio, she replied angrily: "Fool, fly back. Don't forget that we have division-level field air defense system."

"We only have equipment and no one will use it." Of course, Zhou Qingfeng knew that he had obtained a full set of 1970s division-level weapons and equipment, including field air defense systems, and the 12 billion soft sister coins were not in vain.

The problem is that air defense is a professional service, not just a soldier. The entire set of air defense battalion equipment from Zhou Qingfeng is still falling in the warehouse.

"I'll let you come back, and you'll come back." Katerina took the radio and greeted the twin sisters quickly leaving the command cabin of the 'Apocalypse' train and rushing towards the anti-aircraft carriage equipped with a quadruple heavy machine gun.

"Open the roof of the compartment and raise the shooting platform." Under the order of Catalina, the dark compartment suddenly dropped into the sun, four 14.5 mm caliber heavy machine guns pointed at the sky, with the smell of gun oil. The weapon exudes a breath of metal.

Zhou Qingfeng immediately turned the nose back and flew back, relying on a quick and sensitive small swing to avoid the attack of the opponent behind him.

At the same time, Bann, who had just yelled to ‘escape ten kilometers’, did n’t go far. He emerged from his armored command vehicle and held the telescope to watch the actual situation of air combat.

"Knock it down, shoot it down, click and drop it!" Bann kept saying in his mouth, he didn't know that his enemy was flying in the sky, only to find that when the soil was blown by the airship, he must find Look back-morale is never too much.

In order to deal with possible air strikes of the Aurora Corps, Bann made two-handed equipment. He not only incorporated self-propelled anti-aircraft guns with field maneuverability into his army, but also secretly arranged a field airport, and five propeller fighters followed the battle.

At present, several self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were disrupted by Zhou Qingfeng by an airship, and they were killed with 'Super Toucan'. However, the fighters that could support them were trying to find a face.

Watching 'Super Toucan' flee back to Luanda, Ban was unwilling to end there. He asked on the radio to continue the pursuit, and he must shoot down the **** 'Super Toucan'. The field air defenses he had collected and trained had been beaten up, how could he not retaliate?

However, Bann's fighter chased and chased him. He failed to shoot down the oily ‘Super Toucan’, but instead entered Luanda City in the pursuit and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After looking in the telescope for a long time, Bann tried to find some signs of victory of his fighter. You can see and watch. After watching for a long time, suddenly a bright flight trajectory lit up to the sky.

"Missiles?" Bann stared at the trail that appeared like a meteor. "Aurora Corps still has air defense missiles?"

Zhou Qingfeng not only has, but also a bunch. The first generation of the Bunny Family's "Red-Five-Five" single-arm portable air defense missile was designed in the 1970s and 1980s. In an era of rapid technological innovation, such missiles with poor anti-jamming capabilities have long been thrown into warehouses.

Zhou Qingfeng and Bai Bai picked up a lot, and now Erin and Sister Ellie dragged out several missile storage boxes, and when they opened, grabbed one and aimed at the sky.

To be honest, this missile's infrared guidance head is really not very good, and the target acquisition ability is poor for propeller aircraft. The first missile flew into the sky and lost its target within two seconds, turning into a headless fly.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I missed it." Watching the missing missile exploding in the air, Ban felt that his mood was ups and downs, but this further strengthened his determination to drive the Aurora Corps to the sea.

"This kind of opponent is too troublesome, it must not be allowed to hold its heels, otherwise, where does this land have my share?"

As soon as Ban En was grateful, the opposite sky once again launched missiles. This time it was not one round, but two rounds. It was another two rounds. Continued rounds, or two rounds. The continuously firing missiles flew into the sky, just like a firework.

Bann looked incredible in the telescope. After counting for half a day, he found that in less than half a minute, he fired ten missiles in one breath. So many missiles can always catch dead mice, and sure enough, unlucky fighters are being attacked by missiles when they try to dodge.

After blasting the sky for a while, the sparks kept firing. Some of the missed missiles were detonating, but two sparks were disintegrated by the fighters that were hit.

In fact, just when the first missile took off, the five enemy aircraft chasing Zhou Qingfeng realized that they were in trouble. All they can do is make a U-turn and run, after all, propeller planes have no way to be more mobile than supersonic missiles.

The first missile missed the target, and the five enemy planes that fled were still glad that their lives were good, but then the fireworks-like launch method on the ground left them immediately in despair.

Turning around and running will lose speed, and mobility is limited. Faced with continuously firing missiles, the horrified pilot simply parachuted, because he could not escape at all. Can anyone think of how the opponent suddenly came up with so many individual air defense missiles? This is a good pit!

Five enemy planes parachuted four, two were knocked out on the spot after losing control, and one was disintegrated and exploded by an anti-aircraft machine gun on the ground. There is only one big life, and he is still determined to control his destiny on his own ~ www.readwn.com ~ But at this moment ... Uncle Zhou who turned around has returned!

"Grandson, I just ran around Laozi like a cat, a mouse, and now it's time for me to run away with you." Zhou Qingfeng bit the tail of the last enemy aircraft and chased hard, chasing each other's **** and killing him back.

At this moment, Bann's mood was really ups and downs, but he watched the fighters he arranged to chase after him, but it was not long before he was chased back. What made him even more furious was that behind the ‘Super Toucan’ he was chasing, he was followed by more than fifty slow ‘Yun-Five ’s.

"Even the transport plane came to bully me?" Ban En gasped, but after losing his field antiaircraft artillery and the air-defense fighter, the 'Yun-Five' speed of up to 150 kilometers per hour really started. Perform bullying missions for ground attack.

The paddles buzzed, the iron wings whistled, and the two-machine group ‘Yun-Five’ was plowing the ground without deactivating the machine gun and bombarding them with bombs. On the ground are countless soldiers running by their wolf, and their constant swept figures can even cover the sky.

At present, the battle situation is finally controlled by the Aurora Army, and the general attack has begun. "Winter Frost", who had been waiting for the battle, also achieved his wish. Marco Shi took the mutant guard and killed him. The faceless mutant leader roared across the front and challenged her with determination.

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