Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1113: Eliminated

During World War II, Germany had an extremely rudimentary striker that performed exceptionally well. Simple, sturdy, highly reliable, and easy to maintain, the HS-123 biplane has incredible combat capabilities.

In fact, this aircraft is extremely mediocre in all aspects, but when it takes off from a field airport just a few kilometers away from the front line, it is the fastest and most reliable support firepower for soldiers and the most terrible air for the enemy. Killer.

Zhou Qingfeng's modified "Yun-Five" is worse than HS-123. It can take two machine guns and hang four small bombs, but it can make up for its shortcomings by using flexible methods.

Bann's men are also far away from the regular army, especially the thousands of black servants can only play mixed battles. After experiencing airship bombing and 'super toucan' attacks, the battlefield about five kilometers wide was destroyed. The pieces of "Yun-Five" plowed the ground continuously.

"Yun-Five" is just a light transport aircraft. It is just a nonsense to attack the ground. But when they flew in groups of two, five in a sector, twenty machine guns and forty bombs could hit any resister on the ground into doubt.

The roar from the howling, the machine guns bursting into flames, and the ‘Yun-Five’ flying in clusters was like driving a flock to chase the enemies on the ground. Looking down from the air, there were countless rushed crowds, and sporadic firepower against the air would attract ten times the revenge.

Looking at the ‘Yun-Five’ flying by the sky, only one person ’s ‘Winter Frost’ was afraid to mess around. She just fired several 25-mm artillery shells in succession, but she could hardly hit a target flying at a speed of 100 kilometers.

After all, a high-power laser hit a 'Yun-Five' airframe again. As a result, the electric-powered aircraft braced for two or three kilometers and fled back to its own position. Then five or six ‘Yun-Five’ rushed up with bombardment and dropped bombs.

What about wearing power armor? A small bomb of 50 kilograms is comparable to the power of a heavy cannon, and a single bomb can blow up the 'Winter Frost' for seven or eight meters. More than a dozen bombs were dropped, and even the best armor could only escape.

"I can't die like this."

The 'Winter Frost' in the armor began to increase the power output of its power pack, and the bulky body quickly evacuated at two or three times the speed. And just as she escaped like an injured beast, the sudden ambush fire splashed sparks from her body.

An L-shaped semi-encircle suddenly appeared, and a dozen fierce mutants suppressed ‘Winter Frost’ with extreme anger. Although the bullet at 5.0 failed to penetrate the armor of 'Winter Frost', the continuous bullet impacts stumbled hundreds of kilograms of armor.

Fifty meters away, Marcos yelled, "Throw the grenade and kill her."

Zhou Qingfeng's six or seven grenade tube is enough. Ordinary soldiers press the ‘piece’ belt, and mutants press the ‘bundle’ belt. A bundle of five or six can be used as a mortar by the strong arm of the mutant.

The original mutant's physical quality was three to five times that of a normal person. Marco Shi was once kicked by Zhou Qingfeng wearing a mechanical exoskeleton to kick the cervical spine down by 90 degrees. As a result, people had twisted the neck back with strong force .

Now the mutant guard is doubled by Zhou Qingfeng's "hero" attribute ... The real humanoid monster appears in front of "Winter Frost"!

A dozen bundles of grenades were thrown over with whistling wind. The mutants who greatly strengthened their strength and agility threw these grenades within three meters of ‘Winter Frost’. The blasting explosion blasted the heavy power armor like a junk toy.

Such a violent attack made 'Winter Frost' wrapped in smoke and dust and became incapable of resistance. When Marco Shi with a large-caliber machine gun moved forward slowly, what finally appeared in front of him was a pile of scrap iron falling continuously in the weeds with sparks and cold.

However, the pile of "waste iron" was not completely finished, and the voice of "Winter Frost" came out from the speakers on the armor chest, saying with relief and unwillingness: "I was defeated by such a group of ugly monsters. God is not fair to me! "

"Fair? Our mutant talents have suffered the most injustice!" Marco Shi angered.

"Then let's do it all together!" ‘Winter Frost’ laughed suddenly, the infrasound launcher on the shoulder of the power armor popped up, and he gave Marco the closest shot to her, without a word.

The silent infrasound wave blasted Marco Shih, the super-strong mutant head immediately softened his knees, kneeled on one leg, and his high head fell down weakly. The other mutants didn't know what was happening, they just looked at their boss strangely and couldn't figure out the situation.

However, for a few seconds, Marks's head was raised again. His eyes were flushed, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and an angry growl was made in his mouth. He first grabbed a large syringe from the waist bag and pierced himself with a dose of treatment needle, followed by his fists to lift heavy weights and hit the power armor.

"Do you dare to attack me?" The violent Marco Shi's whole person seemed to expand in a circle, with blue muscles on his arms violently, as if the dragon coiled, his face twisted, as if possessed by evil spirits. He rattled the power armor.

Marco Shi reached out and grabbed the neck of the power armor and pulled it. The fragile connection was broken, exposing the internal short-circuited sparking cable. He yanked hard, the power armor's head did not come off, but an already uneven armor plate on his chest was removed by him.

Behind the armor plate is a large amount of power armored internal equipment. Marcos also doesn't care about thirty-two-one, when he punches his chest, he smashes it. The inner flexible cushion slowed down the powerful power of his fist, but a woman's scream was still heard from inside ~ www.readwn.com ~ This scream was even more exciting for Marcos. But at this moment, Zhou Qingfeng, who had just shot down the enemy plane and was returning, suddenly received a message from 'GOD': Your subordinate caught the candidate who was eliminated, how do you choose to deal with her?

"Wait ..., what do you mean?" Zhou Qingfeng, who had been flying smoothly, almost crashed.

"GOD" did not explain, and continued: "You can accept her surrender and take over the power she created in the wasteland; you can also kill her yourself, drive it out of the wasteland completely, and go to the real world to find her Me, get random rewards. "

'Winter Frost', Zhou Qingfeng immediately thought of 'Winter Frost', and 'Winter Frost' was the same candidate as him. ‘GOD’ had no reply, and he immediately contacted Marco Shi on the radio. He sent Marco to the battlefield to deal with 'Winter Frost'.

"Marco, did you catch that power armor?"

"Yes. Your Excellency, I have completed the task you entrusted. I am preparing to execute her."

"Wait first, I have something to ask her."

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