Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1134: Sleepy Beast Fighting

One hundred kilometers from Luanda, Bann set up his barracks here. Right now his command tent was extremely quiet, and the needles could be heard.

Barn leaned on a rocking chair, covered with a thick blanket, his chest undulating slightly, as if asleep. On the desktop in front of him, a computer projected a topographic map around Luanda, with several bright spots marked near Ambrish.

Tank battalions, infantry battalions, artillery battalions, flying squadrons, and various combat troops gathered in Ambrish. Each bright spot on the map is a unit with a total number of more than 30,000. However, these forces did not deploy, and all were assembled in a small area, making it difficult to attack.

Next to the projected topographic map are several other electronic documents, all of which are attack plans made by Bann's staff. All of them were pushed horizontally by the coastal road and fired into Luanda. There is no way to conduct large-scale troop marches without using roads.

But these plans have trouble. Angola's infrastructure is not good. Coastal roads are really coastal and too close to the coastline. If the troops were attacked by several gunships from the Aurora Army during the advancement process, the fun would be great.

The method that Ben thought of is to master the sea and air powers in advance, the sea 6 goes hand in hand and the air and ground are coordinated. Now a dozen or so fighters of the Air Force have entered the front-line airport, but what about the Navy ..., there is no news.

Bann had ordered the communications battalion to contact all day, but the five warships did not respond. Until he sent a message from the spy who had sneaked into Luanda ... the great leader killed the correspondent who reported the situation on the spot.

The screams and gunfire of Bann came from the command tent, and the guards and followers who stood outside looked trembling. Kutch was standing at the door, and as soon as he looked down, he could see the tent's curtain was blown through the seam. The body of the correspondent was on the ground, half of his brain was missing, and a pool of blood was expanding.

Don't know what Ben thought? Anyway, he was lying on the rocking chair of the tent. The staff officers were worried about the war, but they were also worried about their own lives, and no one dared to go in and give advice.

The city of Luanda is too large to have enough manpower to cover the city. The sneaking spy not only returned the news that the naval attack failed, but also said that a giant airship landed on the city's airport.

The 250-meter-long guy is the largest flying machine in the world. After having suffered an airship bombardment, Bann could also think with his toes that if such a heavy giant was loaded with ammunition for a bombing mission, it would be a disaster for the ground forces.

It seems that while resting, Bann has been thinking in his mind, and suddenly his situation has become extremely bad. But there are only two choices that the 30,000 troops can do now, either retreating or attacking, and staying in place is waiting to die.

"Who's outside?" Bann in the tent asked suddenly.

This cold fright scared Kuch at the door. He dartedly opened the tent curtain and walked in. He pulled his head and said, "What do you want, a great leader?"

"Do you say we are attacking or retreating?" Ban asked blankly.

hat? you ask me!

Kuch stayed for a second, and he looked up slightly to see his boss leaning on the rocking chair without moving, even without opening his eyes. Coach also stared at this issue, unable to make a decision. For a while, he was afraid that if he said something wrong, it would lead to the killing, and he just brazenly said ‘I do n’t know’.

Obviously, Bann didn't really want Kuch to answer anything. He quickly said to himself: "I can't withdraw. The withdrawal will only hurt my prestige. I know what the officers below are thinking? A lot People are waiting, and they are definitely plotting how to replace me. "

After saying this, Ban En suddenly stood up with his eyes open. This sudden stance knocked a buttock scared by Kuch to the ground, thinking his boss was about to kill again. But in fact, Bann stared at the virtual map in front of him, and said quietly, "I must attack."

In order to show his decisiveness and determination, and to re-establish confidence and prestige, Bann sternly commanded after thinking about it: "We need to make a quick attack and use the night to attack Luanda city.

From the current point of view, we still have an advantage in terms of number and equipment. The enemy must be settled with a tenacious battle. Fighting a battle may be a big loss, but it can solve the problem. "

The boss ordered that the staff under him would arrange combat tasks according to the leaders' intentions. Watching the atmosphere return to normal in the command tent, Kuch secretly relieved and was ready to exit. It was just that he had just moved his leg, but he didn't know which of Ben's muscles was wrong, so he stopped him.

"What's your name?"

"Great leader, I'm Kuch."

"Well ..., you just had a good opinion. Become a commander on the front line, and you are about to go to war. Build your merits. I won't reward you."

Ban said as he came forward and patted Kutcher's shoulder. The power seemed to flutter, but every palm smashed Kutch in an unsteady manner. It's not that there is so much slap, but that what Bann said really made Kutch unbearable.

"Great leader, I didn't say anything just now." Kuch was really bitter in his mouth, and even floating under his feet. He thought: At this time, he went to the front to fight with the Aurora Legion.

"Hmm ..." Bann groaned, his eyes narrowed, and said dissatisfied, "Are you questioning my decision?"

This is simply forcing people to die!

Waiting for the soft legs to walk out of the command tent ~ www.readwn.com ~ Kuch really wanted to cry without tears. He was actually commissioned to command a battalion, but he used to be a villain. When can he command a battalion?

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and Ban decided to maneuver at night and assault Luanda, a hundred kilometers away. First out were more than a dozen fighter jets at the nearby field airport. These fighters were the air powers of Bann who were guarding Lao Chao's hand, and set out to attack the opponent's airport.

Looking at the propeller planes whizzing in the sky, Kutch was in a heavy mood. He had been inexplicably afraid of the Aurora Corps since being bombarded for a while by an airship's cluster bomb. Under the overwhelming bomb is a tragedy with nowhere to hide.

With a commission order, Kuch rushed to the barracks to take over his infantry barracks. He was determined not to take the lead in the following battles, and never rushed to the front line.

However, on the way to the barracks, one after another the troops were leaving after receiving orders. A large number of tanks, armored vehicles, and personnel carriers continued to hit the road, and they still looked very powerful. In particular, a company equipped with the ‘Asterium 15’ anti-aircraft missile made Coach slightly relieved.

"It's good to have air defense missiles." Kuch knows that this is the only air defense missile company in Bann's hands. The company's people are rare professional technical soldiers. "If you have air defense missiles, you don't need to worry about a large and awkward airship coming."

Thinking that the situation might not be the worst, Couch felt slightly better, and he quickly came to the barracks to submit his ID. The director of the barracks glanced at him, looked at his credentials, and hummed. "You're the white officer to take over the black barracks?"

"What? Black camp!" Kuch's mood plummeted again. 8

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