Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1135: Can't be killed

At night, Luanda had a curfew all over the city, but the buzzing of the dark propellers kept stirring the air at low altitude, whistling and coming, disturbing.

From time to time, there will be fires flying from the ground, but it does not have much effect on low-flying targets. But the fighters in the sky have been hovering over the city, firing on the ground from time to time, or dropping incendiary bombs.

Zhou Qingfeng stayed in his "Doomsday" train, holding his icy carriages and staring indifferently at the sky. The quadruple heavy machine guns used for air defense on the train could not fire because there was no radar guidance and the enemy aircraft could not be seen at all.

The direction of Luanda Airport was burning, and more than 20 people were reported to have been killed or injured, and several 'Yun-Five's were burned. The fire was a tanker truck that could not be camouflaged, and the precious fuel from Havana was lit by the enemy.

"The Mutant Guards are clearing the saboteurs who sneaked into the city and have captured more than thirty people. The enemy's night attack has been curbed." Wen Tianyu stood beside Zhou Qingfeng and gave an oral briefing on the current situation.

Because the city is too large and the Aurora Corps has too few staff, it is naturally full of loopholes in the case of focused defense. Bann sent at least hundreds of people into Luanda, and a small bomb could mess up the situation controlled by Zhou Qingfeng.

Katerina took the twin sisters into the night, and maintained the order in the city with the mutant guards. They run fast, have good physical strength, and are experienced. They only cost the sneakers only half an hour to attack.

Destruction is always easier than stability, and the city is still messy. Bann's people even equipped with small-caliber mortars and attacked the port and expeditionary camps from a few kilometers away, causing a lot of confusion.

Before night, Bann's air force made a cluster assault. Although Zhou Qingfeng had ordered the airport to evacuate, he was caught off guard. Chen Rui, who commanded the air power, took off urgently, but has always been weak and difficult to contain the opponent.

Most of the Chinese under Zhou Qingfeng can only fly simple planes of the 'Yun-Five' class, and they also lack the ability to fly at night. The only thing that could drive a 'class toucan' was Chen Rui and several enemy pilots captured in the previous battle.

Chen Rui was worried that these seed pilots had run away. Only he took a back seat weapon controller to take off in a 'class toucan', and the rest could only be beaten silently on the ground.

The ‘Hung Hom-Five’ individual air defense missile was not very effective in the dark, the operator lacked training, and the missile was too backward. After hitting more than twenty, it hit only two enemy aircraft.

After night, the sporadic gunfire in the city did not stop. Losses continue to be reported everywhere, and the situation is not too serious, but this entanglement has greatly affected morale. Zhou Qingfeng ordered the expedition to not fight back to prevent this under-trained main force from collapsing in the night.

"Leader, one of our drones was shot down 30 kilometers northeast of the city. According to what we learned before the shooting, Bann used at least 20,000 people to semi-encircle us." Wen Tianyu also gathered information from the radio station for reporting.

This is already the third drone lost by the Aurora Corps in one day. Now it is difficult to replenish large drones, and Zhou Qingfeng has only two left. But he still ordered the drone to fly as high as possible.

"The enemy should have professional medium-range air defense missiles, and the airspace controlled is very large, and our drones will soon be consumed clean." Wen Tianyu whispered. He can only play the role of staff.

"This is modern warfare, the fight is consumption." Zhou Qingfeng sighed inexplicably, but still asked to let the drone take off. "It is also cost-effective to use the drone to fight off the enemy's air defense missiles. I don't trust Ban The missiles are endless. This will at least make our aircraft safer. "

Wen Tianyu sighed, with inexplicable pressure, ordered the last two large drones to take off at the same time, as much as possible to find out the number of incoming enemies, the marching route, and the layout before shooting down.

The sky is raging by enemy aircraft, and the city is chaotic with shadows. The atmosphere in Luanda is extremely depressed. This is Zhou Qingfeng's first command of a large-scale battle, and all his experience comes from his secondary school in North Korea-the enemy must not be led by his nose.

If you have a loss, you must hold back. You cannot easily move without knowing the enemy's condition. Otherwise, if you expose your falsehood, you will still be seized by the enemy.

For the various loss and casualty reports that were reported continuously, Zhou Qingfeng simply glanced at them, and then carried out identification and deduction on his armband computer. At this moment he was cold like a machine.

In the command cabin of the 'Apocalypse' train, there was another scene, and all of the dozen or so staff members who had just gotten into trouble were distracted. Even Wen Tianyu, who temporarily served as the chief of staff, was annoyed by all kinds of bad news. The whole city seemed to bloom everywhere, as if the enemy was everywhere.

Compared to the noisy calling radio, the commander of the legion, who has been standing outside the carriage, is like a pin of the sea, and Zhou Qingfeng, who had always been grumpy in the past, does not move in a pile of disorganized information. His calmness reassured Wen Tianyu and a bunch of staff members, but he was also quite frightened.

Wen Tianyu also wants to calm down, but if he calms down, he can't fight back if he is beaten ~ www.readwn.com ~ He really can't do it. There are various calls for help on the radio. Whenever there is no solution, he can only run to ask Zhou Qingfeng what to do?

Zhou Qingfeng often has only two ideas, either insisting on patience or limited counterattack after contraction. In short, it is a sentence-killing cannot be moved.

At present, the only active mutant in the city is the Marcos Mutant Guards. The combat effectiveness of this guard is extremely terrible. As long as the attackers caught by them cannot escape. Under Catalina's command, the captured attackers were not executed, but interrogated.

"Find out how the enemy is connected? Find out the enemy's assembly point? Find out the enemy's number, equipment, and purpose?

In just one hour, the loss of the Aurora Corps quickly rose to a hundred people, many of them Chinese. But Zhou Qingfeng was unmoved. He only said one sentence: "To fight is to die. Now is the time for us rookies to pay their tuition."

But this tuition fee made Wen Tianyu extremely distressed. His casualty report already listed a long list of numbers and names, many of which were brothers who had endured with him. These people have obviously lived through the hardest days, but are now killed by the enemy's cold guns.

"When will we wait to fight back?" Wen Tianyu finally couldn't help asking Zhou Qingfeng this question.

"Who are you fighting back?"

"Bahn's troops."

"Where's Bann's troops?"

"It's all inside and outside the city."

"Where exactly? How many people? Are there any ambushes and traps?"

Under the constant questioning of Zhou Qingfeng, Wen Tianyu was speechless. He stomped fiercely and could only turn his head and urge the next batch of rookie staff to continue to find ways to gather information, while cursing: "Okay, luck, a cold-blooded guy directs us." 8

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