Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1170: ‘Happy’ trip started

"Don't you say you want to support us in a squadron power armor?"

"Aha ... I actually came alone. () () | (Eight) has nothing to do with the China Affairs Advisory Board."

"What about the accessories we want?"

"There are a few boxes in the transport, maybe for you. I don't know about the others."

"I thought you were supporting us in an official capacity."

"I'm saying it's for refuge, do you believe it?"

When it's time to tease, Uncle Zhou is definitely teasing. Wearing a helmet, he was familiar with Valena in Russian, speaking easily and comfortably. He really arrived in Syria with a mentality of traveling.

As for Xiao Jinlang telling Zhou Qingfeng to hit the American T-51a-whoops ... how bad it is to fight and kill. I am a peace ambassador, why do I work hard without confiscating money?

Because there are no direct flights to Syria in the country, Zhou Qingfeng first flew to Moscow and then flew to Syria's Latakia with a military transport aircraft in a special capacity. His whereabouts were top-secret, and no one even picked him up after landing.

For camouflage, Zhou Qingfeng's digital helmet was spray-painted gray in the desert terrain, and the skull mark on the helmet was a little gloomier and a bit more severe. After confirming her identity with the Russian Ministry of Defense, Valena stared at the helmet for a few seconds, "What should I call you?"

"You can call me 'Hugo'."

"So Mr. Hugo, how can I entertain you?"

"I don't represent any government agency. Just treat me as a mercenary who doesn't spend any money. You can command for half a month at will. Don't let me die. Yes, I want to ask what are the famous sights in Syria. Do I need to make some travel videos. "

famous scenery? Travel videos?

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng's weird appearance, Valina was actually ecstatic. She has been suffering from lack of strength. She knows the guy's capabilities so well that the other person alone is worthy of a well-trained special team.

But Colonel Cassin, who stood aside, asked in amazement: "What are you talking about? Are you here to travel? Where do you think you are? You need to understand that Syria is at war. There are thugs and horrors everywhere. molecule."

As the landlord, Colonel Cassin also followed Valena. He had originally thought that Zhou Qingfeng would eat in front of fierce Russian women like himself.

But look at Valentina's enthusiasm for Zhou Qingfeng, this bearded Syrian is very dissatisfied-the boy is now one and a half meters tall, and he just pulls a fur bear out and is stronger than him. And his gear didn't seem to be a deterrent, where could it be compared to heavy power armor?

To the unsuspecting Colonel Cassin, Valena really sneered--thugs? terrorist? Do you know who this guy is right now? US intelligence agencies have listed him as an extremely dangerous person. If there is any kill list, he is definitely the deserved first!

Valina was too lazy to explain. She said to Zhou Qingfeng in Chinese: "I'm an idiot who knows nothing, ignore him. Come with me, no matter what your purpose is, but I'm sure you won't be on the American side. That's enough. I need help now. "

"Ha ha ha ..., Major Valena, you are really joking. How could I be on the American side?" Zhou Qingfeng thought to himself: As soon as Lao Tzu appeared, Americans would immediately think of the 'Pandora' laboratory Smashed pain. That's really a hate!

Leaving Colonel Cassin, Zhou Qingfeng followed Valena to the command tent of the other party. Along the way, he could see that many burly Russian soldiers were on alert or training. When he saw him, almost everyone moved.

"What kind of unit is that?" Zhou Qingfeng asked, pointing at a soldier. The other party was wearing desert-colored digital camouflage, tactical helmets, goggles, bulletproof vests, night vision goggles, and tactical vests. The equipment was very fashionable, and at first glance, they might even think of the US military.

"The" Oriental "Special Battalion of the Ministry of Defense is now under my command." Valina waved, and two special soldiers on alert immediately trot over. "I have been waiting for the T-45a powered armor supported by China. I am now It's not even possible to armour the entire battalion. "

"It really doesn't matter to me." Zhou Qingfeng shrugged. "You look at me without armor."

"Do you still need armor?" Valina looked at Zhou Qingfeng, who had a whole body draped on the metal skeleton. "Your degree is the best armor."

After complaining, the two walked into the command tent. The tall Valena leaned back on a chair and sighed, "I'm glad you can come because I have a lot of trouble now."

"What trouble?" Zhou Qingfeng walked to a map on the desktop, swiped the digital helmet lightly, and immediately recorded all the information on it. "The toughness of the Americans has caused you a headache?"

Valena shook her head. "The Americans don't need me to worry. They can bully the Syrian government at will, but they don't dare to take us directly? My task is to fight terrorists in Syria, but now the whole Syria is messed up. A mess.

IsIs, the Nusrah Front, the Kurdish Union, Hezbollah, etc., these forces have continued to break down into small groups that are hard to understand. Turkey, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have all stirred in, not to mention that the US and cIa are behind the scenes. "

In combination with the signs on the map, Zhou Qingfeng also contacted the communications satellite to search for various information. But soon he had a headache to blow up. Such a broken place in Syria is really a mess ~ www.readwn.com ~ Just one point can explain the problem-Syria is not a normal country at all, and it also has various tribal forces inside.

Even these tribes themselves do not know which side they belong to, or that they belong only to themselves. This is also the reason why Syria is weak, because the country is completely scattered.

Zhou Qingfeng didn't care about it, he came to travel to shoot videos. Looking at the time now, Feng Wan's two days are almost over. No longer confirming to him that he is in Syria, I am afraid that the husband-seeking advertisement will really come out.

"Can I go to Palmyra?" Zhou Qingfeng asked. Palmyra in Syria is a desert oasis with many cultural relics and monuments that have been circulating for thousands of years. Although most of the monuments were destroyed by IsIs, it is OK to take a scene.

"It wasn't long before Palmyra was recaptured by Syrian government forces. There are still many rebels and terrorists. There are snipers and roadside bombs hidden in the city ruins. Are you really going?"

Valina looked at Zhou Qingfeng with a smile, and Zhou Qingfeng shrugged, "I'm a little scared of what you said. Are there any other safe spots?"

"No, it's dangerous everywhere."

"Then Palmyra. Help me prepare a helicopter and I'll help you get a few terrorist heads back."

Valena nodded, it was a deal. As they shook hands, she suddenly asked, "Hugo, what are the two things behind your shoulders?"

Zhou Qingfeng's mechanical exoskeleton has a few bits and pieces, which is more noticeable because he has two more parts on the back of his shoulders. One is slender and the other is short. It looks strange.

"Hahaha." Zhou Qingfeng cheerfully perfunctoryly said: "Everyone goes to Syria to experiment with new weapons, and I also want to play with new tricks. It's always boring to play machine gun grenades or something." Visit everyone reading school

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