Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1171: ambush

The ancient city of Palmyra is small with a population of just over 10,000. It is an oasis in the desert, and once flourished because of the exchange of multiple civilizations. Now, this small town is devastated by war.

Syria is suffering from warfare, and the result is entirely Syrian self-reliance and it is not worthy of sympathy. They thought that the overthrow of the Assad government would lead to a better life, but they didn't know what it meant to break the country.

It ’s just that extreme-thinking people don't think they are wrong, they will only go all the way to the dark, either succeed or die. The more excluded, the more radical.

In the vicinity of the ancient city of Palmyra, there are still a lot of rebels and terrorists, who are constantly harassing government soldiers. And the Syrian government forces are rotten. They are a bit useful, and they won't let their country end.

At this moment, three or five bearded rebel soldiers emerged from a small bag near the ancient city. Their main weapon is an individual air defense missile and a few Rpg-7 rocket launchers. The tactics adopted are to stay on guard and wait for the rabbit.

A rebel leaned his head out of the mound and raised his telescope to scan Palmyra. In desert environments, fighting often revolves around water. Palmyra has been scrambled several times because it is an oasis.

The number of government forces in the city is not large because the oasis can only provide limited drinking water. They simply occupied it and did not allow the rebels to use it as a base to harass other large cities, such as Damascus.

Hundreds of meters behind this small group of rebels, there was also an ambush. They wore camouflage nets, but instead of carrying too many weapons, they set up a camera facing a small group of rebels.

"Duke, roll over for me." A bearded man growled behind the camera.

An Asian face ran up and down, and the sand was covered with sweat and dirty. He approached the beard and flattered and said, "Mr. Sidel, are you looking for me?"

The bearded man slaps his head in a slap and yells irritably: "My name is Hussein now, why can't you stupid monkey always remember?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hussein." The Asian male knew that his boss had accumulated a suffocation in his heart in the past two days. He didn't dare to offend the other person, but he tried to adapt.

"Go and stare at the camera. Keep staring at me, don't miss any valuable news. Otherwise I will kill you." The bearded 'Hussein' stepped back and opened the kettle around his waist to drink happily. Took a sip.

Asian males also have dry mouths, but can only watch their boss drink with envy. He only swallowed his throat in hopes of getting a moist feeling, but the dry mouth and throat mucous membranes tingled.

There was a fire in his throat, and his stomach was cooing, his body was uncomfortable, but Duke could only endure. He turned his eyes to the camera, and tried his best to pay attention to the movement in front of him, and prayed that he could take something today, otherwise his boss's temper would become more and more hot.

Duke belongs to a small news agency from Europe. The white man who claims to be 'Hussein' is the president. They wanted to make some sensational news, and for this they even went deep into Syria's battlefield.

In Europe, rebels stand for freedom and justice. Duke's group naturally wanted to shoot from the angle of the rebels. They have now been living near Palmyra for half a month and found nothing.

The rebels have a hard time, and their people wander around with weapons every day, looking for opportunities to fight government forces. However, 'Hussein' is not interested in the Syrians' own fighting. He hopes to see more news from the rebels, such as killing the Russian army stationed in Syria.

But the Russian army is not stupid, the fighting quality is better than Syria's war five residues. The rebels wandered around in the desert looking for opportunities, and Duke could only run around with his boss, Hussein. It's a bad day.

In the desert environment, Duke was quite sunburned. He has a very limited amount of food and water to distribute every day, and has to endure the increasingly violent Hussein. But he felt that it was worth it, the tribulations necessary for integration into white society.

"May God forgive my sins." Duke grabbed the cross on his chest and kissed, gasping and staring at the rebel squad ahead. Today has been in an ambush for more than half a day, and it seems to be another futile day. His eyes were dumb, and it was going to be dark.

A black spot suddenly appeared in the sky, and soon the black spot expanded rapidly, and a helicopter was flying. Suddenly Duke was excited and shouted in delight: "Mr. Hussein, there is a helicopter."

The bearded man resting not far away suddenly got up and hurried to the camera. He looked at the camera and saw a Russian Mi-8 helicopter approaching and flying in the direction of the ambush positions of the rebels.

"Great!" Hussein yelled, and quickly locked the helicopter into the frame. "A Russian Mi-8 helicopter was destroyed by the rebels outside Palmyra. We can take a real-time picture. Image. This one can sell for a large price. "

Duke also followed the silly, and risked his life on the battlefield for half a month, and finally gained something. "Hussein" fiddled with the camera himself and gave Duke a slap again, angrily: "Quickly set up a satellite phone, I want a video connection to a European television station."

Duke faced two slaps in a row but did not dare to slack off. He quickly set up a satellite phone and contacted BBC to tell the editor of the international department of the other party that they have a major real-time news here and want to sell it for a good price.

"A Russian Mi-8 helicopter is about to be shot down. Yes, it is right in front of us. It crashed into the ambush circle of the Syrian opposition ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can see this scene with your own eyes." Duke tried his best to sell and transmitted the signal from the digital camera through the satellite.

‘Hussein’ is operating the camera, with both long and short shots. He clearly photographed the helicopter, the ambush rebels, and the surrounding environment. The Mi-8 in the sky looked at risk.

After confirming this, the editor-in-chief of the BBC International Department, thousands of kilometers away, realized that this was indeed great news, and it was even alive.

"$ 50,000, we sold this news."

"You're kidding. For less than $ 200,000, we'll cut the signal."

"Too many hundred thousand."

"Maybe we should go to Russia Today. I think the Russians will definitely pay for the news and try their best to remind their helicopters to dodge. Even if it does not succeed, they will certainly not hesitate to spend much money.

Duke still had two slap marks on his face, but felt that he was extremely successful at the moment. He is bargaining with the big guys at BBC, which is the pinnacle of his life.

"I remind you that this helicopter is about to enter the missile range. If you hesitate, you will miss this news and we will cut off the signal."

Perhaps Duke's ability to turn the lotus flower played a role. The editor of the BBc International Department agreed to sell the real-time news for 200,000 US dollars, and immediately transmitted the signal to the news room.

"Rest assured, your 200,000 US dollars will be paid back, waiting for the ratings to soar." Duke's words just ended, the rebels hundreds of meters away have completed all missile launch preparations, and a single "Stinger" single soldier The refrigerant of the anti-aircraft missile began to forcibly cool the seeker, and the infrared staring array locked the target.

Uncle Zhou can ... he just made up for it on that helicopter. 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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