Rise of the Wasteland

: Thousand and one hundred and seventy-two 5 seconds

Lieutenant Hashem leaned on the cushion of the cabin, feeling the motive of the two high-power scroll shafts and the huge noise of reducing the box. ?? His attention was on the man with the strange helmet in front of him, curiosity drove him to know the true identity of the other party.

Zhou Qingfeng was going to Palmyra, and Major Varena arranged for him a guide, or liaison. Otherwise, the Syrian government forces stationed in Palmyra would not know him and would even attack him.

In order to protect Zhou Qingfeng's safety, or to run errands, two Syrian soldiers wearing T-45B power armor were sent to command him. Because of his apparent status as a non-member of the Rabbit Assistance Syrian Military Advisory Board. That's right, this advisory group is real.

One of the pillars of the Syrian government forces is President Assad's personal guard, fully armored and uniformly equipped with rabbit-made T-45Bs.

Relying on the outstanding performance of the T-45B, the Presidential Guard relied on the advantage of crushing equipment to brush a lot of experience on the battlefield. This unit is one of the few Syrian elites who can maintain morale and attack.

As a member of the Guard, Lieutenant Hashem is not an uncultured soiled bun. Unlike previous Captain Cassin, who had a vegetarian meal, he had seen some actual combat videos given by the Russian side during training.

In addition to the classic battle in which the Thunder team attacked Raka, there was also a video taken by Major Valena—Zhou Qingfeng blasted the Black Hawk helicopter in a punch in the Pandora laboratory.

Lieutenant Hashemite could not determine whether this fierce character attacking the ‘Pandora’ laboratory, but there is no doubt that the mechanical exoskeleton should be the same-this kind of power armor without much protection has never been seen outside.

The favorite of the T-45 series is its sturdy armor, ignoring the fragments of small and medium caliber projectiles and small grenades. This ability makes it a pioneer on the battlefield. But this kind of unarmored equipment is always insecure when looking at it-how to fight without armor?

Lieutenant Hashem was still secretly assessing the helicopter driver's call in the noisy cabin. "We are almost here, we will land in a few minutes. I wish you the next journey, oh ... hell!"

During the pilot's exclamation, the body of the Mi-8 helicopter shook violently. Captain Hashem and two other armored soldiers, who had been seated, fell down like rolling the earth.

Only Zhou Qingfeng, who had been lying on the seat with his eyes closed on his bed, suddenly jumped up, grabbed the bulge in the cabin and asked, "What happened?"

The driver's scream shouted suddenly, "There is a missile."

On the ground, 'Hussein' and Duke both cheered. When the helicopter appeared about ten kilometers away, when they urgently contacted the British BBC and sold the live broadcast right, the helicopter was close to a distance of three kilometers.

At this moment, the Mi-8 helicopter flying at low altitude is preparing to land, and the Syrian rebels ambushing behind the mound have locked it firmly with the Stinger missile.

With a bang, the rocket motivated the missile to push the missile out of the barrel, and the flame blasted the projectile to double the sound of Mi-8, which was about three kilometers away. At this distance, it didn't take five seconds to hit it.

Oh oh ...!

In order to maximize the benefits, BBC, which sells the news, has live broadcasted the time. The scene of the Mi-8 attack was delivered to hundreds of millions of viewers through BBC's worldwide news network.

The news host even publicly claimed that this was a sudden incident-a Russian military Mi-8 stationed in Syria was about to be attacked.

It is about to be attacked, which means that this is not news that has already come to fruition, but an event that is happening.

The British, the French, the Germans, the Russians, the Americans, and all audiences around the world were immediately appalled by this hoe. Because no one knows what will be seen in the future, but in fact everyone can guess-under the ambush condition, Mi-8 is finished!

Others are just watching the news, but the news spread to the ears of the Russians is a disaster. When "Russia Today" also began to broadcast the news of BBC, the hosts of several of their channels exclaimed.

In particular, the beauty host of the Russian channel was stunned by the news, almost incoherent. She looked at the broadcast screen at a loss, and asked the director next to her, "What do you mean? The Russian helicopter is about to be shot down, and we can only watch it?"

This is so cruel!

Watching his soldiers dying on the TV, it was like taking a knife to stab the Russians.

When the other media were watching the joke, there was a mess in the broadcast room and editing room of ‘Russia Today’. Everyone was trying to contact the front-line helicopter to change its fate.

But this is too difficult!

The editor-in-chief of Russia Today shook his head in the big office and shouted, "Come and think of a way, we must find a way to save the guy on the helicopter. Otherwise we will be scolded by all Russians.

Any idea? Contact the Russian Ministry of Defense!

There is a bird for this, and when the Ministry of Defense calls get through, the daylily is cold.

Contact Russian military base in Syria? Communication is unreachable, and the front line is not what you want to reach.

Notify the helicopter about to be shot down? This is even more impossible!

Seeing a 'Stinger' missile rising into the air, countless Russians were exclaiming-no ...!

From shooting to hitting ~ www.readwn.com ~ it only takes five seconds.

Mi-8 is a bulky transport helicopter, and it can't escape the attack of "Stinger". And as long as you hit, everyone on the helicopter must fall to death!

It took only a minute or two from the start of the broadcast to the missile launch. When the missile lifted off, the Mi-8 on the screen immediately began to tilt the fuselage for maneuvering avoidance, and at the same time, infrared decoys flew out.

Everyone is applauding the Mi-8's driver, which shows that its technology is very good and very alert. But life or death depends on the next five seconds, or even less than five seconds.

Countless Russians stood up and stared at the screens in front of them. They clenched their fists and shouted extremely excitedly: "Good job, boy. Avoid it, avoid it, you must avoid it."

There are also countless hostile Russians yelling in front of the screen, "Hahaha ... it can't escape, it's finished, it's going to be shot down."

The "Stinger" infrared staring warhead has a strong anti-interference ability, it completely ignores the infrared bait flying from the body. The projectile's flight trajectory was slightly deflected, and it continued to stare at Mi-8 who was avoiding awkwardly.

Can't escape, really can't escape. Someone is mourning, someone is cheering, all in just five seconds.

Just as 'Hussein' and Duke were cheering for the valuable news they had, just as the ambushing rebels yelled for killing a Russian Mi-8 helicopter, while the Russians were mourning My soldiers were about to sacrifice, just as countless people watching the crowd waited for the moment when the helicopter crashed ...

The Mi-8 side window, which was evading the missile, was suddenly smashed with a punch, followed by a strong laser shot from the inside, and directly hit the incoming 'Stinger' missile!

Boom ..., a blast of fire exploded in the air! 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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