Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1188: Lost goal

Twitter President's Twitter, is that OK? Can't count it!

In the situation observation room, a dozen or so senior executives in Eagle Sauce have just begun to celebrate, thank God. This joyful atmosphere cannot be interrupted!

Great America is a world-wide force that dominates the world. Those who will kill cannot be easily let go!

"Continue." The President sat down again, staring grimly at the big screen.

The Vice President, Secretary of State, National Security Adviser and others also sat down again. They are quite annoyed by this twists and turns, but also have great confidence in the ability of cia and seals. They felt calm and continued to watch for a while, after which they could definitely start celebrating again.

Fidel, who directed the operation in Turkey, was also extremely surprised at the effect of the attack. He never thought that anyone could survive the attack of two Hellfire missiles.

The US-made Hellfire missile is a weapon born nearly 50 years ago. It has been improved several times, and its performance is still in the forefront of the world. What used to attack Zhou Qingfeng was the second generation of Hellfire. It used a variety of guidance techniques and was equipped with a high-explosive warhead, which was extremely powerful.

And Zhou Qingfeng is fully prepared to come to Syria this time, in order to deal with possible situations. He mounted the laser and sonic cannon on the Winter Frost power armor to his mechanical exoskeleton.

Among the several improvements, a seemingly inconspicuous but extremely important device is a comprehensive detection system integrated on a digital helmet, including infrared, laser, visible light and other detection methods. There is also a millimeter-wave radar just around the top of the helmet.

After Xiao Po's warning, Zhou Qingfeng shot down his small drone. And he knew that when his position was exposed, subsequent blows would continue.

Zhou Qingfeng is confident in his ability to escape. But the only thing that embarrassed him was to run away by himself, or to bring a little pitiful?

After hesitating for two or three seconds, Zhou Qingfeng also decided to bring a little girl who warned herself. When he hurried over to keep the little girl, the first hellfire was detected by a millimeter wave radar one kilometer away.

The computer inside the digital helmet immediately determined that it was a hellfire fired by a large aerial drone, and even gave a hit time-more than two seconds.

The laser mounted on the back of the mechanical exoskeleton does not require Zhou Qingfeng's control. The automatic ejection of the incoming missile is a high-energy laser.

This **** unscientific!

Because of its fast speed and good directivity, laser has always been the choice of human short-range defense. This weapon has appeared in countless science fiction works. The difficulties that can restrict the use of laser weapons are also clear-high-power lasers consume large amounts of energy. I want to use? Trouble first solve the energy problem.

The United States is a pioneer in laser weapon research. They have studied the aBL airborne laser weapon system early. This gadget is too bulky and uses a Boeing 747 airliner as a weapon platform.

The last time Zhou Qingfeng shot down the stinger in Mi-8, cia's intelligence analysts also realized that this laser short-range defense system should be carried by the helicopter. At that time, he felt that this matter was strange. But now they know that this thing is even more amazing, it is actually equipped on a person.

I ’ve been there for a while, who will explain what is going on?

When the first hellfire entered the surrounding area of ​​Zhou Qingfeng for more than four hundred meters and was shot down, Fidel was surprised when he saw this scene. But without waiting for his response, the second hellfire followed, and continued to attack.

The laser enters a one-minute charge state after being fired. The second missile was not obstructed, and it instantly hit Zhou Qingfeng's position.

When the explosion of smoke covered the ground, Fidel felt relaxed and sad. It was easy to feel that this enemy of harming the United States was finally eliminated, but unfortunately there is too much mystery in this enemy. It is regrettable that it cannot be captured.

"Vulture squad, immediately confirm the results, I need you to recover the target's corpse and all the equipment equipped on him." What Fidel can do is that he thought maybe he could make something out of the wreckage of the equipment.

"Vultures understand, we will act now." Lieutenant Sheldon, who was on Palmyra's battlefield, was ready for the moment. He waved the entire seal platoon and immediately jumped on two pickup trucks to drive towards the city. Be sure to leave everything left by the opponent Take it all away.

Taking off the headphones, Fidel slowly supported the table with his hands. He has been working continuously for a whole day, and his energy is a bit overwhelming. When he relaxes, he feels exhausted. He said to his assistant, "I went to rest. You take care of the rest."

Fidel turned and left, but before he left Operation Command, the assistant exclaimed, "Sir, our target is alive."


Are you kidding me?

Hellfire's warhead is equipped with several kilograms of high-explosive warhead. It is enough to bomb a tank. Will it kill someone?

Fidel had to come back quickly, and he really saw a tall figure running out of the smoke that had just exploded. This man is extremely fast, and he carries the child under the ribs.


This guy is really alive!

Fidel didn't understand what was going on, but he yelled immediately: "Continue to shoot Hellfire and be sure to kill him."

Grim Reaper drones can carry multiple Hellfire missiles, and the operator locks the target again and shoots two more.

However, at this time, the flares above the sky slowly fell down and mostly failed ~ www.readwn.com ~ can no longer affect the brightness of the ground. A group of CIA personnel in the headquarters watched the target they wanted to get rid of quickly, and then slowly became invisible again.

Although the naked eye can also distinguish the track of the target based on the visual difference caused by the running of the target, the guidance head on the missile cannot be locked. Neither visible light nor infrared detection is effective-the last two hellfires are so empty.

Too scary ability!

Fidel was scared, he was really scared. If this doesn't kill the other party and let him run away, if this person comes to the United States to retaliate again, it will be a big joy. He immediately ordered the seals who were entering Palmyra to die.

"The Vulture Squad, the Vulture Squad, the target did not die. Repeat again, the target did not die, he escaped. The drone lost his trace, you must find him out, you must not let him escape Palmyra .Otherwise ... otherwise ... otherwise ... "

Fidel was in a hurry, the tone of his voice was distorted. He said several times otherwise, but did not know how to describe what such a terrible guy would look like after he escaped. I'm afraid it's going to be a mess!

Outside Palmyra, two ragged armed pickups were bumping on the sand. Hearing Fidel's roaring order in a terrifying tone, the vulture team in charge of the front line task was also under great pressure.

Lieutenant Sheldon, who led the team, grabbed the radio's talker and said Shen Shen: "Command, we will try our best to complete the task. We know the threat of the target, so if necessary, use the last resort."

Fidel also felt a pain in his heart when he heard the vulture team actively mentioned the last resort. He closed his eyes slightly and tried to calm himself down. "Thank you for everything you do for the United States. May God be with you."

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