Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1189: Heat up

President Twitter's push naturally attracted worldwide attention. He said that the killing of a long-term threat to the security of the United States in Palmyra, Syria, even exceeded Bin Laden ’s terrorists, immediately drew speculation from the media.

You should know that in the past two years, Eagle Sauce has been so miserable by Zhou Qingfeng that he has repeatedly suffered from bad mold, and often shows a dilemma. It is just that ordinary Americans have failed to connect multiple attacks, and even some particularly serious cases have not been made public at all.

But for well-informed media like net, it's not unusual to know the insider. Although His Excellency has not yet said exactly who was killed? But many news has begun to invite experts and scholars or political commentators to discuss.

The matter of His Excellency the President is hot!

Who could be killed?

Since yesterday, Palmyra has had a series of events.

The Russian Mi-8 helicopter was attacked by Syrian rebels.

Warriors show their might.

U.S. forces suddenly attacked Palmyra.

Opposition forces in Syria are attacking.

It is not difficult to guess from these situations, everything shows that one thing that was shot was likely to be the class fighter who just shocked the world. Because only he can be regarded as a more dangerous terrorist than bin Laden.

When various commentators in the media raised such a point of view, the mood of the people in the Western society was relieved and finally relieved!

You should know that the invisible class soldiers just appeared yesterday, but the Russian netizens are excited. They advertised on Twitter and FB as lively as Carnival. This makes the people in Western society very unhappy.

Western society has always been ridiculing Russia, where can Russia allow this psychological advantage?

And just one day later, the situation was reversed.

What's wrong with President Twitter? This must be the revenge imposed by the US military, which severely hit the arrogant fur bears and let them know that it was awesome!

Hahaha ..., for a while, the Western media finally fought a fight and proclaimed the strength and fearlessness of the Great America, even if you have a warrior who can be hidden? Now it must have been killed by our free and democratic American soldiers.

Ordinary people don't care what details are rigorous and rigorous, and whether they have intelligence support. They only care about the excitement, they just want to vent their depression, they want to return the psychological pressure caused by the fighter yesterday to the Russians.

And the Russians who were jubilant because of scolding a few hours ago stayed again. Although the bear official didn't give any news, the silence sometimes admitted.

After that, the president said that killing a terrorist who is comparable to bin Laden would surely kill our hero.

Distraught netizens and the media created a dazzling entertainment dinner, which made many people eating melon curious and at a loss. I just feel that the world is changing, the drama is going on one after the other, and it looks good.

But at this moment the President of Twitter is distressed watching the increasing comments under his message.

"God bless America, this is a great victory."

"Mr. President, we love you. We like your tough side."

"It's really exciting. Murray nuts are still so proud."

The words of praise continued to refresh, but the message from Palmyra's front line was not so happy that the target was killed, and the subsequent hellfire missiles did not pose any threat to him.

This is simply a mockery of His Excellency the President!

The national security adviser saw that his boss had been tweeting on his mobile phone, and immediately relieved: "Don't worry, Donald. You just published the news of success a little earlier, our lads still control the situation, they will not Let you down. "

"I hope so." President Twitter threw the phone to the guard officer next to him, said his position firmly. "Let the person directing the operation do more. I authorize him to use all the American personnel and equipment in Syria. Be sure to kill me that **** bastard. "

His Excellency the President's order reached Turkey, and Fidel, who was in charge of the command, grinned bitterly. He wanted to bet on it, but he couldn't do it. Can we see if the frontline vulture team can do wonders now?

Lieutenant Sheldon, who commanded the vulture squad, couldn't be more aggressive. He knew his opponent's strength. The six seal members including him alone are afraid that they cannot deal with the enemy hidden in the dark. He must get assistance.

During the long voyage, the **** of death still hovered in the air for more than 2,000 meters. Last night's air strikes were caused by several unmanned aircraft including it.

At present, there are two Hellfires on the death rack, and the photoelectric probe is also watching the approximate location where Zhou Qingfeng may hide under the command of the operator in the rear.

Sheldon asked Aided of the Nusra Front for support. The terrorist leader, who was in a state of anxiety, was also anxious to kill Zhou Qingfeng who had abused him. He was pressed by the entire army, searching for every possible hiding place ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Syrian government army had been beaten back two blocks, and the t72 tank directly pressed over the houses in the city, hiding innumerable rooms. The civilian population was immediately devastated.

The civilians who were too late to escape were buried alive under the rubble of the house, and even if someone escaped, they were killed by the chariots or soldiers behind the tank. This cruel scene is so naked in the eyes of senior US officials through satellites, but no one disputes it.

Suddenly, a mound exploded on the street floor, and hundreds of steel **** swept across. There were several screams in the explosion and smoke. Lieutenant Sheldon was directing the Nusra soldiers forward, and his head flinched when he heard the explosion.

But Sheldon quickly poked his head back again, his gaze glanced across the jagged street in front of him, and said to the radio, "Be alert, our target is nearby."

Exploding was a Russian-made n5o anti-infantry directional mine, which swept a street area about ten meters wide. The lead t72 tank and the infantry chariot did not fart, but several Nusra soldiers hiding behind him fell to the ground.

Lieutenant Sheldon was a little nervous and didn't say how to deal with a stealthy enemy in all his training. And now he is fighting such a person, and this person is particularly powerful.

"Are there any signs of death?" Sheldon asked the rear command.

"No." The death operator was also very nervous, but the situation seen from the optical probe was frustrating, the picture quality was too poor to find a target.

"Let the tank move on. The infantry must keep up. Keep up. Don't let the tank stand out too far." Sheldon waved behind him, and a dozen soldiers were immediately pushed up. A few of them were cannon fodder, which only attracted firepower.

The battle has gone white-hot ... Either ammunition is consumed or human life is consumed.

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