Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1190: Phantom killer

Maimaiti followed behind a b-step chariot, and the hand holding the gun was shaking. Underfoot is covered with soil, and ankles can be buried by stepping on it. The various pieces of soil make it difficult to move, and even more difficult is to gather courage to continue fighting.

When responding to the call of jihad, Maimaiti was still very bloody. He and hundreds of companions smuggled into Syria to receive ISIS training, and even controlled a town as a base in northern Syria.

The situation on the battlefield was very good. Everyone thought that it was really possible to build a kingdom of God on earth. But wait for Russian manpower to support the Assad regime, and everything will change. Compared with the real superpowers, ISIS is not worth mentioning at all.

Successive defeats have weakened the once cruel ISIS, and the Nusra Front, which was once a vassal, has also established its own portal. The rootless and bottomless Maimati group was driven by people as slaves.

The corpses lying on the ground were all Maimat's companions. These people were forced to the front line and were killed by several mines.

Maimaiti is the second batch of cannon fodder to be driven. Before coming up, he said, "I will take good care of your wife, your son will inherit the cause of jihad, and your daughter will be married home by us .Go, 72 raisins are waiting for you. "

Hearing this, Maimaiti really wanted to cry. In the past, the enemy fought the wind, and the enemy often fled before the fight. The battle was very fulfilling. But today, when I meet the stubborn stubble, it makes people feel worthless. But he didn't do it, and he was executed by the Overseer immediately.

"Buy Maiti, keep up. The muzzle is pointed at your left front, that's the position you need to pay attention to." Behind Mai Maiti is a military man with a hooded headscarf. This person looks well trained compared to others . He personally commanded a team of more than ten people, keeping the pace slowly and advancing with the tank.

The Nusra Front currently surrounds a 200-meter-long block, and they determined that the target they were looking for was in this area. Now it is time to squeeze the enemy's space for movement, and sooner or later I can find out the other party.

All the civilians who escaped this neighborhood were shot and killed, no matter whether they were men, women or children. The tank crushed the house directly, and the people hiding inside had nowhere to hide. Any suspicious place was a bombardment. It was a wall falling apart and shattered everywhere.

This ruthless killing made Maimaiti a little bolder. He looked back and directed his turban brawny man. He felt that having American support on his side should be considered an advantage. But as soon as he turned around, he suddenly saw a beam of light appearing out of thin air on the dusty street.

The light beam directly penetrated the strong forehead of the turban, and the conductor did not respond, so he fell without warning.

Maimaiti felt tight, looking back along the beam, and it turned out that this beam came from the t72's turret, God! How come out of the turret?

"Tok!" Sheldon, who was 20 meters behind, was smitten immediately, and his subordinates in charge at the front were so easily killed. The target actually appeared on the tank that has been advancing, which is unexpected!

The same question arose about the US military bases in Turkey and the situation observation room at the White House. The satellite in the sky returns the picture taken by the death drone. No one had expected that the target to be killed in this operation was so bold, that he was close at hand, so to speak, under his eyes.

The explanation given by the analyst is that the opponent should actively approach when the smoke on the battlefield is too large, and the dim environment is particularly beneficial to stealth.

But this explanation has eggs!

"Kill him!" President Twitter yelled at the big screen.

"Kill him!" Fidel inside the commander yelled.

The frontline Shelton was even more furious, shouting that the target was on the tank, and the rifle in his hand was fired.

But before everyone on the scene reacted, Zhou Qingfeng standing on the t72 turret suddenly moved. He has always been the strongest in agility and agility, and his murderous horror and the strengthening of mechanical exoskeleton have made him like a smoke.

Zhou Qingfeng has been paying attention to the turret of the enemy tank for a long time. The digital helmet marks the infantry behind the tank one by one, calculates the best attack route, and finds the commander. All he had to do now was follow this killing line.

Moved, Zhou Qingfeng moved. When the enemy's muzzle was to be aimed, when the stray bullets flew wildly, when the enemy burst into rage, he did not stay in place to shoot, he moved quickly and killed the enemy with the most primitive method.

Left-handed knife, right-handed gun, long-range and near-stab, degree is Zhou Qingfeng's best weapon, and agility is his best defense. He can always easily avoid the enemy's muzzle, use bullets and blades to sow death and killing, and go all the way through **** places.

Twenty meters away, Sheldon moved the muzzle quickly, the hk416 in his hand bounced briskly, but he always slowed down. The opponent is too fast, really too fast, fast like a phantom that shuttles back and forth on the battlefield, no one can keep up with its rhythm, and no one can predict its direction.

"Charlie!" Shelton exclaimed again, his three-point shot has been several times in a row, and a magazine was emptied to fail to reach the opponent's corner. The bullet seemed to fly away from the target's body, and he just watched his second companion run into the chest by the enemy.

This bastard, how did he do it?

Shelton is going crazy!

This erratic and swift shadow can always find the angle to avoid the attack, and he can't escape it, and he is close to the body of a soldier on the battlefield. He used the soldier's body as a shield to continue his constant impact.

The SEAL team member Charlie quickly emptied the hk416's magazine. He immediately dropped the rifle and pulled out the p226 on his thigh to shoot at a close range.

Obviously the muzzle was facing forward, the target was clearly aimed, the trigger was pulled, the bullet had flew out, but the enemy's blade swept ahead of Charlie's throat ~ www.readwn.com ~ everything seemed slow and fast As smooth as flowing clouds. Zhou Qingfeng's blade brought out a string of blood beads, and also lost the Yalikin pistol that emptied the magazine and snatched the enemy's p226.

The whole operation lasted only seven or eight seconds, and none of the dozen people behind the Nusra Front tank detachment survived. Sheldon emptied two magazines. He did not hit the enemy with a cold hair. When he saw that there were no other people near the tank, he had to hide behind a wall.

Horrified, panting, flustered.

Sheldon felt harder than ever. He changed the magazine, re-evaluated the opponent, heard the sound of the tank turning the turret in front, and the b-step tank was also turning the front to find the target. He thought to himself: Who wouldn't even kill a tank easily?

But when Sheldon wanted to attack with the tank and the infantry chariot, the t72 tank's fleet also turned the turret quickly to find the target. Under the track of the tank, Maimaiti covered her throat, trying to suppress the blood coming out of the moor.

But all this will be in vain. What Maimati saw before his death was the only stealth killer still standing on this small battlefield. He is the real master!

Zhou Qingfeng's killing of enemies at close range is inevitable with some blood stains. Optical camouflage is trying to adapt to these redundant things. And before he re-stealthed, the large muzzle had pointed at his back.

"Fire!" At very close range, the tank captain roared loudly behind the periscope of the turret.

"Fire!" The gunner was about to step on the shooting pedal.

"Fire!" The pilot driving the tank also saw the enemy directly ahead.

The infrasound cannon on Zhou Qingfeng's back bounced out instantly, turning the huge electrical energy into oscillating sound waves silently and silently.

The muzzle stopped and there was no movement.

Within 50 meters, invincible!

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