Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1191: Become angry

When the muzzle of t72 was aimed at Zhou Qingfeng's back, the roaring fire roared in the observation room of the White House ...!

The Secretary of Defense clenched his fists, the National Security Adviser held up his hands, the Vice President gritted his teeth, and His Excellency the President stood up arrogantly.

If this time is paused, you can see a dozen people in this room who are in charge of the fate of the United States are all excited, excited and manic. They were unable to sit still and were unable to control themselves, stimulated by the images returned by the death drone.

No one will be better off seeing the killing of their own people, and the group of His Excellency the President is not only seeing the killings. It is simply the ghost killings ran out of horror movies. It is bloody, cruel and particularly frightening.

On the battlefield, death that cannot be avoided can be extremely courageous. But for big men thousands of kilometers away, this fear is daunting. They don't worry about facing such horrible things, but they don't know what to do?

When the t72's turret turned, when the muzzle was aimed at the stable soldier, and when victory seemed to be within reach, everyone in the room turned their fear accumulated into an angry roar fire!

..., but it's not useful!

The President of Twitter put his feet in a pose to greet victory, but the picture on the big screen did not move for a long time, and the muzzle stopped so stupidly there was no response.

Isn't it a blast, eroded dozens of miles?

Isn't it that the smoke and dust are all around and the powerful enemy is flying away?

Did n’t it endure hardship and pay a huge price, and God bless America at the last minute?

Although there was no sound in the picture returned by the drone, everyone had made up for an earth-shattering cannon early!

Why is there nothing?

At the last minute, was the enemy dying, and still left?

This is not democratic at all, it is not free at all, it is not in line with universal values, it is not the theme film!

The imposing President His Excellency stared at the picture for a while. After seeing the ending he wanted, he could only ask the staff around him, "Why is the picture fixed?"

"Sir President, the picture is not fixed." The White House interns were also stupid, but they were a little common sense. "Everything is working fine, and the enemy on the screen is moving. It's just ... the tank is not moving."

His Excellency the President looked back at the Secretary of Defense and the National Security Adviser. His eyes were annoyed, upset, and even angry. Although I didn't say a word, the meaning is clear: Who will explain it to me?

But who can explain now? Everyone is stupid, okay?

The mad dog defense minister was so desperate that he grabbed the microphone in contact with the operations command and asked, "Fidel, tell me what's going on?"

If his name was usually called out by the Minister, Fidel would cheer a few times in his heart. But now he wants to be forgotten by the world, because he doesn't know what's going on now?

Obviously the gun tubes are aligned, don't tell me that there are no shells or some mechanical failure at this critical time.

It ’s going to die, you understand?

After playing for a long time, the water was released, and we played with netbsp; Fidel quickly soothed the big brother, and then asked Sheldon on the front line: "What is going on with the Vulture One? Why didn't the tank fire?

Sheldon, leaning against a wall, was holding his breath. He quickly poked his head out of the wall and stared. When he retracted, he thought, "Yeah, why not fire?" I'm waiting for this cannon sound?

Probe once, probe twice, probe three times, and the killing scene twenty meters away has been quiet. Several steel chariots were silent, not only the t72, but also the two b-step chariots following it.

Sheldon grabbed several Nusra Front soldiers and ordered, "Go up and see what's going on? Are the people in the tank dead?"

The Nusla soldiers at the back were already scared, and their legs were soft and refused to go up. Shelton was shot two on the spot before he was allowed to act. And after these people had run into trouble, they ran to the tank and opened the turret hatch to look inside ...

"Dead, everyone in the turret is dead." A Nusra soldier reported with a sad face.

"Dead ... Really dead?" Shelton had 10,000 incomprehension hidden in her heart. He ordered the corpses inside the tank to be seen. As a result, several dead people with bleeding from the nose and mouth were dragged out.

Compared to the tragic death on the field, the tank crew in t72 died more peacefully. But they were still dead, and died without a vital shot. The occupants in the b-step chariot also died, all of them a way of death, somehow.

This is a clear day when the sun is hot, but a group of people around the corpse feel a gust of wind, and the invisible enemies with a trembling heart are scary enough. The invisible enemies with lasers and extremely fast are even more terrible, but even terrible It's terrible without this invisible death!

I don't even know how to die!

No one on the battlefield was thinking in the direction of infrasonic weapons, that stuff is too sci-fi!

The infrasound's strong penetrability could not even prevent the tank's armor. Its frequency is the same as the resonance frequency of the human internal organs, which can rupture blood vessels in an instant ~ www.readwn.com ~ The brain is damaged, and there is no sign of death.

Facing this unsolvable situation, Fidel, the commander behind, had no other idea. He could only report to the President and others and ordered Lieutenant Sheldon: "Take away the bodies of the tank members and their sacrifices, and retreat from Palmyra, but maintain the siege."

Retreat and stop playing? Do not!

Sheldon heard that the retreat was not at all happy or frustrated, and he quickly shouted on the radio that his team members had arranged to exit the city's street ruins. Before he left, he looked at the small city with a lot of hatred, and sweared that I would come back again.

At the other end, Fidel admits to the high-level figures who watched the war that the current operations have failed, and that all methods used have failed to kill the terrible opponents. Considering the immense threat that the target could pose to the United States, he requested that ... "Use the last resort."

The Secretary of Defense was silent for a while, the national security adviser bowed his head, and everyone in the situation observation room was thinking. Some actions need to consider the consequences, especially not to stimulate the bears too much.

Only the President of Twitter found his own mobile phone. In just over half an hour, his Twitter has been pushed to the world by the media.

The world of freedom and democracy is cheering, the people are rejoicing for the great victory of the United States, and even the popularity of the President of Twitter is rising. Everything looks so beautiful.

European countries have been congratulating, and even France and Germany, which have always been disobedient, have behaved very submissively. There are also nasty Russians who have closed their stinky mouths, and they should also speculate that their ace is facing a huge threat.

Would you like me to delete my Twitter?

No, no, America has its own pride!

His Excellency the President wanted to understand these words and said firmly: "Fidel, do your best."

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