Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1222: Much attention

Didi Didi's horn sounded loudly, but pedestrians on the road didn't mean to let go. The two western reporters sitting in the car were impatient and could only get down from the car with their equipment and walked hundreds of meters into the police station of Aleppo under the guard of a bodyguard.

"We are American journalists, and we have an appointment with your chief for an interview." The leading reporter went up the steps of the police station and presented his credentials to the soldiers at the door.

The soldiers checked two Western reporters, but an officer stood up and rubbed his fingers. An Associated Press reporter pulled out ten dollars and plugged it in, passing immediately.

Aleppo's police station is also simple and cluttered with noise. Impatient policemen kept pushing for help among the various tables and chairs, but more refugees flocked.

Associated Press reporters once caused chaos, and many people rushed to get help, but the police stopped them dutifully this time.

"Come with me. The person you are interviewing is in the cell." A police officer beckoned the reporter to a humble room. Several women and children rescued by Zhou Qingfeng were held inside.

"How are they doing?" The American reporter asked.

"I don't know." The leading police officer pushed the reporter into the cell, drew the dollars from the reporter, and closed the iron door. He urged: "You only have half an hour. I will come to remind you when the time comes."

The police officer left, and the cell was quiet. The two reporters did not have time to sigh. They immediately opened the equipment and connected the communication satellite to prepare for an on-site interview.

"Hello, I'm Joseph from the United States. Please believe me, I'm here to help you. Can you talk to me about your experience? Speaking in front of the camera can get you the attention of the world." The reporter of the microphone approached carefully, trying to dispel the vigilance of several women and children.

The assistant fiddled with the camera whispered, "Joseph, the satellite is connected, you are already on the channel."

Joseph immediately looked back at the camera. He pressed the headset, held the microphone and said, "Hello, host. I'm Joseph. I'm at the police station in Aleppo.

I was in front of several women and children rescued by the stealth fighter yesterday. They don't seem to be in good shape, and the police here obviously don't treat them well. I'm communicating with them, I hope they can come out of their difficulties. "

This time it was the aBc in the top five news networks in the United States that grabbed the right to broadcast live broadcasts. The evening ’s World News column featured a special report. The host of the live room was originally sitting in a critical position, but when the woman with the most noticeable nose appeared on the screen, he couldn't help lowering his head.

The woman with her nose cut off looks terrible!

"I'm sorry, I don't mean any disrespect. I just feel uncomfortable, it's really miserable." The host of aBc raised his head calmly, but still couldn't bear to look directly. He suddenly shouted angrily: "Hell, did the Syrian police not give these women the most basic treatment?"

The photos and videos taken by Zhou Qingfeng are relatively far apart. The women with their noses cut are miserable but not real. But now the Associated Press's reporter obviously has better shooting technology, and clearly captured the twisted tapeworm on the nose wound.

This scene thrilled countless viewers.

This news program is being broadcast on Times Square in New York. As a result, countless people in the square covered their mouths with horror and discomfort. This is really the psychological endurance limit of many people.

On-site interviews are still ongoing ...

"Can I confirm a few questions with you? For example, who hurt you like this?"

"It's those bastards."

"Those hanged?"


"So who saved you?"

"I don't know. I can't even see him, but I can feel his presence. He is fierce, but he didn't hurt us and gave us something to eat."

The simplest language touched people's hearts the most. When Zhou Qingfeng made the news for the first time, he did not cause the audience to be overly excited. With the help of simultaneous translation, the information of the live interview has spread to every corner of the world.

Some people cry, some cry, and some are sad. Sympathy for the weak is a human instinct, especially in western societies and even politically correct.

Poor woman, executed villain, disappearing stealth fighter, all eye-catching elements are in it. No such media will resist such a news material, this is bound to be desperately reported.

When the reporter from the battlefield ended the interview, the hosts of the aBc live studio were praying to God and said that they would provide these poor women with as much help as possible. But the host's next words turned around, and the guests at the scene talked to the stealth soldiers who rescued these women.

"This guy is obviously a rule-breaker, we can't change his opinion because he saved a few people." A lawyer guest commented: "As far as I know, this invisible guy told us There is a major threat to national security, and we must control him. "

"What if you can't control it?" The host asked again.

A Washington-based politician at the scene simply said, "For such people, you can only control them if you can't control them. We are a free and democratic country. We don't need such unconstrained saboteurs, and people won't like him. of."

When it comes to whether people like such a person, aBc just happened to conduct a street interview. Their reporters deliberately ran to Manhattan, New York to find the social elite-in general, the elite would not like this troublesome lone ranger.

When reporters approached passers-by with the question of how to treat stealth fighters, many people expressed their views.

A banker gave an interview first, and he said, "I would keep my distance from such a strong person, because he would mess up something and hurt my interests."

A venture capital manager said: "Although I like adventure, I actually like more certain things. I think I will only stay away from a violent man."

A Broadway actress said straightforwardly: "I don't like violence, I don't like violence at all. I like gentle men. This is the standard of my daily interaction."

These answers are in line with the opinions of the guests at the news site. Americans do not seem to like people who violate social norms and threaten the United States. Several guests even shouted and saw, I'm right, this kind of person is only suitable to stand opposite, he cannot coexist with us.

But the interview is continuing, but the reporter on the street asked us from another angle that we don't know the specific identity of the invisible warrior, but if he is someone around you and you know his identity, how would you interact with him?

That's a good question!

Opinions are transferred from public to private.

The banker suddenly became interested, and after thinking carefully, he said, "If I know who he is? I don't think I can refuse to be friends with him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Please note, this is not in contradiction with my previous point of view. Want to see who refuses to be friends? Even if he is a bit evil, he is strong enough. "

The venture capital manager also said to the reporter for a while: "If he is already my friend? This is not the same. Oh oh ... this situation is exciting when you think about it. It can bring a lot of money Gains. "

Broadway's beautiful actress didn't think about it for a long time. She asked the reporter with a chuckle: "You mean if a strong and mysterious guy is my boyfriend? My God, I never thought about it. But as long as he It won't hurt me ... I think that's another situation.

I can conclude that he is in good shape, and I noticed his gentle performance in rescuing the poor women. He should be an intimate man. If he could protect me with his strength and fierceness, I wouldn't mind having something with him, right? "

The pretty actress said that she was finally winking at the camera, and even wrote her contact number and pointed it at the screen. This can leave the guests in the live room speechless, only stare.

Standing on the sidelines and privately turned out to be two completely different results, which is a bit ...

Well, even the host said it was normal!

There has even been a discussion on the Internet if the stealth fighter is my friend, or simply if I am a stealth fighter.

Like strong, self, and maverick apostasy. This is what real Americans think! This is even what young people in the world think!


Similar problems became extremely hot for a while, but real heroes appeared in front of people. No one can resist him!

Zhou Qingfeng's Twitter and FB account, which he just registered, got countless attention in an instant, and became a big V overnight!

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