Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1223: Countdown to execution

People live, trees live.

It is difficult for a faceless person to survive.

There is a person in this world who is particularly face-faced.

You said it was a flower planter?

Pull it down! Now the life of the flower planter is getting better and better. Little rabbits who worry about the house car every day can rarely consider the problem of no food and how to live. They are becoming more and more confident, turning on the self-hacking mode, and laughing at themselves.

Those who want to face are often isolated people, such as the green teaching garbage in the Middle East, which is regarded as the cancer of the earth. Without ideologically distorted arrogance and perverted arrogance, extreme-minded terrorists cannot survive, and it is impossible to attract all kinds of similar brains.

People's hearts have been dissipated this year, and the team is not good at bringing them.

How arrogant the Taliban was in Afghanistan at that time, and it turned into a moderate immediately after being violent by the U.S. military, and could no longer carry the banner of green fundamentalism.

ISIS, which has evolved from Al Qaeda, and Nusla, which has evolved from ISIS, are the most prestigious terrorist organizations. Everyone talks about how they are oppressed by the world, and then how to move the jihad so that people all over the world cannot eat pork.

But the living environment of terrorist organizations is extremely harsh these years. In order to exhibit in the harsh environment of frequent wars and uncertain lives in the Middle East, they must pack themselves and pay attention to their image and performance. Otherwise, who will join them? Who gives them money to expand their power?

Face, face is very important!

Terrorists must have a terrifying and terrifying image. If they are beaten, they cannot fight back ...!

Hmm ..., a muffled sound followed by the crackling of the wine glass, and a puff of expanding water appeared on the ground. A red-eyed man was full of alcohol, watching the TV broadcast rightly.

The drunk man had to curl up, his eyes frosty and cold, and when he was angry, he rifled his rifle at the TV and suddenly burst out. The tiny LCD TV was crackling and smoky, shattering and disintegrating.

The gunshot shocked the soldiers outside, but when they came in to see it, they heard the angry curse of the alcoholic man: "If the world is laughing at us and no longer afraid of us, how can we fight? Our ideals will be for this reason Disappear, we will be finished immediately. "

As soon as the soldier heard it, he knew that his boss was in a bad temper, and he hurriedly rattled and dared not stay. And just now on TV was the news that stealth soldiers punished terrorists, and heroes in troubled times came to Aleppo.

To be honest, extremely evil villains are disgusting, and extreme justice heroes are not flattering at all. Guo Jing and Xiao Feng have no market these days, but Yang Guo and Wei Xiaobao are quite popular. Even Pig Bajie is more sought after than Monkey Monkey!

The officer is refreshing and has no regrets. The stealthy soldier took the initiative to circulate numerous photos online. In fact, this kind of people is most popular with young people, and the green education extreme organizations often use similar images to publicize. But now stealth fighters are killing terrorists, and this ... is in trouble.

The drunken man was called Zarqawi. This time he pulled out from the old nest of ISIS and brought a powerful armored unit to take down the small town Bab controlled by the government forces.

But before Zarqawi publicized his great victory, all the limelight was stolen by the stealth fighter who killed the terrorists.

Zarqawi became angry-I finally managed to make a headline with a big move, but now regardless of TV or the Internet, it is all news of invisible soldiers. Babu fall can only hang a small piece of tofu on the third edition.

Click now is money, grab the limelight like killing parents!

The outside world has regarded the actions of stealth fighters as a new type of special operations carried out by furry bears, and has given high praise to such actions that have gone and gone, believing that this will cause great psychological pressure on the ever-rising terrorist forces.

There is psychological pressure, and it is not small!

Now that the Internet is so accessible, terrorists cannot do without social media. Regardless of whether you have participated or you want to participate, anyhow, all kinds of green believers feel the same when they see their hanged companions. Instead of being overbearing, you will be tortured. Anyone must think about it.

"We have to fight back and we have to re-establish our prestige." Zarqawi finally made up his mind, feeling that he couldn't sit still. He shouted outside his command, "Omar, I need you to perform a task."

A fat man with a slick face walked in from outside the headquarters. "Dear Zarqawi, I'm ready to work for you."

"Catch a hundred heretics in the city, and I will execute these people publicly, and I will broadcast the execution process online. I also want to make the invisible guy understand that he is going to be humiliated by me soon."

Zarqawi's frowning expression was extremely ruthless. Fatty Omar nodded his promise but didn't quite understand what his boss was going to do?

"Dear Zarqawi, I understand that you want to deal with that invisible warrior, which guy is really annoying. But what does this have to do with your process of killing heretics online?"

"Because I will name the stealth fighter to rescue!" Zarqawi smiled bloodthirsty and cruel, "I want to let anyone actively come to us, but I will not let him find it easily. I will set traps, etc. With him, if I can kill him, it will make me famous ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will also tell the western media that if he does not come, everyone will die because of him. His veil of justice will be It will be peeled off because of it. Believe me, the Virgins in the West will hype up for this and force him to appear. The media will focus on me and I will become the king of the world again. "

An enthusiastic and irritable voice sounded inside Zarqawi's headquarters, and in this rudimentary broken house, the lives and deaths of a hundred civilians were determined. As the executioner, Omar immediately nodded and exclaimed: "Dear Zarqawi, you are the wisest of us."

Just do it. The Zarqawi section that occupied Bab just did nothing. When they received the command of the commander, they immediately started to move and arrested more than 100 civilians in the town. In order to make the scene more eye-catching, they deliberately arrested a large number of women and children.

"The invisible guy killed our companion and challenged our great jihadist cause, but he just hid and did not dare to openly confront our mighty jihadist. As a punishment for his mean behavior, we will make it public A hundred heretics were executed.

From now on we will execute one every hour until the coward dares to stand up and do it. We have prepared a real warrior to fight him! "

Isis was extremely active on Western social media, and Zarqawi's manifesto spread on Twitter and Facebook immediately. The content of the pictures and real-time videos are selected civilians. The first person to be executed is a teenage girl.

When Omar, the executioner, put his muzzle on the girl's head, countless people who saw the video screamed.

Zarqawi posted the latest message on social media, "This heresy will be executed in an hour. You dare not show up, do you want to save her? Or you are timid and can only watch her die."

The countdown to the execution began ...

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