Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1269: Demon Strikes

In distrust of his fellow men's combat effectiveness, Crown Prince Hammandan hired a large number of retired Western soldiers as security personnel in his estate. Among them, American seals and British sas are among the best.

These hyena-like guys often have years of combat records in the Middle East. They have no interest in eliminating violence, and they are very good at money and abuse.

These war hyenas are equipped with the best weapons, use the most expensive equipment, accept orders that ignore the law, and perform inhuman actions.

However, it is actually the compatriots of various crown princes of Hammandan that really account for the majority in the manor. For a country still in the feudal era, dog legs that cling to the aristocracy often have abnormal distortions. In Harmandan's private estate, there are many of these two kinds of people.

A mechanical fly flies through the manor and taps on a window as it passes by a watch room.

The password seemed to have been banned at the manor, and the information on the dinner party was banned from discussion. But the ban is limited to radio, and private servants and servants talk about it with pleasure.

The room was covered with precious carpets. Several mercenary soldiers with guns were chatting with Lujiao's close friends. Two maids with black gauze bent over to pass on their food and drinks. Every time the maid walked in front of a man, she was touched by a few hands. They were manipulated wantonly, but kept silent.

A mercenary grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured it into his mouth, yelling and cursing, "That **** woman, she killed my two brothers and hurt my chest. I really hate to blow every hole in her. "

The talking mercenary's voice was loud and seemed to be involved in the wound. He grinned and covered his chest with a grin, causing a ridicule around him.

A Green Treasurer sat on the rug, grabbing the lamb and stuffing it into his mouth, rubbing the greasy oil on the maid's chest. He laughed and said to the Western mercenaries: "That woman is really strong, I have never seen such a strong woman, and it was hard to drag her."

"She is very strong and very strong. I once played against her. She shoots very accurately, and moves quickly, judges accurately, and shows no mercy when she starts. But she has been seriously injured before, otherwise we may not really be able to catch her. "

Another mercenary is also evaluating, "This woman has received professional special operations training. I think she should be from Russia, and I can even guess her identity.

The key now is to find her accomplice. We need to determine who started the operation today? However, I think the next thing is already very simple, and the specific investigation should not use us. "

These mercenaries are chatting, they should be backing up other people in the manor at any time. The content of their words was recorded and transmitted by mechanical flies, and it was not long before the invisible demons rushed in the darkness of the manor.

The mercenary who had previously said that he wanted to blow up the whiskey in his hand, he grabbed the assault rifle at his hand and pointed it to the ground, and shouted to his companion, "Let's go and change the shift. I hope that the group of people who are monitoring can show up. Something, it shouldn't be difficult to catch that woman's accomplice. "

The mercenaries stood up one after another, they said in their mouths to catch Valena's associates, but they did not think that the so-called associates would remain if the operation had failed. According to common sense, associates are either silent or dormant at this moment.

The leading mercenary has just opened the door of the lounge. There was no one outside, but there was a strong wind, and he was immediately hit hard, and the whole man duang flew out.

The leading mercenary had just been attacked, and the kicked body was still vomiting blood in midair. The other mercenaries behind him immediately responded, grabbing guns to fight back.

But in the seemingly invisible space, a thick fist broke through. The fist was wrapped in hard metal gloves and smashed with anger with enough strength.

The mechanical exoskeleton strengthens its power several times, and can even hit the helicopter's bulletproof glass window with one punch. Now this hard fist smashed into the head of a mercenary, and it smashed like a watermelon.

The bones exploded and a head burst into a batter. Another mercenary next to him was covered by the **** flesh batter. He subconsciously wanted to lower his head to avoid it, but another whip leg threw it out of thin air.

Metal heavy boots and armored tibia were pumped into the mercenary's abdomen, as if cut from a huge axe, and the mercenary wearing a heavy bullet-proof vest was pulled back at 180 degrees, with hundreds of kilograms of body and equipment This whip leg was alive to evacuate, and his bones were broken.

The invisible demon burst into the room, as fast as electricity, as fast as the wind, under his fists and feet, and he breathed in and out. He lifted his hands and even killed three of them, causing the room to scream in blood within seconds.

The splashing blood and water met obstacles in the air, and a humanoid murderer slowly revealed. The remaining mercenaries were not his opponents at all, and they were all killed by him neatly.

The carpet of the room was soaked with **** red blood, and the brain on the wall was dripping down. There are also a few green men and maids in the room ~ www.readwn.com ~ They are all scared by this instant change.

And when the invisible demons released their invisibility, a terrible existence with a skull helmet and blood on their bodies appeared in front of them. No one is thrilled!

Zhou Qingfeng picked up a few firearms and ammunition from the mercenary's body, turned and asked a shaking green teaching man, "Where is the tall woman you caught?"

The questioned Lvjiao man only shuddered, stared at Zhou Qingfeng, but said nothing. Zhou Qingfeng kicked out and his heavy metal boots collapsed his chest.

After moving half a step, Zhou Qingfeng asked the same question to another green teach man. This time there was an answer at the medical department of the manor.

"Where is the medical department?" Zhou Qingfeng stunned the two maids first, then turned on his armband computer to project a virtual projection of the entire estate. This is a satellite map and mechanical fly detection just downloaded.

The technology of the era surprised the green teaching men. They obediently pointed out a relatively remote location on the virtual projection.

Zhou Qingfeng was **** a muffler on a p226, and when he got the answer, he opened fire on the green teaching man in the room. The fluttering bullets blasted each other's head.

The mechanical flies took off again and flew towards the position of the medical department on the virtual map. They provided Zhou Qingfeng with a leading investigation. The intelligent computer of the digital helmet is planning the route, in principle, try to avoid the people in the manor.

Zhou Qingfeng, who was just killing his heart, changed this principle. He voiced: "Don't plan a hiding line, kill it, kill it directly! I don't believe anyone can stop me!"

The planned route on the virtual map immediately changed into a relatively simple and smooth straight line, a line of death marked with high-risk red.

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