Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1270: Track

For many rich people in the Middle East, it is inevitable to be rich and powerful and evil. In order to save his life, Crown Prince Hamandan not only hired a large number of security personnel, but also spent a large amount of money to install high-end surveillance and defense equipment in his private estate.

A large number of cameras and sensors are located in all corners of the manor. There are more than a dozen people on duty 24 hours a day in the central control room, just to ensure the safety of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

As a result of the invasion of outsiders just now, a large number of personnel in the central control room are now checking the surveillance video. They wanted to trace how the intruder entered the manor while figuring out if the other party had any associates.

Valena's body is very tall and her appearance is very obvious. The monitoring staff quickly found out most of her course of action after entering the manor. But they always couldn't find Valena's companion.

"This woman must have a companion. The sentence she called after she was arrested must be a message to the companion." The security chief held his arms in his arms and stared at several monitors. In front of him were several busy men, who were looking for any suspicious people.

A monitoring officer analyzed: "Although the woman's shout is very loud, it can only be heard within about 30 meters. We centered on the location of her shout and mobilized all within 30 meters. Surveillance video, probably found more than sixty people who could hear her shout. "

The avatars or screenshots were quickly listed on the screen of the monitor, and the monitoring staff continued to analyze: "Of the more than sixty people, the women's shouts are certainly not notifying our security personnel, because this is completely unnecessary."

Swipe away more than a dozen people on the screen.

"There are more than forty people, about ten of them are our internal servants and servants. These people are more reliable and have been controlled to investigate one by one. We don't care about them for the time being."

The avatars on the screen are reduced again, leaving only more than twenty.

"The remaining twenty people are guests invited by His Royal Highness, many of whom are long-term friends of the Crown Prince. We are not sure whether these people will be hostile to the Crown Prince, but most of them know a lot of our secrets. Nor does she need to be reminded. "

More than 20 suspected personnel were halved in an instant, and only a dozen were left.

"These people are left ..." The monitors enlarged the remaining people on the screen one by one, and tapped their fingers on the keyboard lightly. A personal avatar kept turning pages, "I'm not sure. "

"Remove the diplomats who attended the dinner," said the security chief with his arms raised. "It's not like a premeditated and organized invasion, it's like ordinary revenge."

Only one digit is left for the displayed person.

The security head bowed his head slightly, staring at everyone on the display. Most of these people are Western faces, and he said coldly, "Remove those who look too thin or too fat. Our enemy is likely to be a man, at least a very strong woman."

There were only five suspects left ... each seemed unlikely. They are top figures in all walks of life, and there is no reason to come to the manor to find the crown prince.

"Take the video of the woman being towed away, and I'll watch it again." The security chief felt like he was missing something.

For the sake of clarity, the surveillance video of the evening banquet hall was played slowly again. In the actual picture, Valena, who was seriously injured after being ambushed, was dragged away by a group of people. Her body fell, her legs were mopped, and she was dying.

The security boss yelled, "This woman looked at the venue for a few seconds before she shouted. Her shout was likely to be seen temporarily. Who changed the surveillance video from another angle, I want to know what she is watching What's up? "

The monitoring staff in the center control room became active, and they also felt that they seemed to solve a certain mystery. The busy crowd made the atmosphere a little tight, and everyone stopped talking, but instead looked at the dinner party videos from other angles.

Through the multi-angle comparison of the same time point, an image of a cross-field of view was segmented and appeared on the large screen of the central control room. Everyone saw a wide-angle picture taken by a camera over the banquet hall.

There are many characters on the screen, but there are only a few who can be dragged away to the corridor. The security chief pointed keenly at the two vague figures on the screen and said, "Who are these two people? They should just face to face with the arrested woman."

The video was backtracked again and again, and one man and one woman finally appeared on the screen.

"That woman is Hollywood star Charlize, and that man ..." The monitor said for a while, and everyone's heads were deflected towards the biggest suspects screened out in the previous analysis. "This guy is on our list of suspects and has recently been in conflict with our crown prince."

The head of the security guard was moving quickly, staring at the display screen and saying, "Why is there so little information about this person?"

"This guy is a Chinese, the hottest movie star right now. But he has always been mysterious, and no one can find out his background." The monitor shrugged, saying that he only had such information. "At best we know ... his name is Linsen."

The large screen avatar in the central control room began to be enlarged and displayed separately. Www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Qingfeng with a tough appearance smiled at a bunch of security personnel.

Everyone in the entire control room couldn't believe it. They looked at the picture stupidly, and their heads were a little confused. Only the security chief said sharply, "It's him, absolutely him. The situation is very surprising, but without doubt, this guy must be the woman's companion."

The security chief quickly grabbed the phone at hand, "Hey, this is Enleco, I want you to go ..."

Paw ..., the entire center control room suddenly went dark, and the main power was cut off. A dozen monitors were shocked and stood up looking for weapons or the cause of the accident. What was even more puzzling to them was ... Why didn't the backup power supply work?

The emergency lights came on, but after a few buzzing sounds, all these lamps were broken. There was a sound of glass fragments falling to the ground, and the entire control room became completely black, and nothing was seen.

Just now it was clear that the pistol with the muffler was firing, and the security boss immediately yelled, "The enemy has invaded, find a night vision device! At the same time, find a way to contact outside security personnel to come in and alert the whole estate."

Some monitors wanted to sound the alarm. Someone hurried to find the night vision device stored in the central control room, while others grabbed the pistol and fired blindly in the direction of the sound of the gun. After a series of banging gunfire, the control room was quiet again.

A monitor pulled out the night vision goggles in the equipment cabinet. He activated the electronic device and put it back and forth in front of his eyes. The security chief asked anxiously: "What is there now? Where is that bastard?"

"I ... I didn't see anything." The monitoring staff wearing the night vision gaze turned left and left, showing nothing. But a creepy voice came from behind this man, "Don't make unnecessary struggles, I'm going to cut your throat right away."

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