Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1271: Unbridled

In the darkness, a warm liquid splashed onto the security head's face, and he reached out his hand, smelling a **** nose. The gun in his hand quickly turned over, but he did not dare to fire because he could not see anything, and the security personnel in the center control room became blind.

"I really admire your ability, and just rely on a sentence and surveillance video to infer the correct answer." A mocking voice sounded in the center control room.

This time, the security boss fired in the direction of the sound, firing several shots, and other security personnel also shot. But after the sound of gunshots, heavy objects coming from other directions fell to the ground.

"Vanathan, ..." The security chief shouted a few names, but only one person answered on the other side, and the others were silent. He quickly shouted, "Wanathan, move closer to me."

But even Vanasson didn't respond.

Death came too suddenly, and the central control room was filled with an extremely terrifying atmosphere. Someone stumbled towards the door, but soon shouted, "Head, the door is locked."

Others tried to contact external support, but soon shouted, "Head, no signal. Both wired and wireless communications were cut off."

Others felt the danger was approaching, and fired at each other desperately, and the sound of the banging gun rang, causing others to lie on the ground to dodge.

The security boss did not stop his chaos shot. He hoped that the enemies who sneaked into the control room would be as scared and embarrassed as he was, so that he would have a chance. The security personnel who could fire at random emptied a magazine, but there was a drooling grunt, as if in a painful suffocation.

Cut throat ..., that guy who breaks in likes to cut throat!

"Mr. Lin Sen, is it really you?" The security chief hopes to delay for a while. He wants to have a conversation, maybe he has a chance to counterattack. "We respect you, we have no grudges. You are a respected star, why did you kill us?"

There was a chuckle in the darkness, like an elusive black mist. After the laughter, a voice said, "You never wanted to kill them when you were bullying, but now you are asking me why you are killing you? The answer is simple, I am happy!"

With the lapse of time, the central control room continued to sound the flapping sound of the corpse. The security boss heard it heartily. He could only offer the last move, and found out his cell phone to provide lighting in the direction of the sound. At the same time, the muzzle was pointed in the past to fire. But ... what about people?

This faint light illuminates in the darkness, but also illuminates most of the space in the center control room. Just now the voice was clearly in that direction, and even a reverberation could be heard. Who can speak?

The method of using mobile phone lighting will undoubtedly make the security boss a conspicuous target. Enemies who sneak in will definitely find him. This was a desperate decision, but now he wants to shoot without a target. His eyes glanced left and right, the muzzle pointed at any possible hiding place, ...

Can't find anyone!

"Idiot, I'm right in front of you." A voice sounded suddenly.

The head of Security's head startled to his throat, because the voice really sounded in front of him. He quickly pointed the distant muzzle in front of him, but before he retracted his arm, he took a split palm, his elbow was broken, and the firearm fell.

The security head reluctantly wanted to retreat, a tough hand grabbed his neck tightly, and grabbed hundreds of kilograms of his body. He kicked his legs, grabbed his hands, and swayed desperately, eventually making his eyes glaring out to no avail.

"Sometimes you gangsters are worse than the mastermind. Without your help, the garbage of Harmandan would not be possible. Is it too late to ask for forgiveness? Go to hell."

The voice in the dark was indignant, and finally slammed his head, slamming the security boss on the floor, smashing a brain burst.

Killing everyone in the control room, Zhou Qingfeng's figure appeared from the darkness. He destroyed all the storage equipment and backup data, and finally exploded it with a few grenades.

When Zhou Qingfeng opened the iron door of the locked central control room, the abnormal situation here has caused the security personnel of the estate to be vigilant. Hundreds of sturdy security personnel 66 rushed over and blocked the corridor from the central control room to the outside from multiple angles.

Said to be security personnel, are actually a group of trained professional soldiers. These guys who possess the killing skills run rampant in the Middle East relying on their power, magnifying the nobles' wanton behaviors countless times.

Hundreds of eyes were staring at the exit of the central control room at this moment. They clenched their guns and waited for their targets to appear. But wait, wait, wait, wait a long time without moving. Instead, a weird figure suddenly appeared behind them, and the figure seemed to be killed by crossing the barriers of time and space.

Everyone held their breath and waited patiently for the qualities necessary for these professional soldiers. And among these people, a heavily armed man stood holding a 34-barreled machine gun at the end.

To be honest, the power of 34 is not suitable for use in the manor. However, the Crown Prince Hammandan felt that this weapon was powerful enough and asked his security personnel to equip it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now the strong man feels that there are so many companions in front of him, and he definitely can't make his 34.

The heavy machine gunner held 34 at the end of the line, waiting silently for a dagger to pierce his neck. The sharp blade agitated along with it, smashing his throat knot, and blood squirted out of the big hole in the neck, rushing up to the ground.

The sudden attack was frightening, but the strong man with the machine gun was not dead. His stiff arm grabbed him, trying to drag the attacker in front of him in a fierce and determined manner. He wanted to see who had attacked himself and alert his companions.

But the strong man's pull did not work, and he tried his best to grasp an iron pillar, unable to move. His body shuddered because of his power burst, turning his head to see only a figure who seemed to be shrouded in water.

The dagger that smashed the throat was slowly withdrawn, the blood and water were draining, and the strength of the strong man was decreasing. He wanted to shout but couldn't say anything, but his eyes widened slowly and fell down slowly. At the same time as he fell to the ground, the blood flowing out attracted the attention of his companions, and the strong **** smell was too pungent.

The security of a manor slowly turned his back, a shocking scene entered his brain as a defender's heavy machine gunner fell to the ground, a large amount of blood flowed from his neck, and the heavy machine gunner's eyes opened deadly. Just look at myself like this.

What's even more terrible is that the 34, 5,000 magazines equipped by heavy machine gunners fell to the ground, more than 20 kilograms of the gun body were grabbed out of thin air, and six barrels were turning and turning!

This is to shoot!

The guard's security personnel screamed inhumanly, and he flew forward to avoid it. But the 34 at the back has sprayed out rainstorm-like bullets!

With six thousand shots per minute, all obstacles are grey.

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