Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1284: ready

Clipper Hotel, Presidential Suite. The piling sound of pilings kept coming from the bedroom, and the woman was intermittently panting and moaning in the middle, completely wavy.

"Lin, you are like a beast, any woman will be conquered by you!" This is Charlize's biggest compliment given several times of extreme joy. The goddess collapsed on the messy bed, the jade body ran out, and her lower body was muddy. After a while, she was lethargic because of exhaustion.

Zhou Qingfeng got up from bed, and soon a few maids came to clean up the mess, washed Charlize with warm water, and put on clean pajamas. The maids were staring at the man's still lower body during the busy period, and the fierce fighting just made them tickle.

But Zhou Qingfeng didn't say a word, and let them leave after the maids had packed up. He himself stepped into the bathroom, stood in front of the shower and showered with cold water, trying to calm himself.

But the more cold water is poured, the more uncomfortable my heart is!

Behind Zhou Qingfeng was a wavy figure, and the invisible Valena appeared. She walked behind the man and held each other's shoulder and said, "With your impulsive character, I don't know how you lived to this day?"

"Because I'm strong enough!" Zhou Qingfeng was angry and spoke loudly.

"No matter how strong you are, you are alone," Valena said.

Zhou Qingfeng immediately turned his head and said calmly: "Do you know what I did? I once turned Tokyo upside down, I once entered the U.S. core secret laboratory, I once openly stole the US Department of Justice database. I even Fuck an American warship twice!

Not to mention that I have completely torn apart the layout of Americans in Syria not long ago, giving Syria and Iran respite. I have never been compelled by Americans. No in the past, no now, no in the future! "

"Ha ..., young people are really angry." Valina's hand was taken back from Zhou Qingfeng, she slowly took off her optical camouflage, followed by a coat, and finally underwear. "You haven't gotten excited about that actress yet?

You spent more than an hour doing the foreplay, she could not stop her teasing desire, and then spent another hour from light to heavy, completely satisfying her. I was jealous of everything, but you were not so gentle when you did it with me. "

The violent female bear undressed and held Zhou Qingfeng from his back. She is taller than Zhou Qingfeng, lowering her head to the man's ear and whispering, "I can make you happy, but I prefer your gentleness, and now I want you to satisfy me."

Zhou Qingfeng glanced back at Valena, stretched out her hand from her plump chest to feel the strong thighs, and finally turned to start another thrilling, full of joy.

After more than two hours, the two men and women fell on the bed in the other master bedroom. With an eyebrow in her eyebrows, Valena held Zhou Qingfeng from behind, watching the man operate the armband computer on his arm.

"Where did your computer come from? Now virtual projection seems to be just a concept, there is no practical use." Valina has accumulated great curiosity about the advanced items that are constantly emerging from Zhou Qingfeng.

On the virtual projection is a map of the United Arab Emirates. Each building and street is marked in detail to ensure that Zhou Qingfeng can provide the most complete information. He only swiftly operated the computer, and turned a blind eye to Valena's problems.

"Bad guy, you're more and more fascinated by me." Valena took a bite on Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder, and all the bites bleed. "But you don't answer me, I will continue to bite."

Zhou Qingfeng still ignored, but the small wound on his shoulder was healing quickly, and the bleeding position was scabbed in less than half a minute, and tender meat grew in two or three minutes.

The strange situation in this scene made Valina's heart startle. She wiped Zhou Qingfeng's shoulders and confirmed that she was not dazzled. She forced her to stand in front of him and turned over to ride on him. She asked, "Who the **** are you? Why are there so many strange places?"

Zhou Qingfeng has just completed his new combat plan. With the new plan, he lay flat in bed and took a deep breath. His hands touched her heavy **** from Valena's thighs and asked with a smile, "Did anyone admire your beauty?"

"Do you think there are a few men who can admire a woman who is twice as physically fit? Those idiots under me call me a woman who is as cold as a rock." Valina Lengheng said, "I usually rely on my fingers to solve problems More effective than men. "

"Do you want to strengthen twice your physical fitness? Four times that of ordinary people. But you have to pay a price." Zhou Qingfeng asked.

As soon as Valina was staring, she looked at the wound that Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder had just healed quickly. "Have you ever injected me with a medicine that can quickly recover from serious injuries? Is that the thing?"

"What can quickly recover from serious injuries is a treatment needle, and what I can give you now is NTZ-49." Zhou Qingfeng said.

"NTZ-49?" Valina immediately widened her eyes. She once entered the Pandora's laboratory with Zhou Qingfeng just to obtain the data of Professor Arenzo's NTZ project. She is no stranger to the letter combination NTZ, "Human fortification drugs, does this really exist?"

"I have a small bottle made of alloy in the pocket of my jacket. The bottle mouth has a combination lock. If you enter the password incorrectly, it will self-destruct. It contains NTZ-49."

Just after Zhou Qingfeng finished, Valena bounced from him immediately, hurried to find his coat and jacket, and took out a small gray-finished bottle. She couldn't wait to ask: "Password."

Zhou Qingfeng reported the password and precautions, but Valina didn't seem to think about the aftermath, she poured a capsule and threw it into her mouth. Then she flushed to Zhou Qingfeng, "This is my welfare as a slave girl, right?"

"That's right." Zhou Qingfeng nodded. "As long as you make me feel relieved, I will get more benefits in the future ~ www.readwn.com ~" Varina said with a smile: "Thank you, my master. No choice of loyalty seems to be a bad thing! "

Ten minutes later, the efficacy of NTZ-49 broke out and Valena passed out.

Twenty-four hours later, Valena woke up again, with a lot of food beside her, and ... an additional dog!

Wang ...!

The big dog barked and passed a piece of paper to Valena. It said-I'm dog meat, my loyal dog. The master went out with his goddess. He tells you to eat more food when you wake up, adapt to changes in your body, and don't run around.

The intense hunger made Valina immediately start eating and drinking, and she was laughing and laughing while eating and drinking. Because she can obviously feel that her power has increased exponentially, and it is indeed easy to master.

"It's twice as strong, it's really twice as strong. I now have four times the physical fitness of ordinary people. Hahaha ...! This is the day I dreamed of." Food and then ran to the bathroom to take a bath.

In front of the bathroom mirror, Valena found herself significantly younger. All her physical qualities have doubled, but her looks and body curves are softer, her skin is delicate and shiny, and she is a bit more feminine.

"Oh oh ... I'm beautiful!" Valena never thought she could use the word beautiful to describe herself, although she couldn't have a face upset by all living beings like Charlize, but now she can at least be called beautiful.

"Thank you, Master." Valentina's appearance doubled and her appearance improved, and nothing was dissatisfied. She turned around and praised the dog behind her.

The dog meat barked in response.

Valina was startled in the next second-how did this dog's mouth look terrible? !!

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