Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1285: Threat

Hamantan's estate, secret basement.

Fidel from cia and his men arranged this into a simple command post. He mobilized a group of elite soldiers to prepare to compete again with the stealth fighters that seriously endangered the security of the United States. But now he can only swear at the table ...

"These **** green lords, not only can't I catch anyone now, but I'm also mad at him. Why are they so stupid? We are here to help, but they are messing with us."

Unstable Fidel unfastened his suit and walked back and forth under a group of genera with his hands on his hips. His assistant couldn't stop persuading him to stop talking.

Fidel's plan is to loosen up and tighten up, and to deploy a small number of elite soldiers to try to lure opponents into the trap. Although the method is old-fashioned, the opponent may not be fooled, but in the end this is a tried and tested routine.

But what about Crown Prince Hammandan? The guy who was afraid of dying directly called in thousands of military police to surround his estate, and it was still in a state of great fanfare and a very deterrent posture. He was just telling aloud his opponent who was hiding in the dark, don't come.

All this failed Fidel's plot.

Waiting for his boss's breath to calm down, Fidel's assistant just stepped forward and reported carefully: "Sir, we have begun investigating all personnel who have entered and exited the UAE in the recent period, and strengthened border security checks."

"It's useless at all. We don't even know what the real opponent looks like. This way we can't even track the Russian woman Valena." Fidel shook his head.

The intelligence assistant touched his nose and continued looking at the folder in his hand. "We talked in detail with the medical staff in the medical department at the time, and Valena who was sent back was seriously injured.

But when the invisible warrior arrived, she quickly woke up and was able to act on her own without the help and equipment. She was seriously comatose and had to be taken to ICU for supervision. She could walk on her own within a few minutes. This was considered a medical miracle by the doctors at the scene. "

Fidel scratched his head, and was distressed and hummed for a while.

The intelligence assistant continued: "What makes us even stranger is that in the preliminary investigation the next day, a female journalist was unconscious while trying to reveal some kind of clue. We are trying to find a way to wake her up and even have removed her Dubai is sent to Tel Aviv with better medical conditions.

But Israeli medical experts also said that the condition of the patient was strange. They thought that the female journalist was artificially put into a state of brain death, and even if she was awake, she might lose her memory. It seems that this is probably caused by some kind of spy agent that is not known to us. "

In the end, the intelligence assistant gave a few photos, "This is the footprint we found near the manor this morning, which is consistent with the footprint we saw in Palmyra. It can be determined that our opponents did come, but did not Go into the trap we set. "

Hearing the last paragraph, Fidel shouted angrily, "Any chance to catch an opponent is very precious, but now it is wasted because of the timidity of the green teaching waste."

Fidel really wanted to vomit blood. He leaned down on his chair and wondered what to do next? Suddenly, his subordinates came and whispered, "First, an email was sent to our cia's internal mailbox, and the sender named and asked to speak with the cia commander at the Crown Prince's Manor in Dubai."

Fiddleton froze and sat upright. He took over the tablet he was handing and glanced at the so-called email. The message itself is simple, not simple as attachments. This is a video taken by Zhou Qingfeng from his digital helmet. The picture shows him killing mercenaries in the manor two days ago.

The picture is messy and the time is ten seconds, but it can be seen that this must be taken from the perspective of the invisible warrior. It's not that he can't take it at all.

"This guy wants to contact me?" Fidel thought for a few seconds, then asked, "Did the director be informed about this?"

"Everybody in the bureau knows this, Director Brennan has authorized you to allow contact with the other party." The man also gave a certificate of authorization.

Fidel is a bit big, and this kind of direct contact with the opponent has never been good, but now he has to do it if he doesn't. He responded to this mysterious e-mail through the mailbox, roughly introducing his identity, and asking the other party's intentions.

"Release the Syrian girl who was captured this time, and severely punish the Crown Prince Hamantan, depriving her of status, power and property." At the other end of the network, Zhou Qingfeng quickly made his request.

This is impossible!

Of course, Fidel would not refuse directly. He tried to talk to his opponent with a variety of rhetoric and words. But Zhou Qingfeng at the other end was not fooled, but said directly: "I know you won't easily agree to my request, in fact I also figured out how to obtain sufficient exchange terms."

When you see the last sentence of the e-mail, you wait, there is a kind of creepy thriller in Feldlton. As if a calamity is imminent, trouble is coming soon!

"Immediately send out a warning of terrorist attacks, order all US consulates around the world to increase their security, strengthen domestic security checks, and notify our allies, ..." Fidel said in a series of countermeasures, but the more he said, the more panic- — This is a loophole everywhere!

what should we do?

Fidel sent several emails in a row to call on his opponents to calm down. If there is anything to talk about, the opponent has no news.

"Contact the Russians and let them restrain their special agents, or we will launch a revenge attack of the same kind."

The situation passed back to cia's headquarters, and even Director Brennan was frightened ~ www.readwn.com ~ he quickly asked to talk to the Russian side, because everyone has always thought that the invisible fighters were theirs.

However, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs replied in an official voice-it was not their people who attacked Crown Prince Hammandan, but they were also hunting out of control of Valena.

There has always been a certain kind of horrible balance between the five big hooligans, and various underground operations have maintained a balance of power, otherwise the destruction of the balance leading to large-scale revenge would be worthless. After all, the attack is much simpler than the defense, and no one wants to tear his face and bleed into a river.

You should know that cia has been fighting the invisible warrior for more than one or two rounds, and currently there is no way to restrain the other. Facing the threat now, cia has to assess how much loss she will suffer if she loses control. If there is another big trouble like 911, it will be tragedy!

"Security in the United States has been raised to the highest standards, and it is not easy for the enemy to destroy it."

"We think adversaries may target vulnerable overseas consulates and companies."

"The European allies will also be under great pressure, as if ISIS had caused many terrorist attacks in Europe before. Uh ..., it seems that we are provocative."

National security analysts began to rack their brains, thinking about where their country might be attacked. And their various subtexts also show one thing: my great American will not easily yield, let alone compromise with terrorists!

After being told that all security forces had risen to the highest level, Fidel, who was in charge of the communication, knocked out the emails that refused any negotiations.

And this email was sent out, and the unresponsive mailbox has new information soon-you are so confident! So let me see if it is important to be a garbage crown prince, or your F-22 is important.

what? !!

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