Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1286: Air base

UAE, Zafra Air Force Base.

This is a U.S. military base very close to Abu Dhabi. The U.S. Air Force has been stationed here since 2,000 years. And the squadron deployed here is not very ordinary, and its equipped fighter is the famous F-22.

As an important fulcrum of US forces' deterrence in the Middle East, Zafra Air Force Base is huge in size and has perfect internal building facilities. And its alertness is extremely high. Not only are a large number of guards deployed here, but also various advanced sensors to monitor any wind and grass around the base.

Zhou Qingfeng took Charlize as a tourist to Abu Dhabi, and a day's play made her faint. At night, he dressed himself as an ordinary Arab man and stole an off-road vehicle ten kilometers away from the base of Zafra.

"Next, we need to walk over." Zhou Qingfeng opened his armband computer and pointed at the base layout on the map. "There are too many sensors around the base, and there may even be defense lines such as mines, so Not suitable for over the wall.

But we have the cover of optical camouflage, we can find a way to steal a car in and out of the base. The guarding US military never imagined that we dared to mix in directly from under their eyes. "

Valena was still sitting on the off-road vehicle, and an armband computer was on her arm, but the style was obviously not as small and delicate as Zhou Qingfeng's. She also opened a virtual screen, silently noted the course of action, and asked, "Victor, don't you really want to explain this dog?"

‘Dog’ is sitting in the back of the car and shuts up obediently. It just watched Varina turn her head, and then she wagged her tail and made a loud noise.

"Don't call silly dog." Zhou Qingfeng patted the head of ‘dog meat’ and started the optical dog camouflage specially prepared for him. Suddenly I couldn't see my body, and the ‘dog meat’ was scared and barked constantly.

Knowing that Zhou Qingfeng wouldn't say anything, Valina snorted angrily. This violent female bear is even more powerful now. Her original physical quality is twice that of an ordinary person, and being strengthened by NTZ-49 can reach four times that of an ordinary person. Enjoy all kinds of combat power increase, now she won't leave when she walks.

The four-fold constitution was further increased five-fold by the mechanical exoskeleton, which is nearly twenty times the strength of ordinary people. Valena now has a speed of one or two seconds at a hundred meters. Basically, the person who kicks one leg is gone. It is really like running. But running too fast optical camouflage will fail, which is a contradiction.

"Okay, let's go." Zhou Qingfeng pinned a team of US military convoys from the port to the base, sneaking into the car after avoiding the escorting of soldiers. The two men and one dog were so quietly hiding on the roof of the car, approaching the base of Zafra under the cover of the night.

Terrorists in the Middle East are also extremely rampant, and US military bases are even more targets they are eager to attack. Therefore, the U.S. military has had sufficient experience in responding to various attacks. Although the Zafra base was far from the main battlefield, it was also heavily guarded in accordance with specifications.

Zhou Qingfeng was lying on the roof of a tanker truck. From a distance, he could see deep trenches dug outside the base. This ditch is not used to anti-tank, but to prevent suicide cars from approaching.

Behind the trench are a large number of American soldiers equipped with night vision, and various optical sensors also aggregate external movements to the computer at the base's security center. If there is a fool who feels closer to the base, he will be killed if he can't even reach the edge of the base.

A large number of isolated cement piers are set up at the entrance of the base. Vehicles must walk slowly in a zig-zag pass between the cement piers and undergo inspection. This is also a measure set up to prevent suicide attacks.

There is a ridiculous topic. The U.S. military has long popularized these simple and effective defense tricks among the Allied forces in the Middle East. However, those war five dregs are actually troublesome and not strictly enforced, so we often hear that government forces in some parts of the Middle East were hit by suicide cars and suffered heavy casualties.

Sorry, the Middle East is really a silly place!

The American soldiers at the entrance of the base strictly inspected every vehicle entering and leaving. In addition to checking the credentials of the personnel entering and leaving, they also led soldiers to walk around the vehicle, or checked every detail of the vehicle with various equipment, such as the bottom Is there anyone hiding.

For a seemingly empty roof, US soldiers took it for granted that it should be safe. And watching the enemies walking close to each other, Zhou Qingfeng whispered in the radio: "Varina, did you spray the powder?"

"Of course I sprayed it, but it seems your silly dog ​​didn't spray it. I wanted to spray it at the time, but I was a bit afraid it would bite me. Your dog is really scary." The radio responded.

"No dog meat sprayed?" Zhou Qingfeng was a bit silly, he watched as an American soldier with a military dog ​​walked past him, and when he came to the next car ...

The army dog ​​barked suddenly at the roof of the car, but before the soldiers holding it reacted, it ran away with its tail pinched. The soldier holding it was dragged dead but couldn't control it, and the dog was dragged away by this army dog.

The surrounding American soldiers are unknown. But they didn't find one, so they only scolded the dog that shivered behind the concrete pier.

At this moment, 'dog meat' has already been skipped from the two workshops, and lightly and silently rushed to Zhou Qingfeng and laid down ~ www.readwn.com ~ When it was just barking by the military dog, it opened its mouth silently, and the fangs and sharp teeth appeared out of nothing Scared the army dog ​​enough.

There seemed to be no problem with the convoy, and the guarded American soldiers began to let go. One by one, military vehicles entered the Zaffra base in sequence. Zhou Qingfeng took Valena and ‘dog meat’ to jump midway and hid in the shadow of a building.

"It's awesome to sneak in secretly!" Valena admired, but then said, "The only trouble is that the optical camouflage is so good that we can't see each other."

"So this requires planning the route in advance, and tacit cooperation." Zhou Qingfeng leaned against a barracks to look left and right. He was an avant-garde. After Varina's break, ‘dog meat’ wandered. The whole action combination was perfect.

The Zafra base is large, and the night of the U.S. base is not quiet. Not to mention the fighters performing various night flight missions, idle soldiers can walk around in a limited range, and the base is full of facilities and institutions that provide services to them.

"Are we going to give the Americans a night attack class?" Valena asked. "So we have to go to the barracks."

"No, we don't go to the barracks. I just want to teach Americans a lesson, not to drive Americans crazy." Zhou Qingfeng said.

"I think you're enough to drive the Americans crazy," Valena said.

A few minutes later, according to the 'dog meat' investigation of the base, Zhou Qingfeng re-planned the course of action. "Come on, let's go to the hangar."

"How many American F-22s do you want to blow up? This is really cool!" Valina did her homework before coming. This base houses the 27th Squadron of the US First Fighter Wing from Virginia , The main model is the current king of air combat F-22.

"Who says I want to blow up the plane? I just want to drive the plane away."


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