Rise of the Wasteland

: "If that year, the girl didn't resist ...

Remember this elementary student who read Liu Hulan crying in this popular video?

The classmates are still young and not sensible, it is normal to make a big laugh.

What is chilling is some netizen comments, with sarcasm and irony:

Those who seem to be "bright" should read the following article!

If the girl did n’t resist back then

Wen attacked papa bear


In January 1947, the village of Zhouxi Village in Wenshui, Shanxi.

In the cold wind, a 14-year-old girl was pushed in front of the bayonet by the ferocious gendarmerie. There were already several headless, **** bodies.

She knew these people lying on the ground, and even just now, she saw the process of separation of their heads-just a short while later, the living person became a **** twitching corpse.

The gendarmerie who executed the scene looked at the little girl with a strange look. They probably wanted to capture an exciting sense of fear. It was better to be paralyzed, crying and runny, and then kneel for mercy. In their subconscious, men will succumb in front of the sword, let alone a little girl of this age?

However, to their disappointment, this scene did not appear.

The girl calmly walked towards the trowel, her eyes wide showing the clarity and lightness that only her age had. She first glanced at her parents, surrounded by her, and looked at the executioners who were about to kill her, then closed her eyes and greeted death peacefully. But before the sword fell, she suddenly made a hissing roar ...

This roar was remembered, spread by the people around, and it was eventually written into our elementary school textbooks.

You should know the girl ’s name. Her name is Liu Hulan.


Twenty years ago, when I first read her story, my mind had such a question: What is a 14-year-old girl who made her at such a **** killing scene? Fearless and generous to die?

It wasn't until I came back to visit my grandfather in his rural hometown one day a few years ago that I seemed to understand something.

My hometown is on a rich land in southwestern Shandong, where the air is fresh, the population is large, and the land is fertile. When I came back from the big city, everything felt great. However, when I was walking with my grandfather over a small hill next to the village, my grandfather suddenly told me that it was called Wolf Eater before liberation.

There used to be wild animals like wolves here? I'm interested. But then, from my grandpa's mouth, I heard a creepy story.

The so-called wolf food gangsters are where wolves eat, and their food is human babies. At that time, the maternal infant mortality rate was extremely high. The dead mothers often buried thin coffins in the ground, but the dead babies were often wrapped in thatch and thrown here, and became the food of the wolf. There are so many abandoned babies, and many wild wolves are supported. At that time, almost every village had such a wolf food post.

Grandpa also told me that the misery of people's lives at that time could not be imagined now. If you give birth to a boy, you will be a strong man in your family, and you will have to work hard to feed it no matter what; but if you have a daughter, you may be drowned and thrown here. Grandpa said that when he was young, he occasionally saw plump wolf wandering around, and what was still chewing in his mouth.

I looked at the hills. The mountains were green and green. I could not imagine that there were so many young lives buried here.

I don't know why I suddenly thought of Liu Hulan. If she is still alive, she should be about the same age as my grandpa.

But when she faced this fate, did she accept it?


Regarding that era, I used to see the women of the Republic of China with petty bourgeois feelings and emotions. After reading more books, I learned that the women who were able to sit and drink coffee elegantly in the night Shanghai cafe were less than one-thousandth of the proportion of women in this country, and the remaining 9999ths Women, they may be more related to "wolf food post" in life.

It was an era of despair and suffocation. Older people once told me that when a girl was born and survived lucky, her destiny was almost doomed.

Since childhood poverty, girls have to start housework and farm work at the age of four or five, because high rents and taxes are overwhelming every family. When they are seven or eight years old, they are sent out to raise children and then marry. People, and then witnessed their children being thrown into the wolf food post or tired for a heavy rent in a barren land.

Don't try to fight against fate, because the squires have been strictly maintaining everything. I once saw a kind of stone mill left before liberation in a place beside the Yellow River. After knowing it, I know that this stone mill has another purpose-to sink a woman into the river.

Those women who are considered to be contrary to family traditions. I imagined that they were tied to a stone mill to promote the Yellow River, and the squires elegantly drinking tea and watching the crowd crowded.

I suddenly thought that "honor murder", which is regarded as a bizarre myth in the online news, refers to the murder of a family member by a murderer in order to restore the honor of the family. The victims are almost all women. "And" not check ". Who can imagine that this "murder" was so common and natural in our land.

This is a normal year, and when disasters and wars come?

During the great famine in Henan in 1942, the victims sold their wives just for a few liters of millet. A twelve- or three-year-old girl was sold to a brothel or given to a wealthy family as Weiwei.

In 1949, the People's Liberation Army had counted 850 soldiers, including mothers, sisters, and grandmothers who were raped, occupied, and forced to remarry.

In 1948, in the suburb of Taiyuan, Shanxi's hometown of Liu Hulan, there were no less than 6,000 farmers starved to death and killed. Five of the 26 households in Jinci Nanda Temple sold wives, 9 sold children, and 28 lived to starvation. .

I can feel that despair penetrates into the bone marrow of almost every girl of that era.


What can fight fear and despair?

Today, after talking to that generation, I know that it is a resistance to despair. Because of resistance, there is no fear, so there is no longer an expectation to change this world.

It's hard to imagine now that in that turbulent age, there were so many Chinese women standing up so bravely. Their names are Qiu Jin, Chen Tiejun, Yang Kaihui, Zhao Yiman, Jiang Zhuye, and Liu Hulan ...

They are progressive intellectuals, underground workers, guerrillas, women's rescue directors or other professions ...

But they only have one common ideal, which is for New China.

Do you think there is only one Liu Hulan? No, if you look carefully at that history, you will find that there are thousands of Liu Hulan: they returned from a stable foreign country, they betrayed their own class and family, they were willing to risk the killing of their heads to fight, and they feared no sacrifice.

The power to resist despair is so strong that sacrifice like Liu Hulan is everywhere, but it is a long time ago and we do not know it. In fact, from a letter included in Wang Shuzeng's liberation war, I can feel:

"... Dear comrades, seeing you, we are sad and happy. We are happy and saved. Sadly, in these months, we have suffered a great disaster like never before. The Kuomintang puppet army has occupied Weixian. Later, burning, killing, robbing, grabbing, and grabbing food, doing everything, Weibei County was pulled more than 2,000 cattle, the grain was robbed, and it was difficult to count the arrested Zhuangding. What is even more cruel is that the masses were killed.

For more than two years, more than a thousand people have been killed in the Weibei people. To this day, the dead compatriots around the Hanting base are still exposed in the wilderness, leaving no one to clean them up.

In Lijiaying Village, Zhifang District, more than 70 people were buried alive. The brutal methods are even more horrifying, and stabbing and burying alive have become common methods for Jiang bandits. Some cut their ears and tongue first, then buried them alive; some women were plucked to death by pulling their hair out; some women were stripped of clothes, tied to trees, and inserted with red-hot guns to kill them alive; some were killed Stripped clothes were tied to the tree and boiled with water. The whole body was blistered, and then swept with a bamboo broom. It was called "Sweeping Eighth Hair". Some cut the flesh with scissors and called "Hedgehog". Some were covered The knife was cut open and thrown into the hot pot, called "the poor boy turned over". Zhifang Dongzhuang Jiang bandit installed twelve stabbing knives at the street and arrested them by household.

Xingjia Dongzhuang was jailed for twelve people at one time, and a four-year-old child, the president of the women's rescue committee, was also jailed into three sections. Poor peasant Han Zai Lin's three brothers had fifteen, and fourteen were suffocated. The remaining mother begged to leave her a descendant, but she couldn't help. She saw her grandson was suffocated, and she hanged herself with grief. .

... A woman rescue chairman in Gaoli District said to everyone at the time of death: "Tell the Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army, we must avenge us!" Dear comrades, you are the main force of the East China Field Army, you are the children of Jiaodong, you Repeated victories, with you, you have hope, and you have reliance.

You are our life-saving benefactors. We cannot let you go. We want you to take revenge on us. I demand that you resolutely and completely destroy the Jiang bandits and the "Return Hometown", and that you destroy the enemies as in Meng Liangzhang, leave heroic victory in Weixian and make great contributions. This is our noble faith in you and the people in themselves Command of the army! "

Today, our education is missing a lot. The problem is that we didn't tell those who questioned the hero ~ www.readwn.com ~ what kind of world the martyrs were at that time. When they know the cruelty of the world, will they still question their courage to laugh at their butcher's knife?


What if Liu Hulan did not resist then?

One day at the end of May 2017, in a vibrant world in a parallel world, several viewers were coming out of the cinema, and they just watched a movie in India reflecting women's wrestling! Dad, and was totally moved by the plot of the movie.

On the way back, they will discuss that this country actually made such a good movie, they will also discuss the backwardness and barbarism that still exist in that country, discuss the rape, sexual assault or other jokes flowing out on the Internet, discuss the feudal **** and see To the life of a woman of hope ... At the end, they will be sighing, why was there no one in this ethnic group to resist?

They wondered: if they resisted that year, maybe the school enrollment rate of girls in this country will reach 98, the average life expectancy of women will exceed the world average by 10 years, and the maternal mortality rate will drop to that of developed countries.

Maybe women in this country can engage in flight team performance pilots, can be a mighty military parade in front of the heads of states of the world, and can hand in hand to receive their own citizens on the coast of Yemen.

Maybe women in this country can design rockets, satellites, submarines, can go to the Nobel podium, can fly to space, can get gold medals in the Olympic arena, can be softened, and can be the representative of the world's second largest country for the future Development advice ...

Then they laughed at the strange thoughts coming out of their heads. That country, oh, there are still parents who are teaching their children not to believe in national heroes, noble and sacrifices, and no glorious history, so how is that possible?

They don't know, because they rebelled, so today-changed the world!

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