Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1297: God bless America

Coming back from Mongolia's Gobi Altai Province, the two Air Force aviation units performing the **** mission were almost bombed! After receiving the prompt from the early warning aircraft, they took turns approaching their target to be protected this time, taking a closer look at the culprit who teased them.

Under the light of the sun, the true face of the mysterious fighter plane was right in front of him. All pilots in the sky opened their eyes and wanted to see who their enemies were? But when they saw the plane clearly, they felt like they were stunned by a hammer.

An order from the air conditioner commander of the early warning aircraft came from the radio. "This mission is a top secret, and no words are allowed to be circulated. But the central leader realized the significance of this emergency exercise and allowed you to take a closer look at your opponents. Everyone Feel it well. "

When the ghost appeared, the fighters of Yaowu Yangwei slowed down and let everyone take turns watching. The pilot who had just been furious suddenly lost his temper. They had speculated about this **** mission, thinking that they should be a J-20, but they were all stunned now.

Because I took a closer look, the opponent turned out to be a ... Raptor!

The super weapon that made the sauce over the sky suddenly appeared in front of dozens of rabbit air force pilots. They had originally complained that the Blues were too hard to play, but now they only feel cold and cold. Any verbal teaching seems pale, and only the actual combat experience is the most convincing.

This gap is too big!

After taking turns to visit, this **** mission is over. The mysterious raptor did not even drive afterburner, went directly into the supersonic cruise and flew away in an blink of an eye. Many rabbit pilots also deliberately turned on the radar for scanning, and found that the opponent's signal completely disappeared 20 to 30 kilometers away.

If this is a real battle, it must be tortured!

A group of pilots landed in turn and immediately received a confidential education after returning to their respective air bases, and then they were gathered to discuss this highly educational and very close conflict.

"The stealth effect of the other party is too strong, and the early warning aircraft cannot provide too much information."

"Supersonic cruises are really powerful and useful. They appear too fast and run too fast."

"Our J-20 is also conducting adversarial exercises with the troops recently, but the performance in the exercises is far less than this one ..., Raptor."

A bunch of flying elites repeatedly discussed the fighting situation at that time, and expected what would happen if such an opponent appeared in actual combat? It can be discussed after discussion that the opponents really want to start a war, they must first kill the early warning machine, and then they can abuse them like they would abuse vegetables.

The only thing that can limit the opponent's success is the amount of ammunition they carry. The opponent is too strong, really too strong!

Various analysis reports and actual combat experiences are piled up like snow flakes, which are collected and organized into a unified summary to the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, the hijacked F-22 landed at a remote military airport in the northwest. As soon as the fighter plane landed, it was quickly pushed into the underground hangar to guard against death.

Zhou Qingfeng, who drove back by plane, was quickly taken away by helicopter. He also needed to drive back several C-5 galaxies, because no one would be able to drive that thing for the time being. Not long after he left, the general assembly, general staff, and Cheng Fei and many other units sent people to kill them overnight.

Inside the dry and cold underground hangar, a group saw the F-22 who had just returned home. An aircraft design chief walked under the raptor with excitement and shyness, and shouted, "I didn't expect that I could see this guy in the country, so pull the ladder up."

The raptor's canopy had been opened, and the boarding ramp had been set up, and the Chief Design Officer quickly climbed up. After he went up, he was stunned, and even looked at it even more surprised. The others below could only look up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"This cockpit is not the same as the F-22 we knew before!" The design master stepped into the cockpit while surprised. He looked around in the narrow space and finally said definitely: "The thief eagle improved Their F-22, this is definitely not the production model they reported publicly. "

The F-22 was first developed by the U.S. Air Force in the 1980s, and was tested by a Lockheed Martin company in the late 1990s. Restricted by the electronics of the time, the Raptor's avionics now looks a little backward.

It's like a computer with a Pentium four cPu more than ten years ago, with 64 megabytes of memory, and a 10G hard drive. But who still uses that shit?

The technology has developed to the present, and the avionics of the US military F-35 is much more advanced. The cockpit is highly concise, and the large-screen LCD screen provides the most needed information for pilots. The cockpit of the hijacked F-22 is more advanced than the F-35.

"This thief has also learned badly. In the past, they have nothing good to show off to all the people in the world, and they are not afraid of exposure. Now they sneakily improve the F-22 without any word."

The chief designer came down from the cockpit and let others go up and take a look. After making several laps around the fighter underneath, he reaffirmed with certainty: "We always thought that the US F-22 had only made a small incremental improvement of level 3, but we did not expect them to make a major change.

In recent years, the US Department of Defense has been clamoring to restart the F-22 production line. I feel that these are all smoke bombs. Not only did they restart the F-22 production line, they also developed this new F-22B fighter. This time the air force was beaten badly without any wrongs. "

A bunch of military and military professionals at the scene are also moving around the raptors. They did not easily disassemble this hard-won fighter, but they did it with careful visual observation and finger touch.

In the end, everyone agreed with Master Chengfei's point of view—the thief eagle was too bad, and he made good things without a word. Originally thought that the F-20 could get closer to each other in terms of equipment and technology, but now it is found that the eagle is also working hard.

"The air intake was changed from Galette to Dsi, saving weight and space, and improving stealth capabilities ~ www.readwn.com ~ Judging from the improvement of the air intake, the intake air flow has increased, and the engine must have some Improve, thrust must have increased. "

"The absorptive coating has been changed for better stealth efficiency."

"Its avionics have been fully upgraded, and the passive detection system covering all parts of the fuselage has been strengthened."

The final conclusion is ... It is not surprising that the Air Force suffered a fiasco in a top-secret **** mission this time, because the opponent was too strong. A group of experts also began to write reports to superiors, to the Ministry of National Defense, and to central leaders, unanimously demanding increased investment to accelerate the development of next-generation fighters.

Otherwise, the country will not be a country, and the fate of the nation is worrying!

Looking at the reports sent by the pilots and technicians, the rabbit executives were also worried. Fortunately, the country has money these years, and with a bite of teeth, it has doubled the research and development expenditures of new fighters.

And just as the rabbit family was half frightened by the unexpected raptors, the White House chief in Washington, USA, was personally honoring cia's high-level intelligence officer Fidel in recognition of his outstanding performance in the Middle East conflict.

"Fidel, thank you for your service to the United States. Intelligence has confirmed to me that they did find the missing F-22 in a certain area of ​​the Caspian Sea, and the salvage is currently underway. Everything is going very smoothly. "

Fidel raised his chest at the moment, dressing up. The chief commander patted his shoulder and continued, "The Air Force stated that if you did not confirm the whereabouts of the plane, they would spend tens of billions of dollars to update the entire Raptor fleet. You saved a large budget for Congress. "

Listening to the compliment of the Grand Commander, Fidel looked down at the medal on his chest again, and he couldn't help thinking of the opponent he had contacted with—the fool had to throw away a super fighter jet in the Caspian Sea because of a flight failure. America!

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