Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1305: Don't drive

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Sakai Ichiro squatted outside the city's talent market, and behind him was a group of rustic-looking migrant workers. He was in his thirties, with a strong build and a thick face. He wore cheap camouflage uniforms and was inconspicuous in the crowd.

A bunch of migrant workers wait for work outside the market, and occasionally someone comes to recruit. Usually it is decoration and other odd jobs. Some skilled workers can take a few hundred dollars a day, and there are young people who have little ability and can only be hired to do some temporary work or porters.

Sakai Ichiro was full of Shaanxi accent and looked very honest. When asked, he said he was from Xi'an. His physique from the gym is not bad, and several customers came to ask him. The price is very good, but he just shook his head to find an excuse not to ask the work place.

As an economic spy, Ichiro Sakai's task is to sway around the flower growers. He has no special tasks and does not go to dangerous places. He only collects economic data for growing flowers through various channels in the market as a basis for Japan's foreign policy decisions.

Most spies do not need any special means to spy on various kinds of information. Open channels can reflect a lot of information. Whether they can obtain it depends on whether the intelligence officer has a careful mind.

Sakai Ichiro has been in the flower gardener for ten years, and his work is bland but productive. Every time he can judge the big problems from some seemingly ordinary angles, he has repeatedly compiled into reference materials at the table of the Japanese Minister of Finance and even the Prime Minister.

This time, some unexpected economic abnormalities in Urushi City were very surprising. Ichiro Sakai wanted to investigate this.

The so-called 'abnormal shape' manifests in many ways. For example, Singapore Airlines re-independently operated, its special low price attracted a large number of customers, and its fleet size suddenly soared tenfold, becoming an important key node to change Urumqi and the entire northwestern region.

Sakai Ichiro didn't want to investigate the airline at first, because it was common to plant large-scale state-owned enterprises and make them bigger and stronger at flower gardeners. Flowering governments often do this by executive order, and their governing efficiency is among the best in the world.

But Ichiro Sakai observed some very puzzling conditions when he observed the streets of Karachi. A lot of agricultural and sideline products in the Northwest have become popular, and a variety of coastal seafood products have emerged. The quantity is particularly huge and the prices are very good.

There has also been a significant increase in the number of people visiting Northwest China, driving a lot of economic consumption. Obviously, this is the result of a huge improvement in the logistics system.

Sakai Ichiro initially determined that this was only a temporary situation. After a period of time, Singapore Airlines' preferential low prices not only did not end, but also meant long-term.

In the past, due to the high logistics costs, goods must be shipped in large quantities to be cost-effective. However, large quantities must be exploited by middlemen. A few cents or even a penny of agricultural products in the field can cost a few yuan or even tens of yuan when they are served on the table.

Now, with the participation of e-commerce and express delivery, merchants in the northwest can directly trade with customers in the southeast, the price of goods can drop, and the transaction volume rises rapidly. If this low-cost logistics situation exists stably, the promotion of economic growth will be very significant.

At that time, Japan's economic development through the Shinkansen detonated the country's economic development. Now the logistics of Northwestern China has improved greatly, which will also be a significant event.

"Unexpectedly, when China built the high-speed rail, it was really terrible to build a low-cost aviation logistics network!" Sakai Ichiro decided to unveil the secrets of this low-cost airline. Mix it in and see.

Porters are a good job. They have access to first-hand information about logistics. They also have many contacts. The key is not to be noticeable. The only trouble is a little tired, but Sakai Ichiro feels that his body is stronger than ordinary laborers, and he must be able to support it.

After waiting patiently for a day, Ichiro Sakai became an employee of SIA Cargo as he wished, and was immediately sent to the cargo terminal to start work immediately. Just when he arrived at the cargo terminal, he was shocked to find that things were a little bit beyond imagination—a small cargo station had thousands of people.

The foreman led by the team was rude, and grabbed the electric horn to stand and shouted at the train. He had to hurry up and hurry up. "The standard time for loading a hundred tons of cargo is ten hours, and the standard time for loading into the cabin is Ninety minutes.

The company has a high time requirement, and there is a bonus every minute in advance. If you want to make more money, you must hurry up. Speed ​​up and we can double our wages! "

Fast companies along the coast have begun to use robot technology to sort packages. However, Singapore Airlines and the accompanying express delivery companies have not yet established such a high-level logistics system. They can only rely on more manpower to improve transportation efficiency.

The most troublesome is that due to the special nature of air transportation, all scattered parcels must be packed in containers in advance. There is a big difference between air transport and container transport by rail and road. It has special requirements for the storage of cargo, otherwise the instability of the center of gravity on the aircraft will be very troublesome.

This loading process has specific safety standards, requires professionals to complete, and is specially inspected. This loading and finishing work is not done by the courier company, but by the airport's qualified ground staff.

However, in order to improve efficiency, Zhou Qingfeng asked the airport to hire an additional porter, only to assist the professional ground loading daily, to save as many hours as possible and improve the overall air transport efficiency.

And Sakai Ichiro applied for this kind of desperate porter. He originally thought that his job was to move by forklift, and that it was also carried by trailer. This is really direct contact with logistics information, but it is too tiring!

After working in the morning, I sorted out the two air containers, and finally the truck pulled the containers and took them to the plane. Sakai Ichiro thought it would be easy to take a break, but he knew that a large number of goods were immediately delivered.

Parcels, parcels, parcels like a mountain!

Sakai Ichiro quickly chopped a few meals in the cafeteria and was rushed by the foreman of the cargo station to unload. The foreman's electric horn yelled, "Hurry up, hurry up, the stupid courier will not load, so we have to unload it again and reload it!"

Ichiro Sakai is used to eating slowly, filling his stomach gracefully and calmly. But the foreman's urging forced him to work without eating half a bowl of rice. It was carried by hand again, and every package was exhausted.

"Where is this cargo?" Sakai Ichiro, walking from one container to another, holding a large box, tired and panting.

"Turpan's cantaloupe and grapes, the mainland people like the fruits of Xinjiang very much. Now the freight rate is low, and the sales have skyrocketed." An old porter looking at fifty or sixty also passed by Sakai Ichiro holding a box of parcels, and answered smoothly The latter problem.

The foreman shouted irritably next to him, "Handle with care. Losses in the transportation process will be deducted bonuses."

Working in the afternoon was more efficient, and the team where Ichiro Sakai worked had three containers. Listening to the rumbling drive of the truck, the foreman finally shouted, "Change to another group to go to work, and the others will eat."

Whoops ... it's exhausting!

When he arrived at the cafeteria, Ichiro Sakai found that he had been working for a day but had no time to investigate any information. He moved around all day. He was so tired that he didn't have an appetite, and felt that his body exercising in the gym was not suitable for this boring pure physical work.

"How does our company achieve low-cost shipping?" At the dining table, Ichiro Sakai asked the porters in the same group. This is how intelligence is often accidentally obtained.

"There are so many planes in our company." Someone answered inexplicably.

"Maybe there are more planes, larger volumes, and lower costs." This is still the wrong answer.

"I heard that the company transports tens of thousands of tons of goods every day. It is a large enterprise supported by the central government. My relatives’ beef and mutton have been selling very well recently. One day's sales are worth the past month. The family is too busy and must hire Two talent lines. "

"The central government has really set up a good company this time. It is said that Ushi wants to build a logistics industrial park ~ www.readwn.com ~ to train courier companies to obtain air cargo safety qualifications, and to double the current freight efficiency. This is really a thing it is good!"

This is the case for small talk at the table, and what is said may not be the first thing to talk about. Sakai Ichiro wants to know how Singapore Airlines achieves low-cost freight, but the information available is a microcosm of the economic growth of the entire Northwest because Singapore Airlines opened logistics.

Without a taste, he ate only half a bowl of rice, and Sakai Ichiro was thinking about the key factors behind this situation.

But the foreman suddenly rushed into the cafeteria with a loud speaker, and shouted, "It's a warehouse, the courier guys are out of stock. Don't eat any more, and quickly go to help load the car!"

Millions of households in the northwest finally had the opportunity to make a fortune. Numerous old and young men in Xinjiang are waiting for us to send all our packages on time. We can't smash our own signboards, we must not hinder ourselves at this time! "

The foreman shouted, and a bunch of porters in the cafeteria rushed out. Ichiro Sakai watched the foreman staring at himself, and said weakly, "I only ate half a bowl of rice, and the chicken drumsticks haven't been slapped."

"Everyone else has finished eating, so you are slow. Don't you look like a man in our northwest?" The foreman's scolding looks particularly terrifying.

Ichiro Sakai can only abandon his dinner and go to work hungry. There are more and more goods in the cargo stations, trucks are constantly sending packages, and the e-commerce turnover is rapidly increasing. The Singapore Airlines cargo plane originally flew two round trips a day. Now it must fly three round trips.

Tired ..., really tired!

Ichiro Sakai dragged his tired body back to the company dormitory late at night. Compared with other workers who received doubled bonuses, he felt a little hypoglycemic after he had not eaten a full day. When everyone was asleep in the middle of the night, he suddenly got up nervously and waved his hands ...

"Don't drive, don't drive, nutrition can't keep up."

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