Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1308: Contrarian expansion

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Northwest, Turpan, Shanshan County.

Cantaloupe's first name came from this. Just planting a good seed does not mean making a lot of money, and it is not impossible to sell it and rot it in the ground. However, since the launch of SIA's northwest to southeast route, it has found a way out for agricultural products throughout the northwest.

"It's not enough to rely on an airport in Urumqi alone." President Zhang of Singapore Airlines was quite lamented. He stood by the airport in Shanshan County, and in front of him was the construction site being rebuilt and expanded.

"Mr. Zhang, please be content. You have made so much, and it's time to give us some oil and water." Mr. Zhang is standing next to a thin man, and he sighs at the airport being rebuilt. Where did Lin Dong come from, the central government can give you such a good subsidy policy. "

Slim tall is the vice chairman of China Southern Airlines. He came to the northwest to 'help'. Just looking at Mr. Zhang's face, this 'help' might as well be to grab business.

Because of the good advertising of 'Lin Sen', Singapore Airlines' cargo business has increased tenfold. Not many passengers travel to and from the Northwest, but the packages to and from the Northwest are truly overwhelming and piled up like mountains. Since these packages are mostly food, they will be lost too much over time and must be removed as soon as possible.

The scale of more than one hundred cargo planes of Singapore Airlines is large internationally, and it cannot support the consumption power of a billion people in a food empire. In the face of the number of parcels in the mountains, Mr. Zhang, who was in charge of the business, originally intended to shrink the number of orders and balance the capacity at a reasonable point.

Only Zhou Qingfeng, as chairman, relentlessly rebuked this kind of courageous behavior. His idea is to spend money to bring in other domestic airlines, and he must maintain the current scale of transportation, which must be increased and not reduced.

I finally made the cake bigger, but I threw the extra cake into the trash because my appetite was too small. I think this idea is water in my head. It ’s okay to invite others to eat the extra cake. It ’s not good to wait until you have an appetite.

So Zhou Qingfeng asked Singapore Airlines to sign a one-year contract with Air China, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines. He used the money he earned to subsidize the other three airlines, so that more cargo planes could be used for transportation, and the current good situation must be stabilized.

For this kind of good thing, the other three airlines are coming to eat the ready-made freight market. Anyway, the fleet can be rented, and the pilots and ground crew can be hired. At least one operation team is required to start work. At least one billion more are earned in a year.

And in order to further reduce costs, Zhou Qingfeng began to rebuild and expand more than a dozen airports in the northwest after raising a large amount of funds in the stock market. Because only Ushi in the northwest has runways that can take off and land large aircraft, other airports are too small.

According to Zhou Qingfeng's requirements, at least the take-off and landing capabilities of small airports should be improved. They are not required to take off and land big men like 747, but they must be able to take off and land medium-sized airplanes like 737.

By that time, an aviation network in Urumqi will be expanded into an aviation network, and it will continue to be expanded to Tibet and Qinghai provinces. Transport capacity and efficiency will increase again, and logistics costs will decrease again. By then, Northwest Airlines would be Singapore Airlines.

Thinking about the fact that he will be in charge of the civil aviation network in the northwest in the future, Mr. Zhang of Singapore Airlines could n’t help but sigh: “We, Lin Dong, are powerful, ambitious, and imposing, which I have to admire.

The vice president of China Southern Airlines glanced and said sourly: "I heard that you didn't put Lin Dong in your eyes at first, and even went to the emperor to sue and wanted to overturn Lin Dong."

"Nonsense." Mr. Zhang immediately gave an urgent look. "Unfounded things can't be arbitrarily spoken. I don't put Lin Dong in my eyes? But I respect Lin Dong in my heart."

You're a shame!

The vice president of China Southern Airlines laughed sullenly, and then lowered his voice and asked, "General manager Zhang, we have worked with colleagues in the past, and now we are in a trench. Can you give me a thorough understanding, where is your Lin Dong? Capable? Get the scale of more than 100 cargo planes in one go!

Does Lin Dong really intend to keep such a low price policy? Did you get huge subsidies from the central government? How much did you lose? How long can this policy last? "

The vice president of China Southern Airlines asked a few questions in one breath. Among them, where does the more than one hundred Singapore Airlines fleet really come from? But what makes people most want to understand is who will bear Singapore Airlines ’huge losses?

The gas money, the maintenance money, and the airliner's depreciation money have to lose at least 100 billion yuan a year. Who can bear this loss? If there is no country behind it, no one will believe it!

This loss made Singapore Airlines' CEO Zhang frightened, but recently he found that his boss didn't mean to stop, but to expand the scale of transportation. And in order to ensure the future supply, his boss actually talked to the Construction Corps to increase the output of agricultural and sideline industries.

When the aviation point becomes an aviation network, it is easy to lose hundreds of millions of dollars that day. So where does the money come from? Will the state secretly give huge subsidies all the time?

Mr. Zhang couldn't answer these questions. He can only ask a few words with his boss in his daily report ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lin Dong, our huge losses have accumulated so terribly, who will fill this big hole in the future? "

"Large loss?" Zhou Qingfeng, who received the phone call, knew what everyone was worried about. In fact, he had never stopped skeptical since he called out more than a hundred cargo planes for crazy transportation. After all, no one expected that his plane was asking for money.

"You can rest assured that I have the bottom of my mind about the loss, so I don't need to worry about it. You can rest assured to expand your business." Zhou Qingfeng also had no way to deny the loss, and he even deliberately misunderstood that all losses were borne by the government. It's easier than explaining where the plane comes from.

"Lin Dong, I must remind you of something. Some friends in the financial industry recently told me that there are foreign forces trying to short our stocks in the stock market. They are contacting some securities institutions and banks.

You know, our financial industry has been penetrated by foreign countries. Many people who engage in finance have become the spokespersons of foreign forces. These guys are inherently anti-bone and it is difficult to guarantee some moths. I know your back office is hard, but some things are best to be prepared for. "

Zhang has always seen with his own eyes the power of 'Lin Sen', which is the support of integration from top to bottom. Whether he likes it or not, he must stand with his boss, which is about his own future.

Zhou Qingfeng, on the other end of the phone, knew that someone wanted to pit himself on the stock. After hesitating, he admitted: "I really don't know much about finance. But ... I'm good at some aspects. .Tell me what the **** is going on? "

"I can't speak clearly in three words. I'll send you some relevant information." Mr. Zhang suddenly relaxed and realized that his boss was still very persuaded.

And Zhou Qingfeng looked at two pages after receiving a document, and said in amazement: "Japanese? There are actually Japanese who dare to mess with me this year?"

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