Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1309: Still this kind of operation?

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Hong Kong, Peninsula Hotel.

Yoshida, from Japan's Nomura Securities, was drinking afternoon tea on the balcony of the ocean view room. He stared silently at the seawater of Victoria Harbour, but thought about many and many events.

The rabbit family engaged in the 'Western Development', but Nao Teng's results have not been satisfactory for many years. In recent years, they have been engaged in the 'Belt and Road', which seems to be overwhelming, but also has a huge puppet, like a giant dancing with a chain.

Japan is extremely vigilant and opposed to the "Belt and Road" of rabbits. The reason is simple. Japan is a marine island nation, and all it has to do is to use the ocean as much as possible. But if you actually open the world map, where is the center of the world?

It's Eurasia!

Americans have long been called country hooligans. Why? Because America is so remote, far from the center of civilization. Had it not been for World War II and World War II to have ravaged Eurasia, the United States would not have developed at all, at most it would be a large Saudi Arabia.

With today's strong navy in the United States, it is very difficult for rabbits to compete with the ocean. But rabbits have a huge advantage. The ancestors of the ancestors have left their descendants a unique geographical condition-the best sites in Northeast Asia have been occupied by the Han people.

If the Eurasian continent can be linked by land, there will be no American fart in future history. One of the reasons why Americans are tossing in Central Asia and the Middle East is that they do not want to see who can integrate the entire Eurasia.

Where is the center of Eurasia? Continue to look at the map in the rabbit's Xinjiang. Why is the city of Xinjiang in Xinjiang not very developed but has a large airport? It is because it is closest to any point in Eurasia.

The "Belt and Road" plan is very ambitious, but it is also because of the greatness that it brings great difficulties. Some of the difficulties are artificial, and some are brought about by the geographical environment. For example, the China-Europe train travels from Yiwu to London. The whole journey takes more than 12,000 kilometers and takes 18 days!

If you can use the aircraft, it only takes a dozen hours, but intercontinental flights require large aircraft, which is too expensive to transport!

The reason why the 'western development' of that year was extremely slow was because of the need to build a large number of railways. The large investment, long construction period and complicated supporting facilities cannot be achieved overnight.

In fact, Western countries are not interested in the 'Belt and Road', and Japan and the United States have been fighting against it. They all felt, ‘Nima, if there is such a difficult thing as a rabbit, how can I survive? ’

But the emergence of Singapore Airlines has made the Japanese feel a lot of pressure. From the current popularity of the Northwest to Southeast route of the flower planters, those rabbits are really not afraid of fear, and dare to do it. The most important thing is that they really seem to be done!

When Sakamoto Ichiro wandered in the northwest sent back the idea of ​​shorting Singapore Airlines stocks, the Japanese cabinet attached great importance and let the domestic financial community investigate the feasibility. If it can be destroyed, it must be destroyed.

Nomura Securities executives, after reading Sakamoto Ichiro's report, also felt that there seemed to be a lot of oil and water. It is not profitable to get up early. Everyone sees the benefits before they come out.

Several Japanese financial institutions want to organize a group to brush the monsters, and Yoshida from Nomura Securities specializes in exploring the road. To be honest, after glancing at Singapore Airlines' listing information, he also felt that this was a big sheep.

Singapore Airlines was spun off from China Southern Airlines not long ago, and China Southern Airlines was originally listed on the Hong Kong stock market. After the split, Singapore Airlines retains the ability to raise funds for listing on the Hong Kong stock market, which is still very beneficial for Singapore Airlines, which is desperate for great development.

Yoshida had an appointment with an executive of Cathay Securities in Hong Kong today, and would like to talk about the specific operation of borrowing stocks to go short. Just when the two sides were talking on the phone, the other side was not very optimistic about the prospect of shorting Singapore Airlines.

"Yoshida Sang, your ideas are good, but mainland companies sometimes do not run according to common sense. We can lend Singapore Airlines stock in our hands, but I don't think you can really short it."

Yoshida was surprised by the communication on the phone. He once again found all the information he had collected, and after thinking about it, he didn't understand what was wrong. He went to several other financial institutions and even spent money on secret business intelligence from some investigative companies. result…….

"SIA restructured and suspended trading and resumed trading, and its asset information changed several times. But it can still be profitable?" Yoshida was puzzled by this. "It would be good without losing money. How could it be profitable?"

Singapore Airlines has seized the freight market with ultra-low prices. It is not only profitable, but also extremely profitable. Yoshida has bank data spied by commercial spies. From a cash flow perspective, the daily gross profit of more than one hundred large airliners of Singapore Airlines is more than 100 million.

Still this kind of operation? It's so bad!

No, this is absolutely impossible!

As a listed company actually disclosed false data, it was fined.

If your opponent is profitable, shorting is a joke. The annoyed Yoshida carefully studied the information obtained from the judgment. First of all, it is determined that Singapore Airlines does not pay taxes and does not spend fuel. These are super preferential policies given by the state.

"What a great support!" Yoshida lamented. He knows that about a quarter to a third of the operating costs of large passenger aircraft. The state bears this cost and suffers huge losses. "Sometimes I really admire the courage of the Chinna government. It is really ambitious!"

But even if fuel is subsidized, it is still a loss!

Yoshida continued to find what he wanted in the various reports, but he soon discovered another strange thing-in the operating statements disclosed by Singapore Airlines, there was no depreciation of the body.

Hey ... this isn't quite right!

All companies in the world will have equipment depreciation expenses. How can Singapore Airlines not have it? This is counterintuitive!

What is this operation?

Yoshida was again in doubt, and he had to call contacts everywhere, but no one in the financial industry could explain the problem. A huge fleet is actually used without spending money. Who would do such a silly thing?

Yoshida eventually found the Cathay Pacific seniors who were willing to provide information to him. The answer was, ‘The flowering government is so strange. Now the financial world is guessing. There is no answer yet. ’

More than a hundred large passenger planes are worth tens of billions of dollars, and the annual depreciation over the entire operating period is more than ten billion dollars. You know that many big companies don't make more than a dozen or two billion dollars a year! Who's the money?

The world arms giant, the famous Lockheed Martin company, sells weapons and sells all over the sky. Without Loma, the US military would not have to fight. But its one-year arms sales turnover is more than 40 billion U.S. dollars, and its profit is only several billion U.S. dollars ~ www.readwn.com ~ Singapore's one-year depreciation can kill Loma!

For this question, Singapore Airlines will not make any explanation or make any disclosure. And just when all the vampires in the world are inexplicable, the rabbit government stated that: Singapore Airlines' depreciation costs are counted as public safety expenditures of nearly one trillion soft sister coins every year.

What? !!

At a press conference of the State Council, a spokesperson stated publicly: "In the past, because of high logistics costs and low economic development, it was a loss to engage in agricultural and sideline industries in the Northwest. It is also because of this that a large number of Northwest populations are flowing out, which has led to local division The forces are wild.

But now Singapore Airlines' low-cost policy has opened up a new situation for the prosperity and stability of the entire Northwest. As the agricultural and sideline industries once again appeared to be profitable and even profiteering, a large amount of investment from the Mainland and the agricultural population poured in.

The farmers in our country are the hardest-working in the world. In order to get rich, our farmers ran to Russia, to Africa, and to South America. As long as we can make money, we are willing to go anywhere. There is no reason why we cannot go within our own country.

As long as the population flows in and the society is stable, the country ’s public security spending will generally decline. Bearing the operating expenses of Singapore Airlines is very cost-effective in the long run. "

Once this statement was released, others still lamented that the rabbit government was really rich, but Sakamoto Ichiro who had been at the rabbit's house for ten years was shocked. Rabbit farmers watched honestly, but they did everything to make money. come out!

How did the rabbit family come from? But they just ca n’t fight these seemingly weak farmers, they have become a minority!

Western countries have paid a huge price for disrupting the amount of manpower and financial resources of the flower planter's Northwest, but now they are cracked by an airline.

There is such an operation in the world?

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