Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1366: Back to Merida

"If I have to say something in words, it must be ..., Caenima!"

A short video is repeatedly played on the virtual screen. The legion leader on the video is standing in a row of missile launchers.

Inkley's President Corning sat in his office and watched the video repeatedly with the lights off, feeling extremely calm. The staff next to him was by his side and whispered, "Her President, we have found the last Chinese translation. That's a ... swear word."

The general unspoken, half a day later asked in a husky voice: "Are the congressional **** discussing any results?"

The staff member sighed with an inaudible sigh, and his head was lowered a bit, "Congressmen of several factions are still arguing, and there is no unified opinion yet. However, the Ministry of Defense has compiled some intelligence materials and should be of some reference."

The content was changed on the virtual screen. His Excellency President did not first look at the part about the Aurora Corps, but first looked at the Brotherhood of Steel. A moment later he sneered, "Our neighbors in the north are shrinking their defenses?"

"Yes, that's weird. The military was originally worried that when things happened in the south, the situation in the north would also deteriorate. In fact, the brotherhood in the north withdrew from several disputed areas, which allowed us to free up a lot of troops.

Especially for the Mormon Church, their frontline changed to a new commander named Tony Parker. It is said to be very young and has a good record in the past two years. "

"What's weird about this?" The staff explained a few words, and President Corning blew his nose: "It's nothing more than liberating the strength of our three divisions. The Brotherhood is looking forward to us being stuck in the south to fight with the Aurora Army. . But do I look stupid? "

After reading the information about the Brotherhood, His Excellency the President read the news about the Diego government in Mexico. He was annoyed to shoot at the table after only two times. "This gang of drug dealers, they are really the same as Victor Hugo. They are greedy and incompetent. Can they do anything other than ask us for assistance?"

The aides could not intervene in this remark, and the Diago regime was really bad. It can not be seen when there are no fierce conflicts and contradictions. As a result, the original shape was revealed by the Aurora Army a dozen times, and the entire ruling system was chaotic from top to bottom.

"It is better for us to support a litter than to support them!" President Corning was so passive that he was embarrassed to ride a tiger. Members of Congress are now arguing about whether to send troops directly and whether to change the rule of Mexico. The cabinet and the president can do nothing.

The hawks of the Enclave Congress tend to send the trump card at hand to deal a devastating blow to the Aurora Corps. For example, the F-16 Squadron, which finally managed to re-establish and complete training, attacked Havana and lifted the Aurora Army's warfare in one fell swoop.

This is a pretty good word, but the president did not dare to easily use the F-16 squadron at hand, because this squadron did not come easily.

Prior to the cataclysm, the U.S. Army entered the F-22 into service in 2001, announced its initial combat capability in 2005, and completed software and hardware system integration in 2015. It has the ability to launch AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.

Nima ... This is still in a peaceful era, and its inefficiency is horrifying. The F-35 has similar experience. More than two hundred aircraft have been produced. From time to time, when there is a problem, it is grounded. The running-in process is calculated in ten years.

Now after the cataclysm, the industrial system has collapsed, and talent and accessories are even harder to replenish. Enclave is not without high-end equipment, but in the end it was decided to pull out the veteran F-16 that had been flying for decades for re-equipment-because it is cheap to use, can withstand consumption, and it is not painful to lose it.

It took more than two years for an F-16 squadron to enter the combat readiness state. This squadron is the heart of the Enclave military. It can be pulled out for demonstrations. It is unwilling to pull out for combat.

What's more, the Aurora Corps as an opponent is not the soft persimmon that it used to think. General Bruchelle was buried under the missile rain. With over a hundred ballistic missiles destroying Cancun, this shocking ability has taken Enclave by surprise.

The Enclave is not without tactical ballistic missiles. For example, the M270 rocket can carry modular Army tactical missiles with a range of 300 kilometers. How much does it cost for Incre to launch more than a hundred tactical missiles in one breath?

Will go bankrupt!

In fact, because the frontline battlefield information is not clear, Enclave can't figure out how the Aurora Army's more than one hundred tactical ballistic missiles came from. The Enclave military only knew that they couldn't afford this extravagant volley, and they were all frightened now!

Not to mention that Inkley was frightened, even the Brotherhood of Steel was frightened. When David Lawrence heard that the Aurora Corps had fired more than a hundred missiles, he said nothing. He asked the intelligence agencies to confirm repeatedly because he suspected that the number of launches was zero.

It was this large-scale fire attack that made both North American giants extremely confused for a while, disguising their military assessment of the Aurora Army. Because no one can guarantee Victor. Hugo has no other more terrible weapon in his hand.

The intelligence community has recognized that the Aurora Corps not only gained a large number of people after opening the African channel, but also a large number of weapons and equipment. This made the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel so excited that they wanted to grab things in Africa and Europe.

Just as both the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel reassessed the war potential of the Aurora Corps, Giris Dialgo, who had just escaped from Cancun, finally entered Merida, also on the Yucatan Peninsula.

With a population of more than 500,000, Merida has become the largest city on the Yucatan Peninsula, and it is now immediately the front line against the Aurora Corps. Girith, who had fled back to the city, held a conference with her special identity, bringing together all the power figures in the city.

After being beaten for more than a year, Captain Lula, the gendarmerie reluctant to retreat; Colonel Harding, an Incret garrison, who made special appearances in business and trade; Paramount, the city's bureaucrat; and Martin, the old housekeeper of the Governor's House.

These people have had great contradictions in the past, and finally lived together after Governor Alfonso's mediation, but now they are sitting together to face new problems.

In the past year or more, Governor Alfonso only appeared once every three or four months. Every appearance comes and goes in a hurry, rarely staying. And this time it was almost half a year before I saw the figure of the Governor ~ www.readwn.com ~ The original power operation structure was attacked by outsiders.

As a member of the Dialgo family, Giris is a regional inspector from the capital, and he is qualified to exercise power when necessary, instead of the governor Alfonso. The meeting place was in the Governor's Mansion. Martin, the old housekeeper who participated in the meeting, was sitting on the needle at the moment.

Kiris was standing in the living room of the Governor's Mansion at the moment, speaking to the senior officials in the city that he had convened. "Everyone, we are in a very critical situation. The Aurora Corps will definitely launch an invasion. We must work to defend our city.

With my cousin Alfonso absent, I now automatically take over as Governor. I declare that Merida will be under military control from now on. All materials and personnel in the city will be requisitioned, and no one will be allowed to move without my order. Does anyone have an opinion? "

At present, Giris stared at the real figures in the city with great coercion. Everyone looked at each other and looked at each other silently, but no one dared to stand up and express their objections-military control, what a loss? But if you say something against it, you are afraid to be killed immediately.

Seeing the silence, Giris was satisfied with the situation. What he has to do is to control power and control Merida. This will create a great advantage for the next war. "Since there is no objection, it means that you are still loyal to President Diego. I will now announce ..."

Giris was at the highest point of excitement, but heard a footsteps behind him, there was a lazy noisy voice, "No matter what is announced, I have to announce that you are farting. This is my site, When is your turn to talk? "

Seeing the people, many high-rises in the living room who were still silent and stood up immediately stood up collectively. Their dull expressions became colorful in the blink of an eye, and various greetings continued.

This is the Lord's debut! .


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