Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1367: Counterfeit goods are back

Among the standing crowd, Lula was at the bottom. The captain of the gendarmerie, who was once rampant in Merida, is no better than a chicken. He would have been forgotten if he hadn't had another layer of official identity.

Driven out of the throne of the city ruler more than a year ago, Lula desperately wanted to turn around. He decided to hold back, wait, gather his fangs and claws, and only seek an opportunity to overthrow Governor Alfonso.

But it was too long, Lula was willing to wait, and those under his wall were unwilling to wait. The batch of black claw mercenaries solicited was the first to leave. Those who took the money had no loyalty, and soon went elsewhere to seek opportunities to make money.

The gendarmerie team quickly dissipated, no funding, no income, no dignity, and even the minimum clothing, food, shelter, and transportation depended on the Governor's House. Lula had tried to maintain a team with his personally searched money, but it was nothing to wait until he ran out of money.

The toothless tiger is not as good as a dog, and Lula is left with only Ace in a similar situation to him. The former maid of the governor's office lost the trust of Governor Alfonso because he was Lula's eyeliner. It is luck to survive. She and Lula are almost dependent on each other.

After waiting for more than a year, Lula waited to visit Merida's magnate Giris Dialgo. But before he submitted all the black materials he had collected, Giris publicly stated that his cousin Alfonso was doing very well, and he was not dissatisfied with Merida.

Yeah, this city is quite different now than Merida, which was controlled by Terror in the past. The Aurora Corps has developed foreign trade needs, and Merida has become a bustling commodity production place and cargo transit port.

Merida not only provided a large number of goods for the Aurora Army, but also provided great benefits to the Diego government in Mexico. Almost everyone is satisfied, and no one cares what's behind this prosperity.

And when the Aurora Corps destroyed Cancun, Merida instantly became the front line. Seeing that Giris Diago was in charge of the entire Merida, Alfonso, who originally controlled here, suddenly came back-this time the Governor General, who was hard to see once in a few months, returned.

This person's name, the shadow of the tree, Governor Alfonso wore a set of tight-sleeved narrow legs and high-top boots, and Dang Erlang leaned against the entrance of the governor's hall. He appeared less serious, but caused a sensation in the living room.

The old butler Martin nearly burst into tears with tears in his knees, kneeling on his knees, holding his boots and kissing his shoe upper. And even Harding, celebrities and military celebrities and celebrities rushed to tears like seeing God.

God, this Lord is finally back!

Except for the old housekeeper Martin, others did not really have a deep relationship with Alfonso. However, in the more prosperous year of Merida, the city's high-rises have made a lot of money, and just now Giris said that the people and materials in the city should be under military control. Isn't this to their lives?

There are a lot of selfish people these days, and people and groups who care about their own interests are everywhere. Kiris wanted to take a bunch of rich people's property in vain. But now, Governor Alfonso is back, and finally someone can compete with it.

Regarding the sudden return of Governor Alfonso, Girith, who had just been generously speaking, took a moment to pause. He reached out and asked with a hesitant tone: "You are Alfonso's cousin? We haven't seen you for years, and I won't recognize you."

Hehehe ... don't say you don't recognize it, I don't recognize it myself—Governor Alfonso shrugged and shook Girith gently, "Yes, I'm the useless illegitimate child."

"Oh ..., no no no. Alfonso you are too humble, no one in the family is better than you. If there were no supplies from Merida, Mexico City would have collapsed." Giris looked to Without the frustration and anger of seizing power, it was rather frank.

In fact, more than 70% of the more than 500,000 people gathered in Merida are engaged in the production of various agricultural and sideline industries. Yucatán's light and heat resources are good and the land is fertile. The corn and chicken produced here in the past year have become very tight food.

Kiris continued to ask, "Alfonso, have you been there for more than a year? I haven't found you after several contacts."

"Oh ... I'm in Havana." Governor Alfonso said something, and found a flat metal jug from his pocket, opened the lid and took a sip.

Ah ... the whole hall was stunned. Giris was dumbfounded, "You just returned from our enemy?"

"Merida is so boring, there are no fine pubs, no beautiful women, no comfortable houses, why should I stay here? Havana has everything I need."

Alfonso continued to take a sip and then said, "I know you are worried about the war, so I came back to solve this problem. I do n’t think you need to be too scared. First of all, we cannot be afraid of war, we must come with fearlessness Look at it.

Secondly, we cannot rashly overestimate our own strength. After all, from the encounter in Cancun, the enemy is still very powerful. So what we should do is work hard to build a decent army, and at the same time fight for Enclave's assistance.

Of course, Enclave may be afraid of the prolonged war in Mexico, which will inevitably affect the confrontation between them and the Brotherhood of Steel. So we must give Enclave confidence that they can understand that we can fight with the Aurora Army, and we are not unable to fight. "

Papapa ... After listening to Alfonso's words, Giris applauded, and there was endless applause from everyone in the conference hall. To be able to tell this insight in such a simple and clear manner, it means that Governor Alfonso has a certain level.

As the core member of the family, Giris almost looked at Alfonso with shocked eyes. He stepped forward two steps and asked, "Alfonso, you know very well. Can you say something specific?"

This year's fake words and rhetoric are rampant ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is not reliable to have no feasible execution plan. Alfonso was clearly in his mind. "We must have a powerful force with a number of 30,000 to 50,000. We must also fight with the Aurora Corps for a few victories on the Yucatan Peninsula to build confidence.

Of course, it is not easy to win in our current state, so we need to raise a lot of money first. I want to raise funds by issuing government bonds in the credibility of the government, and this money will be used for special military expenses. After winning, use the Aurora Corps' compensation and territory as repayment. "

At first glance, these two ideas seemed to be the same thing, but everyone in the scene was hesitant-as if someone was digging a pit in front of them, they couldn't get out of danger by jumping in.

Even Kiris, who had just applauded, frowned, saying with a questioning tone: "For the troops, there is not much direction to the capital, and it may be difficult to mobilize 30,000 to 50,000. People who are willing to buy bonds to raise funds I'm afraid it won't be too much, and now there is a sense of failure throughout Mexico City. "

The Aurora Corps destroyed a city in one fell swoop, this ability is too bad!

Some people in Mexico City even thought of surrender, and they could not help but face tremendous pressure. But in the face of everyone's doubts, Zhou Qingfeng just looked up and smiled a few times, "I'll solve these problems. Rest assured, we still have time. The Aurora Corps didn't kill them so soon."

Alfonso beat Haha and turned around, leaving Martin behind the butt. And everyone else in the living room was in a daze, and it wasn't clear to me what kind of medicine did the Governor in his house sell in the gourd?

The only sober person in this group was Lula, who was completely out of the circle of power. The captain of the gendarmerie always felt that there was a great conspiracy in front of him, because-Governor Alfonso's appearance in this appearance was too dazzling, he was too confident, as if he was not afraid at all!

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