Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1368: Dilemma of both sides

After returning to Merida under the counterfeit identity of Governor Alfonso, Zhou Qingfeng was very emotional.

The scene inside the Governor's Mansion is still the same. The gorgeous living room, beautiful promenade, translucent chandeliers, expensive carpets, and even the decorative pots and walls on the corners have not changed. They are all status symbols.

But Zhou Qingfeng didn't care much about the aristocratic atmosphere in the Governor's House. He liked to look at it from the perspective of the whole city. Coming here for the first time with him, Merida seemed to be pulled back from the dark hell, purging the rancidity, removing the rotten meat, and rejuvenating with vitality.

Standing in front of the window of your bedroom, most of the city has a clear view. Although the weather is not too good, the streets are crowded with people, and the flow is endless. Zhou Qingfeng pushed open the window and looked for a while, but when he looked back, Martin, the old housekeeper, leaned slightly on his waist and stood quietly behind him.

"How are you doing this time?" Zhou Qingfeng asked. He hadn't been back for a while, but the bedroom was spotless and clean.

"Very good." Old Martin started with the simplest three words, and then enumerated the situation in the city like a few Janes.

"We have planted two seasons of corn outside the city. After an initial demonstration area of ​​500 acres, we have now expanded the planting area to 20,000 acres. The agricultural machinery sent by the regiment is very easy to use, but there is a shortfall in fertilizer. Large, basically only manure.

Compared to corn, our production in poultry and livestock is more exciting. The Legion sends weekly food for recycling as food, and our monthly output of meat and eggs is more than 5,000 tons. We intend to continue to expand and increase production to 10,000 tons.

Mozambique has been strengthening grassroots organizations. We now have a party group for every fifty people in the city, and regularly arrange cadre training. Outside the city, we have more than a dozen guerrillas with a population of over 1,000, with a total strength of more than 30,000.

However, Chairman Nito has also stated that the training of guerrillas has not been sufficient, and the instructors sent by the Legion differ greatly in their capabilities. There are good and bad. Moreover, the guerrillas lacked weapons and equipment, especially heavy weapons. They had fewer vehicles and almost zero technical arms. "

Old Martin said a lot of pieces, many of which can be seen in weekly briefings, but they can be said from the parties themselves, and the feelings are very different.

The city of Merida and the Jiefang array were a move made by Zhou Qingfeng at the beginning, but this move slowly developed in a difficult environment and became more and more important.

For example, because of the good geographical environment, more and more agricultural and sideline products are produced here, and even Havana has begun to become dependent on it. Moreover, 30,000 guerrillas have more troops than the Aurora Army in Havana. This is an armed force that cannot be ignored.

Because the nation is single, the situation is the same, the cohesion within the organization is strong, and the development of the Mozambique is very rapid. Basically, more than 10% of the more than 500,000 people in Merida are the backbone of the Liberation Front, and more than 80% of the population is controlled by the Liberation Front.

The Aurora Corps is now launching the Mexican Raiders. Such a force cannot be underestimated, and Zhou Qingfeng is even more unlikely to let it go. His return this time is to properly integrate this power and lay the foundation for the next brutal battle.

After the explanation, Old Martin also asked with a wishful tone: "The legion is about to come, right? We can immediately wipe out the Inkley strength in the city and kill Lula. Let the **** go to **** early. . "

"No, the situation is not as simple as you think." Zhou Qingfeng waved his hand and shook his head: "The Legion is indeed landing in Mexico, but progress is slow. And we are not yet able to fight with Enclave for the time being, we must delay time for the plan. . "

After the destruction of Cancun, the world was shocked. Enclave issued a severely worded warning to the Aurora Corps, and more than a dozen warships set off from multiple bases in the Gulf of Mexico on the Yucatan Strait. An F-16 fighter squadron was also deployed to Florida, staring at Havana at close range.

The Aurora Corps was under great pressure under the enragment of Enclave. The fleet landing in Mexico had to make a big bend to land from the southern Yucatan Peninsula, and could not carry too many people and supplies for a long time. The entire landing plan was seriously delayed.

The key is that the Dongfeng plan, which was originally a killer, was postponed. Professor Johnson, who took a chest and said that he had completed it in a month, said that there was something wrong with the project and it took more time. Although this situation was also expected by Zhou Qingfeng, the situation facing the army now is different.

Zhou Qingfeng judged that Ingram did not dare to fight, at most it was deterrence and persecution. But it was really deterring to wait for someone to block the door, which is unpleasant!

The leader of the Corps came to Merida this time to make a look for Enclave, so that the enemy in the north felt that the conflict was still controllable, and there was no need to make a big fight-when he really wanted to fight big, his initiative was complete Lost.

While Zhou Qingfeng was planning for his Mexican strategy, Giris, who also stayed in Merida, was also working to stabilize the Diego family ’s rule in Mexico ~ www.readwn.com ~ Giris just now Received an appointment from Mexico City to become the commander-in-chief of Merida's front line, but now his power can only restrain the dozen or so followers around him, which is completely a short commander.

Even the short commander was ignored, but Kiris was also presented by his cousin Alfonso. His original intention to gather control of the city was completely ineffective. Merida's powers only saw the governor without a commander.

Giris set up his headquarters in the city government, and received a telegram from Mexico City-don't panic, a division's reinforcements are coming, Incre has also launched a suppression of the Aurora Corps, you are in Merida Organize forces to resist.

Think of the celebrities in the family who made war a joke, and Giris couldn't laugh or cry. He is an elite who has rarely attended college and practiced in the Dialgo family, and understands the difficulty of establishing a regime better than his uncles and relatives who can only kidnap and kill people.

But now that the Aurora Corps is coming to the door, those members of the family in Mexico City are not ready for battle, and instead put their hopes on Enclave, always feeling that Enclave can handle everything.

"This bunch of idiots ..." Giris was distressed, and he didn't know what to do to be embarrassed. He was envious of his cousin Alfonso, who used to be a rogue who could only play with women, but now he is in a state of danger and calmness.

"What the **** am I going to do?" Giris scratched his head, thinking about cooperating with his cousin Alfonso. Then he knocked on the door and walked into the office. He reported that there was a captain named Gendarmerie who wanted to talk to him.

"Lula?" Giris turned around, not remembering who Lula was among the city officials. But when he was in a difficult situation, he nodded and said, "Let some guy come in, I'd like to talk to him, maybe I can gain something."

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