Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1377: 2 girls 1 dog

When Raphael woke up again, it was already dawn. The moment he propped himself up, his body was sore, especially the forehead was the most uncomfortable, and his hand was covered with blood. The clothes were cut during running around, and the weapons on his body were lost. He turned to look around, dead dead in the bushes.

What about teammates in the same group?

What exactly happened last night?

Is anyone still alive?

Raphael got up carefully, and walked back along the trail left by his running around last night. He didn't actually run out far, seeing yesterday's camp at a distance of a hundred meters.

The camp was messy, many bomb shells dropped on the ground, branches fell off the ground with bullets, and a lot of blood dripped on it. A few steps away, Raphael saw an fallen body, and a few more steps was another.

The scene was so miserable that Raphael came from the sadness and couldn't help crying. He covered his mouth and made a whining sound. It was just a cry, and a gunman burst out of the back of a tree. His terrified eyes stared at the boss. His eyes were all bloodshot.

"Best, don't shoot," Raphael shouted.

The gun was still snapped, but there were no more bullets in the magazine and it was empty. The highly nervous Best saw that he was his comrade-in-arms. The tense nerve suddenly loosened, and his body fell down.

Raphael hurried forward to help Best up, slap each other's face to make him sober. After half a day, Best opened his eyes again and turned around in panic.

"The enemy should go." Raphael said, holding his companion's hand, and sighing, "We should have been spotted by the enemy's Qingying team early on. They followed us all the way and launched a surprise attack at night. "

It took a while for Best to breathe calmly, holding a tree trunk weakly and saying, "You yelled last night to save us. But everyone was panicking, so many people died. Saimai The Captain fired a few flare rounds to calm us down, and then we trembled all night. "

The two searched the camp again, shouted for a while, and found three more people. The guerrilla head Semmett was still alive. It was only that his left arm was hit by a bullet, and the bone was broken, and only a little flesh was connected. He barely tied it with a turban to stop the bleeding.

Semmett was weak due to excessive bleeding. He glanced at the team that had lost more than half and looked at Raphael and said, "Come and take everyone home."

Best brought a simple stretcher with the others, and when returning, he saw Semmett holding his broken arm for a long time. The latter pulled out the dagger with all his heart and cut off the last bit of flesh completely, and the whole person fainted.

The remaining five were like bow-struck birds, and hurriedly left after picking up some food and weapons in the camp. Raphael knew how to use the radio and contacted the guerrillas to report his situation and hoped for assistance.

After confirming the situation, the MLM sent a contact to another nearby team to help them. In the end, it took two days for the remnants to lose, and they returned to the guerrillas hidden in the rainforest south of Yucatan Peninsula. Logistics base.

When he returned, the wound on the broken arm of Semit was already inflamed, and he fell into a coma with a fever of forty degrees. Paramedics said his hand was amputated, and he was afraid not to fight again in the future.

Raphael and Best described to an officer what happened at the time of the attack, but couldn't say much about it back and forth. Because they didn't even see what the enemy looked like.

The officer in charge of the record did not reprimand the two, and sighed after finishing the record: "You are not the first team to encounter the 'wolves', I believe it is not the last."

"What's a jackal?" Best asked in doubt.

The recorded officer sighed again, "It is a special force from Mexico City. It was said to have been a personal bodyguard of the zombie president. The group used to be a special soldier of the Mexican government, later joined the drug gang, and now it is a government army.

The first division of the zombie president's mix was blocked by us in Valladolid, so we couldn't move forward, so it sent its most elite men to hunt us. They have repeatedly tried to penetrate our command authority, causing us a lot of Big threat. "

Raphael and Best looked at each other, never expecting the situation to be worse than they thought. At present, the first division of the government army, which is equipped with tanks, heavy artillery and a large number of trucks, has an absolute advantage in firepower. Major General Brenita, who can command the division, is not in a satisfactory situation.

The fighting has been going on for nearly half a month, and Major General Brinitta has just taken over Valladolid's urban area. The street fighting in the city was extremely hard, and the battle from house to house was bloody.

Outside the city, the front has been extended to one hundred kilometers. Major General Brinitta tried to control the road for maneuvering around the encirclement. The dense grassland and rain forest restricted the advancement of mechanized forces, and government forces had to push along the road.

The longer the battle line, the shortcomings of the inadequate strength of the First Division immediately became apparent. For the guerrillas, the dense savanna and rainforest were full of roads. On the contrary, 8,000 people were trapped in several satellite cities and could not move.

The Qingying Squad is an effective means of confronting the guerrilla group, but the speed is too slow and the losses are too great. This made Mexico City very dissatisfied, so the zombie president Diego, who was well-equipped and trained guards, was sent to try to behead.

"So what do we do?" Raphael asked urgently.

The recorded officer closed the folder in his hand, and Shen Sheng said, "No matter what, we will not give in, we will fight to the end. And I believe that the Aurora Corps will not let go of our plight, Captain Hugo. Definitely send troops. "

What I said was tantamount to saying nothing. Officer Shi Shiran left, leaving Best and Raphael in a daze. Best whispered, "Which captain will really come to help us?"

Rafael's confidence is not very great. He once stayed with the government forces and knew the current situation. "It is said that Incret blocked the Yucatán Channel ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although there was no war, he tried to persecute the Aurora Army. Succumb. The Legion will not be able to transport a large number of people to help us.

The situation was so critical that the two were silent again and had to return to the guerrilla camp to rest. Normally they would be broken up and regrouped after a few days of rest, and the dangerous battlefield was still waiting for them.

During the break, the two heard all kinds of bad news. The Aurora Corps did not provide any assistance, but the guerrillas on the battlefield retreated because of constant losses. Although the casualties were not great, they could not curb the opponent's rampant behavior, and there was no way to improve the fighting confidence of the guerrillas.

Until the third day, Best and Raphael were named by the officers and asked to regroup. They will join a new combat group to go out to defend the Liberation Army, and the officer who announced the order also said happily, "Your squad is very special this time, and two beautiful girls will join the team."

"Girls?" Both Best and Raphael exclaimed, there are still girls on the battlefield this year?

"Yeah?" The officer said cheerfully. "Still twins, beautiful and young."

Twins, beautiful and young, if this is a good pageant, but now it is going to the battlefield! Women are burdensome.

Best and Raphael's original confidence suddenly disappeared, and Best whispered, "Sir, have you ordered no other players?"

Raphael also said, "Yeah, let's arrange some old guerrillas. It's more reliable."

The officer shook his head and said sorry, "Now the backbone of the guerrillas has been dispatched, there is no other person. Oh, yes. There is a dog to join you."

Alas ... two girls plus a dog.

Best and Raphael were completely desperate.

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