Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1378: Really dumbfounded!

Tulum Armory, Yucatan Peninsula.

This is a weapon repair shop hidden in a tropical rain forest. Its specific location has nothing to do with the name of Tulum, just to confuse the enemy. Its actual location is more than fifty kilometers west of Tulum.

Due to the nature of the guerrillas, the Liberation Front did not get the weapons it wanted. How to ensure the supply of weapons in battle has become an urgent problem to be solved. The Aurora Corps has very presciently built this repair factory hidden in the rain forest.

Now this repair factory has become the rear of the Mozambique during the war. There are hospitals and barracks here, and the facilities are relatively complete. Best and Raphael were ordered to go to the workshop to meet their commander-the two girls were their heads, which was the most desperate.

Of course, I think it is the reason for girls. The two young men decided to come and see. After all, women are extremely rare in the Moxie array, and there may not be a woman in a hundred people. The officer who sent them also said that the girls were particularly beautiful, and that was a must-miss.

The repair workshop is a simple canopy in a row of woods, which is ventilated on all sides. The canopy is full of equipment for modifying and repairing firearms, and there are a large number of weapons waiting to be repaired. But in this place full of oil and debris, there are really two young and beautiful girls.

It was a little late when Best and Raphael arrived. I do n’t know who spread the news. The repair shop was full of people. Although no one dared to stop and talk about discipline, all men peeked into the magical smirk.

When the two unlucky eggs appeared, they were immediately shocked by the looks of the twin girls. The two girls were beautiful women even before the Cataclysm, and they were rare in the last days.

The twins were wearing simple ponytails, wearing tactical vests, and wearing beny hats. They had body armor, pistols, grenades, walkie-talkies, magazines and other bits and pieces. The fully enclosed tropical jungle costume can save a lot of trouble, and the high-top boots are not only practical, but also make the legs very beautiful.

The two girls are not tall, about one meter and seven, and needless to say they are beautiful, and they are handsome and handsome. They wore half-finger gloves and fiddled with weapons on an iron stand, taking a closer look at a large caliber M107A1 sniper rifle.

More than a dozen kilograms of arms were held by one girl with one hand, as if pinching an embroidery needle. The original ten-round magazine has been altered into a huge drum, which looks like it can hold at least thirty rounds.

The fragile girl and the powerful firearm form a sharp contrast, which makes people's eyes brighter. But their sturdy looks are even more daunting. When the two idiots approached, they didn't even dare to speak, and didn't report their names until they were asked.

"You are the two idiots let go by the 'hoar'?" A girl stretched out her hand. "My name is Irene, this is my sister Ellie, and this is 'dog meat.'"

Both Best and Raphael were a little silly at this moment. They looked at the lazy silly dog ​​lying on the ground, and their eyes were still on the girl.

Raphael looked handsome and ridiculed himself: "We are not stupid, we are actually quite lucky to survive, and our combat experience is very rich."

But sister Erin shrugged and shouted: "Experienced will not lead the enemy to their nest. The Jackal attacked you, but did not kill you. The only purpose is to find hiding in the rain forest. Molieu base. You successfully helped the enemy. "

Ah ... the relentless words immediately made Russell's face unsustainable, and at this moment he also understood why he could survive the attack of a powerful opponent-the feeling was intentional by the enemy.

Even Best was embarrassed and consciously made a big mistake. But her sister Ellie waved her hand and said, "Okay, don't blame yourself too much. We know you are all novices, so I don't blame you."

There was no sense of comfort in this remark, but the darker Best was more cramped. And Ellie continued: "You have been fighting, you can be considered veterans. Next we want someone to run errands, juggle, lead a way, be a bait, etc. It's up to you."

What? !!

Allie said lightly, but Best and Raphael's faces were getting more and more ugly, especially ... "Want us to be bait?"

"It's better to be a bait for us than letting you go out alone to die." Ellie reached out and patted Beste, exclaiming her chin, proudly, "You need to be a little manly, even women are on the battlefield, you have to Retreat? "

With two slaps, Best was half numb, but it was Allie's words that made him try to stand still. It is not brave enough to be a bait.

Raphael was more slippery and asked with the same cramped back: "Just the four of us?"

"Some people are coming, but our team will not be more than ten people. The team is smarter and more flexible." Sister Ellie said casually: "There are combat backpacks for you in the back, all of them are already there. You go Let's see."

Behind the two girls were several backpacks, two of which were particularly large and prominent. Raphael subconsciously felt that the big backpack was prepared for himself, and he had to grab the big backpack before walking up-as a result, he grabbed it ~ www.readwn.com ~ he was dragged by the weight of the backpack Waist down.

"Don't you have enough to eat?" As soon as his companion ate, Best followed him with great momentum. He pushed Raphael away from his waist and grabbed the backpack and pulled it hard, "Look at me."

In Best's opinion, Raphael's little white-faced cannon must have had little strength to lift his backpack, but in fact waited for him to grab ...

Lying down ... It took a lot of effort to lift the backpack a little.

"This backpack is for us? It's too heavy." Best put the backpack down, and his face didn't look good.

Ellie turned her head and glanced up, grabbed the backpack, and lifted it with one hand. "This is our backpack. The smaller ones are for you."

"Your backpacks?" Both men followed ghostly, watching Ellie lift the backpacks lightly. Raphael whispered, "This backpack weighs at least a hundred kilograms."

"It's not a hundred kilograms, maybe ninety kilograms. This backpack contains supplies for long marches, weapons, ammunition and food are doubled."

Ellie opened her backpack a little and pointed to the much smaller backpack on the ground. "That's yours. Considering your current physical fitness, the backpack is about 30 kilograms."

The weight difference was three times, and such a huge contrast made the two unlucky dumbfounded again. And they found that one of the backpacks was particularly large, and Best asked weakly, "The backpack was carried by the tough guy?"

"Oh ..." Ellie pointed at the lazy silly dog ​​under her feet. "That's the weight of 'dog meat', two hundred kilos."

Really dumbfounded!

The most amazing thing is this humble dog!

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