Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1390: Nova

Out of President Diego's office, the Atsugi door behind him immediately slammed and closed. The meeting between 'Alfonso' and the Zombie President was just a simple statement and they offered each other prices without any substantial progress.

‘Alfonso’ is here to delay time, and he is not in a hurry to make something. War bonds, it's good to be able to cheat some money, and there is no way to cheat.

Walking out along the corridor of the National Palace, ‘Alfonso’ Lengbuding saw a woman walking across from him.

Strangely, the woman was followed by two tight guards, and her right hand was carrying a box with gloves. From the gap of the gloves ... it seems to be mechanical.

‘Alfonso’ felt that this woman was very different, especially the woman looked straight at him. The moment the two eyes met, it seemed as if they were sparking, and they felt that each other seemed to be particularly important to them.

Seeing the pretty girl, ‘Alfonso’ subconsciously wanted to stop and talk a few words. But he stopped, and the presidential guard behind him came forward and said, "Her Excellency Alfonso, please move on, you cannot stay here."

The woman across seemed to want to stop, but the guard behind her was not so polite and shoved with her hands. The woman's footsteps were pushed, her feet softened and she fell to her knees.

This woman is so good at acting!

‘Alfonso’ is himself a fighting master. He knows exactly how the body ’s joints and muscles work. From the signs of muscle contraction, the woman was clearly falling. just…….

"Hi!" ‘Alfonso’ is trying to cause trouble. When he saw the woman fall, he immediately screamed and stopped in front of the guard. "How can you be so rude to beautiful girls?"

The guards also knew that 'Alfonso' had a special status, and he would not dare to take him for a while. And "Alfonso" turned around and was going to help the kneeling woman. Who knew that the guards behind him were very alert and immediately stepped forward to pull the woman up and quickly escorted him away.

"Fuck, I hate that someone interrupted me when I was picking up a girl." 'Alfonso' put his playboy's temper to the fullest. He wanted to step forward to stop the girl, but more guards ran in the corridor. Stop him.

When the woman was taken away, she looked back at Alfonso and said something silently. The guards who blocked 'Alfonso' turned out to be quite responsible. They did not mean to give up, but advised 'Alfonso' to leave quickly.

"Who is she?" ‘Alfonso’ was rogue, “I ’m not leaving without telling me the name and identity of that girl.”

The original Alfonso's lustrous name spread widely throughout the Dialgo family, and the guards of the Presidential Guard also heard a little. A guard officer rushed over and whispered, "Sir, the woman is a prisoner who was personally ordered to be strictly guarded by Your Excellency, and her case is kept secret."

"You are fooling around, and the woman is being escorted to you like this, and I don't believe no one else knows her existence. Tell me the girl's name, or I will ask to see the president again and ask the zombie in the house."

'Alfonso' is too lawless, but the Presidential Guard cannot deal with him for such things. The guard officer who arrived had to compromise: "The woman is called Nova, and her identity is really confidential."

"Nova? What's your full name?" ‘Alfonso’ was interested.

"Novembe Annabella Tyra." After that, the woman in the corridor had been pushed into the president's office, and the guard officer was relieved, and refused to say anything more.

Everyone is gone, and ‘Alfonso’ has no excuse for trouble. He went out of the National Palace with the name "Nova", and the old butler Martin, who was outside, hurried forward to report the situation.

"The people in the presidential palace arranged for us, and they also assigned us cars, drivers and servants. I left the cars, but pushed the drivers and servants away. In addition, many people from the family sent invitations to invite you to join Kind of social gathering, including your uncle Suzano. "

Old Martin handed a stack of invitations and ‘Alfonso’ turned it over. But he turned it over and suddenly absent-mindedly for a while, and said stupidly: "Nova? Didn't the second child Melang mention a Nova? The full name seems to be Novembe. Annabella. Tyra. "

‘Alfonso’ got in the car and went to the hotel where he was staying. He turned on his armband computer in the car, entered Nova ’s full name, and quickly found the corresponding information from the database. Among them was a picture of Nova, who was the same person as the woman she had just met.

"Xiao Erbing actually got in touch with a biochemist named Nova." "Alfonso" recalled the mouth shape that the woman had just made when she was taken away, and it was clearly ... "Save me!"

According to Xiao Erbian's description, this woman is closely related to the generation of mutants. In addition, she tried to escape from Enclave and lost contact in Mexico.

Where do you think this woman actually stayed next to the zombie president of the Diego government in Mexico ~ www.readwn.com ~ and it looks like she has lost her freedom. It feels that there is a deep inside story. A zombie has seized a biochemist who has made human mutations. This is definitely not easy.

Ride to the hotel near the National Palace, an oversized suite is waiting for ‘Alfonso’ and his party. Servant, woman, wine, food, everything is prepared for the distinguished guests.

The entourage also found a dozen eavesdroppers and cameras in the room, and also found that the grumpy 'Alfonso' governor in the room across the street across the street grabbed a dozen glasses and smashed them in the past. He smashed the windows across and people smashed away.

"Sir Governor, shall we stay here for a few days?" The old housekeeper asked.

"What can you do if you don't live?" "Alfonso" and "Too" fell on the big bed in the bedroom of the suite, and two beautiful maids were waiting for him. "Our president wants me to work in vain, and I want gold in the treasury as military expenditures. Things haven't been talked about, and they just broke up."

The two maids were giving ‘Alfonso’ a foot-washing massage, and when they heard that, they glanced at the Governor-in-law on the bed. The Governor-General of the Waves raised his head, stepped on a maid's chest with his feet, and asked, "Is your master Inkley or Suzano?"

"Sir, we are just ordinary women." Instead of resisting the maid stepping on the chest, she straightened her chest forward. "Our job is to meet any requirements you have."

"Stop it." Alfonso looked at the other maid again. "I bet you both have hidden missions. But I also know that you are both poor women and didn't want to embarrass you. Help me give The Enclave said, I want to meet them in the evening. "

The two maids stopped for a moment, turned their heads and stared at each other, and lowered their heads in silence.

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