Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1391: Marshall

Alfred Marshall, former commander of the Inkley-Mexico military advisory regiment, was captured by the Aurora Army in the Havana war. Trapped in Havana during the nuclear winter, he was forced to form the Legion Military Intelligence Bureau by Victor Hugo's commander and became the first director.

After the nuclear winter, Marshall returned to Enclave. After the intelligence agency investigated it, the Enclave Department of Defense dismissed him. Six months later, he was activated and sent to Mexico to become a commercial counselor at the Enclave embassy in Mexico.

To put it bluntly, you are exiled, because Mexico is not a good place now.

Although Mexico is an important springboard for Enclave to control the Caribbean and South America, the Dialogue regime is also Enclave's most important ally and younger brother. But Mexico City is a **** on earth, and tragedies are happening all over the city.

The Enclave ambassador to Mexico is the only institution currently operating in the embassy area. The Embassy is guarded by Enclave's troops. Outside the embassy are the armed men of the Dialgo regime.

Marshall was standing by the street window on the third floor of the embassy at this moment, watching the chaotic world outside quietly. There were long lines in the street, and a lot of Mexicans came to the embassy to apply for a visa with the hope that they would cross the border to Enclave.

In fact, most of these people couldn't pass the level of the Mexican guards. They had to pay a small amount of gold to be eligible to enter the embassy.

It is also useless to enter the embassy. The visa officer does not even read the application information of most people, and he just throws it back. There are various reasons for refusing visas, such as the applicants being too ugly.

Many people came with hope, but wept away. Marshall, standing by the window, felt extremely heavy. He never thought that the world would become so bad, not only Mexico, but also Enclave.

Before the cataclysm, the American political system was designed to serve the rich, and after the cataclysm, it evolved to serve the particularly rich and powerful. The bottom of society? No one cares!

In contrast, the Aurora Corps has strict rules and complicated disciplines, but all levels of the entire society are much better ...

"Dear, it's time to eat." Marshall's wife knocked on the door. Because the embassy is understaffed, family members of the embassy staff have also arranged some simple tasks, as well as the benefits of free accommodation. But these benefits are far worse than the enjoyment of Marshall in the Aurora Corps.

There was only one bean soup for dinner as the main course, with a bit of marinated whale meat in it. The staple food is bread, served with tomato sauce, which is hard to come by in Mexico.

Ketchup was also imported from the Aurora Corps. After the nuclear winter, the Corps used the excellent light and heat conditions of the Caribbean to grow a large number of vegetables. Tomatoes grow fast and produce large amounts, and they are very popular after being made into tomato sauce.

Because Mexico is close to Cuba, the price of tomato sauce by sea is cheap, and it is a rare condiment on the table of many Mexican families. But now the Yucatan Strait is blocked, the flow of goods is cut off, and many people can't even afford ketchup.

"I went to the market today and many goods are unavailable. Even the prices that can be sold are particularly expensive. The embassy says that we have run out of food quotas this month. Dear, you have to think of a way, otherwise our table Soon there were no beans left to eat.

The maid at home begged me today not to fire her. She could pay nothing but just stutter. Because she can't live without us, this is equivalent to killing her. But I'm thinking about whether to refuse ruthlessly, because our own food is not enough. "

Marshall's wife rummaged that the parents were short and the two children in the family were gorging. Dry bread they never used to eat in the past is now rare and delicious. But even then the two children were very thin.

The Marshall family is also a member of the Embassy staff in Inkley, but life has been so bad. How do those Mexicans outside the embassy survive? God knows!

"I really regret taking you to Mexico. I should have taken you to Cuba early." Marshall himself was very thin, but even more painful was his heart. He never complained, but he couldn't bear it today.

"Forget it, the situation in Cuba is very bad now. I listen to the radio saying that Havana has become a dead port, and the Aurora Corps is almost over." Marshall's wife shook her head, and Enclave demonized the Aurora Corps. The propaganda made her very scared and disgusted with Havana.

"I told you many times that the Legion will not be finished." Marshall raised the volume, and he did not like anyone to discredit the Aurora Legion. "People who haven't been to Havana don't know how powerful the Legion is."

But Marshall's wife asked, "Dear, on the other side, aren't you an American?"

"But do you know where Americans can live a good life now?" Marshall couldn't vomit, "There are also hundreds of thousands of Americans in the Aurora Corps, but have you ever wondered why they didn't return to North America, but still stay here?" Havana? "

"Because the evil commander of the army did not allow them to leave the puppet." Marshall's wife spoke in disgust.

"No ... this is just deceptive propaganda on the radio. Even I can leave without being blocked, who do you think can't leave? Actually, everyone is unwilling to leave. Someone returned to North America and took a turn but then Back to Havana, because life in Havana is better and safer. "

Thinking of this, Marshall felt stupid. He was clearly at the top of the legion and was the head of the heavily used and trusted MIA, but he never thought about secretly receiving his family in Havana? As a result, he ran back stupidly for the sake of the United States.

"I can eat the freshest and most delicious food every day in the army. I have dedicated servants and guards. My income is enough to make the whole family very happy. My status is even more honorable. The power I have can even make many people Fear. But what am I doing now? "

Marshall looked at the dinner in front of him and said angrily, "I'm trapped in a ghost place in Mexico now, eating food for pigs every day."

The poor current situation and heavy pressure annoyed Marshall, who has always been stable ~ www.readwn.com ~ He felt that he had made the stupidest decision in the world.

But the wife didn't like her husband's complaining. She said to her, "I think we should be more forgiving and have confidence in Inkley. If you really feel that your regiment is better, why not let him come to your rescue? You go to hold his thigh and cry for forgiveness, saying that you regret to leave.

My dear, I think you should thank God for coming back from Havana. We should be content. What you have to do now is to do your husband and father's duties, but get us some food. Other than that, I have nothing else to ask of you. "

The wife's request sounded simple, but Marshall was just a business counsellor with no real authority. He couldn't even afford to hire a servant. Going there to find food?

"What a hell!" Marshall rubbed his face and rubbed it hard, although he was confident of the Aurora Corps, but the current Enclave's blockade of Havana was indeed extremely severe. No one knows where the situation is going now. "What can I do now? I can do nothing."

The atmosphere of the dinner became quite dull, and even the two children did not dare to talk and make noise. Just as Marshall was struggling, his door was knocked. Someone outside shouted, "Hey ... Marshall, there's something you need to do. It should be a good job."

The door opened, and there was a fellow embassy outside. Marshall asked with a little tired expression: "What errand?"

"His ambassador asked you to meet a Mexican named Alfonso. This guy is the local governor of Merida. He controls the issue of a war bond. You talk to him but don't promise him anything. My colleagues said.

"Alfonso?" Marshall, who had been the director of military affairs for the Aurora Corps, frowned, and he immediately felt something strange.

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