Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1392: Embarrassed

The car was leaving the Enclave embassy in Mexico, and Marshall was awkwardly seated. He was instructed to go to the State Guest House to talk with Governor Alfonso. This is an easy job that does not require any agreement, just needs to show up and chat for a preliminary understanding.

This job was not easy to obtain, and it was only recommended that Marshall had good relations with his colleagues. The most important thing is that at present, only the Diego family has sufficient supplies of materials in the entire Mexico City. Going to the hotel to eat a meal is a dream that many people want.

It is said that the Enclave staff in Mexico City should not be so miserable, but in fact this is the cause of the war. Enclave itself has a huge population to feed, it can only export industrial products, and agricultural products also need to be imported in large quantities.

Not to mention the Diego government in Mexico, which exported a large amount of mineral products and imported industrial and agricultural products. Industrial products can also rely on Enclave, who depends on agricultural products?

The only people who will export agricultural products these years are relatively small. There are a lot of ultra-low-value food brought to pigs and chickens by the legionnaires with BUG in their backs, and a large number of hard-working agricultural populations who are desperately planting aurora. Legion.

Now that the Yucatan Strait is blocked, the food of the Aurora Corps cannot be exported, and their citizens have a good meal. The Enclave's size can hold up. Only Mexico, a pack of shit, was starving everywhere, and even the Enclave personnel who were staying in Mexico were unlucky.

The Yucatán peninsula has mobilized a large number of supplies, including food. The food price of Mexico City has been affected by the war, and the dignitaries of the Diego family have also hoarded their wealth and made them hungry.

The colleague who came to the report said that when he could have a meal in the State Guesthouse, he specifically mentioned the scene where he eats barbecue, noodles, and cakes in the State Guesthouse. The vivid description described Marshall's family as hungry.

Marshall was embarrassed because he not only went to eat and eat, but now he was traveling with his wife and children, and even a maid. Before leaving, the maid kneeled and begged to take a small bite, and said she had been hungry for several days.

Everyone went to eat rice, which made Marshall, who had always been arrogant, blushed. But the reality was that he didn't tolerate his face, so he could only get on the car with his family.

When he arrived at the State Guesthouse, Marshall found the hotel staff and said he had made an appointment with the Governor Alfonso who lived here. The service staff of the hotel took a professional smile and glanced at the people he brought, and the corners of ridicule were hanging.

The smile on the other side made Marshall's face burning hot, not only with a secretary, but also tall and short, male and female, large and small family. This clearly shows that they are coming to eat.

"Please wait a moment, I'll inform you. You can take your attendants to sit in the side hall for a while, we have some pastries available." The guest at the State Guesthouse said in a formula, when the word "pastry" was spoken Marshall clearly murmured in the stomach of his child.

The Marshalls went to the side hall of the hotel, and the staff informed the news to Governor Alfonso all the way. His Excellency the Governor is playing hide-and-seek with two beautiful maids in the bedroom, and he was a little upset when he heard the old housekeeper's announcement.

He waved his hand to let the maid leave. The Governor Alfonso took off the hide-and-seek blindfold on his head and asked, "Incree sent someone so soon? I thought they would have to respond tomorrow."

"Yes." The old housekeeper nodded. "The name is Alfred Marshall, the Commercial Counsellor of Inkley in Mexico."

Hmm ..., the Governor of Alfonso was drinking water, and immediately asked the name, "Who ..., Alfred Marshall? Is he a 50- or 60-year-old guy? White-haired, handsome guy That kind of. "

Zhou Qingfeng retrieved Marshall's ID photo from the armband computer. The old housekeeper took a closer look and went to verify it himself. He will come back after a while and reply, "Yes, this is the man."

Secretly, how did Lao Zi's military intelligence director come?

"This Mr. Marshall doesn't seem to be investigating anything. He looks like ... and brought a family to dine." The old housekeeper watched carefully. "The hotel here provides some free food for the external interviewers. "

"Alfonso" scratched his head and said, "I can't hide from others like this, but I can't hide from Marshall."

At first, the reason why Alfred Marshall was appointed as the director of military intelligence was that no one under the command of the legion was available, and Marshall was calm and careful. This artillery-born old officer is rational, well-organized, and very good at finding problems.

Facts have proved that the legion leader did not choose the wrong person. The intelligence system constructed by Marshall ensured the normal development of the legion. After he left, the work efficiency of the MIA was greatly reduced, and no one has been found to replace him.

"Marshall is very savvy. He used to be the head of intelligence for my men. He is too familiar with me. I don't see him. You just have to find a reason to send him away." Alfonso waved at the old housekeeper. " Let Inkley be a different person. "

The old housekeeper nodded, and the news passed all the way back to the side hall of the hotel. At this time, the Marshalls just wiped out a few dishes of dessert at the speed of light ~ www.readwn.com ~ The family had just appetized and hadn't eaten enough. This would be waiting for more food. But they were waiting for a guest order.

"Governor Alfonso said that he did not want to meet with the Incree personnel without diplomatic etiquette. He asked you and your entourage to leave immediately. Please change to a more formal diplomat to talk to him tomorrow." The guest at the hotel came to the table. And gave the Marshalls a heads-up drink.

Marshall's expression instantly became confused, his face turned red, and then he became pale again. He was ashamed to death by this harsh wording, his head pulled down, and it took him a while to stand up, his hands and feet shaking.

"I'm sorry, I ... I've done too much." Marshall wasn't too young, at the moment was ruthlessly ridiculed, and his old face had no place to rest. And his family was embarrassed to death, and could only stand up silently, feeling depressed.

"Let's go." Marshall reached out his wife and children. "Sorry, dear. I've let you down."

Marshall's wife gently gave her husband a hug and smiled with a self-deprecating smile: "Don't worry, we will get through. Although a little embarrassed, we know you did your best."

The family walked out hand in hand, all with smiles on their faces, trying not to let tears fall, let alone letting people see their own sadness.

When this man walked out of the gate of the hotel, someone suddenly approached from the side and whispered, "Director Marshall, my master has changed his mind. He wants to see you."

The post of director has not been called for a long time, Marshall turned his head and watched the person stunned for a while. His wife hurried forward and held hands, vigilantly asking, "Dear, what happened?"

Marshall's body shuddered a little. He broke his wife's arm and said with a trembling voice, "I might go to see a big man. I can't miss this opportunity."

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