Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1397: Citywide Mobilization

The third regiment of the mixed first division was a dissatisfied motorized infantry regiment. Major General Brinnita felt that it was perfectly fine to kill such a regiment into Merida.

As long as the cannon blasted, the machine gun swept away, hundreds of people were killed, and the armored vehicle rushed, the bureaucrats in the city should cry and surrender. As for the more than half a million citizens in the city, His Excellency Major General did not consider it at all, after all, he had never seen a hard-bodied Mexican.

It was just that Rafael, a group of lost guerrillas, was mixed into the third regiment, and this unexpected coup was leaked. When the news spread from the twin sisters, Zhou Qingfeng, who stayed in Mexico City as a fake governor, knew it for the first time.

Uncle Zhou, who was awakened late at night, was really surprised when he heard this, and he hadn't been so unprepared for many years. He really didn't expect that he had just come to Mexico City to get in touch with several parties. As a result, someone wanted to copy his back road and his nest.

"Nima forced, did Suzzano get into the water? Doing this clearly means pushing me towards the zombie president. Does he feel like he won?" Zhou Qingfeng thought, maybe the fact is really in this way. He is ‘the older the rivers and lakes, the less courageous’, but other people are not like that.

"The Dialgo family has always been fierce, and it is impossible to become the ruler of Mexico at the moment. Being in power in Mexico is either cruel to one's own people or to the enemy. A force that hesitates repeatedly and hesitates will soon be Kill it, "said the old housekeeper Martin.

Zhou Qingfeng managed to stabilize Merida's internal power structure, thinking there was an external attack this time. His first reaction was to immediately return to Merida to preside over the situation, but after learning more about the third group in this attack, he changed his mind.

"This regiment has less than 1,500 people?" Zhou Qingfeng asked the old housekeeper.

Old Martin nodded, and he had collected the data of the first division. "This division is not satisfied with the division itself, and the third regiment is the worst combat regiment. Nine companies of the three infantry battalions of the regiment, plus The regiment belongs to an artillery battalion. The only bright spot is that the regiment is motorized and has good mobility. "

"Only 1,500 people dared to run to beat Lao Tzu, lively taste!" After carefully calculating the battlefield power comparison, Zhou Qingfeng finally settled in his heart. He felt that he had no need to be afraid of a dissatisfied infantry regiment. "Contact Qin Weidong, Commander of the Merida Police, and ask him to destroy this enemy."

Zhou Qingfeng had long anticipated possible fighting in the Yucatan Peninsula. He has seized control of the security forces in the past year, and he has continuously drawn Mexican officers to Havana for training. This time he returned not only with the weapons and equipment for the expansion, but also with an army of officers.

As a member of Zhou Qingfeng's family, Qin Weidong was given the task of commanding and marshalling the Merida Police. After arriving in Merida, the old man has been laying out a city defense system in secret to purge the army's discipline. Because the MoJie has already penetrated the security forces, the entire work was completed very smoothly.

And when I learned that someone was going to attack him, Father Qin who was awakened in the middle of the night was not shocked but rejoicing. As he raised his pants, he shouted, "Who? Who is going to attack Merida?"

"Mixed the Third Regiment of the First Division." The security system's command system has not been tested in actual combat. A staff officer who came to the report was unaware of panic. "We are only informed by the Governor at this time. The enemy's situation is still unknown. I don't know. "

"What panic? Just a regiment." Qin Weidong sighed angrily and grabbed a military uniform while leaving his bedroom. He called for security guards to take him to headquarters while continuing to order.

"Mobilize the public picketing team and order the city to martial law. Order the entire reconnaissance battalion to clear all conditions within 20 kilometers around the city. Order all officers above the battalion level of the security police to gather and we must mobilize in front of the station."

Facing the grandfather Qin Wufu, his Mexican staff were not very confident. "Commander Qin, are we going to fight?"

"Of course, what do you usually train you to do without fighting?" Qin Weidong is ‘hate iron and steel’ to these Mexicans. Unlike government forces, the soldiers in the security forces are mostly farmers, honest and hard-working, but their culture is less strong.

But this is also normal, and the Latinos throughout the Caribbean and even South America have this virtue. At that time, Che Guevara made a revolution, that is, Wen Qing, who cheated the gun everywhere, had no blood, but did not know what sacrifice was.

Seeing signs of shrinking at key moments, Qin Weidong felt that he would still have to form an oversight team. Any act that dared to retreat must be severely suppressed. This victory may not be defeated!

Fortunately, the Army of Aurora has trained a lot of officers in the Mole Liberation Army in the past year. Anyway, it can still control the army. As Qin Weidong set up the meeting, the war machine that had been hidden in Merida for the first time was running at full speed.

A large number of workers and peasants were mobilized, and important grain-based materials were immediately under military control. Set up cards in the streets and build barriers in the urban area. A large number of staff members will follow the plans prepared by the staff earlier.

The original security forces were being expanded. This time, weapons and ammunition were issued in succession. Various reserve teams were continuously established ~ www.readwn.com ~ The entire city completed its combat preparation work almost instantly.

"Pull out our six or six howitzer, pull it out."

"Build an artillery position immediately. We have such a large-caliber artillery battalion and must use it well."

"The troops moved forward to build positions and let the picket team mobilize a group of support forces. The stretcher team, the bandaging team, the medical team, and logistics must be unobstructed."

"We still have a 203mm heavy gun, right? Well, this thing is so good. One shot will definitely kill the enemy a lot, and it will scare the enemy."

The whole city became noisy and noisy under the mobilization order. Numerous lights and torches were lit in the night. Countless citizens were notified of the attack from the enemy, and it was really shocked and angry, and resentful. The bottom of Mexico has always been the hardest, and now no one wants to be enslaved again.

With the organization and leadership of the security forces, thousands of people came out of their homes and joined the construction of the urban defense system. The city's tabloids will print special issues urgently, using radio and newspapers to publicize them.

"Dear citizens, I am your friend Utherman. I am publicly posting to you this time that the city of Merida is about to undergo a devastating attack. It is a group of running dogs from the evil regime that is trying to destroy our good life. "

A clear female voice broadcast sounded at night, and the same sound was heard from the loudspeakers throughout the city streets. The worried mayor, Jiris, who had just lay down overnight, suddenly got up, opened the window and listened to the broadcast.

"What's going on? Enemies are coming? Mobilization of the city? Fighting to death? I am the mayor. Who is so bold to exercise power over me?"

Giris has always thought that the current boss of Merida is himself. But it was only a few days, how did you know ... "Damn Alfonso, I know you're keeping it!"

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