Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1398: Never compromise

When the hustle and bustle suddenly broke out in the night city, countless bureaucrats and powerful people were awakened in their sleep. As the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Paramount was almost scared and almost incontinent when he was lying on his windowsill when he saw hordes of armed men building a fortress on the street.

"Is this another riot?" Mr. Paramount was sweating instantly, with countless terrible memories in his head. That was the scene when the cataclysm just happened. The whole city lost its restraint and went to destruction. The picture of the fire was always the deepest nightmare in his heart.

In a hurry, Paramount hastened to call friends in the city, colleagues and all parties to check the news. It turned out that the situation was different from what he had imagined. "A unit killed us? Suzano's people want to control us Merida?"

The news was chaotic, and rumors brought a wave. Some say ‘Mercedes has controlled Merida and government forces have come to counterinsurance’, and some have said, ‘History of the Governor has taken refuge in the Aurora Corps, causing anger in the capital’.

But as a businessman who knows the current power struggle, Paramount understands that this is actually very simple. It is simply that while the governor's boss is away, there are ambitionists who want to grab the land.

"I will not cooperate with Suzano even if I die." Paramount clenched his fist and said firmly. As a native Mexican businessman, he knew that he was able to get rich because of being in a relaxed and stable social environment. In Mexico City, wealth can bring disaster.

Paramount didn't even care about changing clothes, rushed out of his house in pajamas, and drove to the city hall in person. He rushed into Mayor Giris's office barefoot and shouted, "We must not give in, we must not."

As soon as I rushed into the office, I found that at this moment a large group of people had gathered in the office. Almost all the bureaucrats and powers in the city came. Everyone was filled with indignation. As soon as Paramount ran in and shouted, they waved their arms in excitement with the sentiment, and vowed to stop.

"Quiet, quiet, I'm in touch with Mexico City. The situation is not clear yet, we need to be patient for a second or two." As the mayor, Giris dropped the chain at a critical moment. Field misunderstanding.

But the city's bureaucrats refused to listen to the mayor, and the office was so busy. For a time no one was sure of the point, they were all talking to themselves, and they were almost going to fight. The mess continued for a while, and suddenly the people in the office felt a slight tremor on the ground, like an earthquake.

The weird situation calmed everyone down, everyone, look at me, I look at you, and finally someone noticed that the movement was coming from the street. The metal friction sound that accompanied the tracked vehicle during the tremor sounded as if heavy vehicles were passing by.

Paramount went to the window to look at the probe and exclaimed, "God, when do we have such a large artillery?"

artillery? !!

More people were puzzled, and the window couldn't fit more people. Everyone left the mayor's office and ran out of the city hall. On the street outside the town hall, a big guy weighing 20-30 tons was creaking under the illumination of street lights.

This is a heavy self-propelled howitzer. The barrel of nearly ten meters is thick and long. It looks very powerful and mighty. This is the W90 heavy self-propelled howitzer that Zhou Qingfeng bombarded Merida, with a caliber of 203 mm.

There are more and more people coming out of the city hall. Everyone is standing on the side of the road looking innocently, completely covered with such a thick cannon tube, and there is no second door in Mexico!

Wait ... this is not the equipment of the Mexican army at all?

Which heavy self-propelled howitzer is followed by a group of towed howitzers towed by trucks, a total of twelve, organized into an artillery battalion. Although the barrel is not as scary as the previous one, it is also a heavy artillery class of more than 150 mm.

This is not to say that Merida is about to be destroyed by an enemy attack. How does it feel as if the city is going to engage in a strategic counter-offensive? The artillery strength alone is worth the opponent's division.

"What kind of artillery is this?" Giris came to Merida for a short time and was still confused. He almost thought that it was government troops that had already entered the city, and he felt that the situation was over.

Paramount was a little familiar, judging by military uniforms and signs: "This seems to be our security force."

"Merida's security forces have such strong artillery? With so many equipment? Is this still a security force?" Ji Ruisi said: The government forces can't find so many large-caliber artillery!

Behind the artillery was a team of construction machinery. Giris and others couldn't figure out the types of these equipment, but they could still see that many of these machinery were used to dig trenches and build fortifications. Although these equipments cannot directly fight, they can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the army.

Seeing this scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ A bunch of officials who were still arguing had no strength to continue arguing. Paramount even sighed: "It feels like our Governor has thought of everything and is ready, and we don't need to worry too much about it.

You see, this team of artillery is powerful enough. I am sorry for the government army who is about to attack us. They are afraid they do n’t know what they are going to face? "

The crowd nodded when they heard the words, and they were basically nothing when they were in trouble for a long time. The most unpleasant nature is as the mayor of the city, he watched the artillery team build a position on the square in front of the town hall, pushed to the building, excavated the shelter, busy and useless him at all.

The thickest self-propelled howitzer with the thickest barrel stopped the body in front of the crowd and lowered it into a sampan. A number of artillery-operated artillery vehicles raised the barrel of the gun, and a hundred kilograms of artillery shells were reloaded into the chamber.

The crisp sound of the metal operating the artillery sounded enchanting. With such a thick cannon tube guarding the city, no one can be more confident of victory than Mount Tai.

At this time, Giris's subordinates ran out of the city hall and shouted anxiously to his boss: "Mr. Giris, the capital has just responded to your inquiry. State Department officials said they did not recognize you as No information is available on the appointment of Mayor Merida. "

"Fuck!" Clay's anger was stung again. It ’s easy to talk to Giris, just do n’t talk to him about power, especially because it negates the real power he just got. Although the governor Alfonso is also not good at it, they can be reckless and reuse it. !!

"I'm going to fight with that **** Suzano!" Giris immediately became red-eared and furious. Taking his official position is more serious than killing him. "Isn't it just a gang leader from a drug dealer? I want to draw a line with them this time and never compromise!"

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