Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1410: Don't mess with me!

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The military fans of the rabbit family always ridiculed the various magical changes of the 59-type tank, but after the thief eagle's magical change, they used a lot of equipment for decades or even nearly a hundred years. For example, Browning's classic m2hb heavy machine gun has been in existence for a hundred years. Another example is b-52, -130, veterans are more.

In the tank of the thief eagle, the m60 can also be regarded as a veteran who has changed many times. Its earliest origins can be counted from m26 'Pershing' during the end of World War II. It has experienced many improvements such as m46, m47, m48, etc. Up to m60 also has three main models: a1, a2, and a3.

The Thief Eagle's 'General Dynamics' company produced more than 15,000 M60s during the Cold War, and it has been the main tank of long-term equipment in Western countries. When the end of the world came, Inkley dragged the veteran out of the weapon cemetery to serve.

For no other reason, the diesel engine of the m60 'Barton' is more fuel-efficient than the gas turbine of the m1 'Abrams'. The latter is an oil tiger, which can't be used.

Because of the large number of m60 in the cemetery, it is not distressing to give away. Enclave gave the Diego government more than one hundred old 'Bartons' in one breath. These tanks became the main armour of Mexico's army for a while, and the baby generally existed.

The zombie president has placed a company m60 in his national palace. Three of them are always activated, ready to deal with foreign enemy attacks. As a result, a large-scale attack was not encountered, but one was taken away.

Zhou Qingfeng took Nova in the National Palace and was scrambled around by guard soldiers. He carried a lot of blasting equipment with him to open the road when necessary. Turning around, he blasted the ceiling of the National Palace's underground garage and jumped to find it.

Alas, there are three m60a3s parked here, and they are still on.

What kind? Is there anything more tempting than running away with a tank? Zhou Qingfeng pushed the unconscious Nova into the turret, and he got into the cockpit directly in front of the body.

Driven by hundreds of horsepower diesel engines, more than 50 tons of old 'Barton' accelerated out of the underground garage. It didn't go the right way and hit the wall directly. The wall that Zhou Qingfeng couldn't open before was smashed like tofu dregs this time, making a big hole in the wall.

In order to hit the wall, Zhou Qingfeng turned the turret to the back in advance. He himself wore a tank cap and goggles to pop his head only at the hatch of the driver. With the huge body and sturdy speed, it was also majestic. Not forever.

At the moment, the Constitution Square of the National Palace is crowded with poor food aid recipients, and many Enclave soldiers are maintaining order. A dozens of tons of tanks came out, it was like a tiger entering the flock, and people evaded.

Zhou Qingfeng's tank driving technology is very rough, and I still need to recall the rough knowledge in my mind. The steering wheel in his hand was not very stable, so that the bulky car bumped on the street, and a little rubbing was broken and broken by half of the street.

Tank tracks caused great damage on the road, and the flat streets became potholes like they were plowed again. Some people can't avoid being hit by the car body, crushed or even broken, and instantly become the flesh that lubricates the tracks.

The sorrow of crying and shouting did not stop, and a large number of vehicles rushed out of the National Palace three or four minutes later, including two m60s that also bumped around. The Mexican tanker's driving skills are worse than Zhou Qingfeng's. It is like walking on the street like two blind dragons.

The streets in Mexico City are complicated, and Zhou Qingfeng, who is one step ahead, does not have much advantage. Due to the slow speed of the tank, he soon caught up with a large number of hyena-like pursuit vehicles.

"Fuck your mother!"

An armed off-road vehicle ran parallel to Zhou Qingfeng, the other side pursued across a street, and could meet every other intersection. Every time they meet, the machine gun on the off-road vehicle hits Shu Qingfeng's tank.

Although most of these bullets hit the tank body and made clanging sounds, Zhou Qingfeng didn't dare to bet on the other party and he would not hit his head. But narrowing the narrow field of vision in the cockpit would make him half blind.

A few shuttle bullets blasted Zhou Qingfeng fiercely. He simply twisted the steering wheel and ran into the other side. More than fifty tons of tanks crashed into the house on the roadside first.

Although Mexico City is a super big city, the buildings in the city are mostly low-rise bungalows. These buildings are generally not strong enough to collapse when they are hit!

The old 'Barton' was like a bull. It smashed into the roadside building, and the impacted house flew up as if it had exploded. The walls, floors, and various building materials were torn apart. , Chapped, collapsed.

Armed off-road vehicles on the other side of the street are waiting for the next intersection to continue shooting at the tank. Although the machine gunner knows that this shooting has no harm to the m60, as long as it can play a harassing role and force the tank driver back under the hatch, it can seriously affect its escape speed.

But this was only played a few times, and the opponent was soaring!

The machine gunner on the top of the off-road vehicle thought that he was a hunter who teased the stupid wild boar. How did he know that the so-called 'wild pig' lifted the table and stopped playing? As if a monster came, the first reaction of the machine gunner was to turn the muzzle.

Adjustable muzzle for birds!

When looking at the tank body with a banging sound, and rolling over the uneven ground steadily, the machine gunner realized that there was nothing he could do to take the opponent.

The machine gunner clawed a shuttle, but only heard the sound of jingling bouncing, the tank broke through the street building block with an indifferent momentum, ran from one street to another, and ran into it.

To be precise, it cannot be called 'bang', it should be called 'squeeze'. The armed off-road vehicle weighs only one or two tons and is deformed by the old ‘Barton’. It ’s deformed. The rear wheels fall off, and the body crosses and falls.

The machine gunner on the vehicle tried to jump off at the last moment, but before he crawled out, the tank tracks pressed over the vehicle body, trapping a person in the vehicle. A few people in the car burst out of the plasma like fruit in a juicer and rotted into meat.

Zhou Qingfeng, who was temporarily hiding in the hatch, drilled out again. He twisted the steering wheel to make the tank turn 180 degrees, and the two tracks left wet blood on the spot, and accelerated when running again.

"Chasing after chasing, is Lao Tzu chasing so well? Lao Tzu kills you!"

Behind the armed off-road vehicle was chasing other vehicles chased from the National Palace, and seeing the death of the companion in front of them was enough to make them frightened. Look at the tank actually turned around and rushed over, these chasing vehicles are also terrified.

Some were in direct reverse gear, some were U-turns, some were hitting the roadside, some were simply abandoning the car and escaping, waiting for Zhou Qingfeng to drive the m60 over them one by one, and they heard a sudden noise on the tank turret The sound of sizzling machine guns and vehicles that could have escaped were also overtaken by bullets and destroyed one by one.

Nova stunned in the turret woke up! (.)

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