Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1411: On shot

There is a prominent commander's command tower on the turret of the M60. The 50,000-caliber M85 machine gun on the command tower is firing continuously.

With this counterattack fire, Zhou Qingfeng finally did not have to rely on the impact to deter his opponents. After all, the tank was running slowly. If the opponent was not chasing too fast, he could only be beaten.

When the sound of machine guns rang from the turret, the enemies who chased did not dare to approach it easily. Zhou Qingfeng immediately closed when he saw the good, and turned the body again to escape quickly. According to the inertial navigation provided on the armband computer, he has a long way to go before he can escape.

More than 50 tons of car body rumbled again, and dashed along the street. The blockage on the road did not pose much threat to Zhou Qingfeng. After running a few kilometers, he stopped the tank to see Nova's current situation.

Nova's head protruded from the machine gun tower. Her hair was disheveled, her sweat was cold, her eyes were red, her face was terrified. Zhou Qingfeng waved ‘Hi’ to her, and the woman immediately operated the machine gun and tried to fire.

"Hello! Wait ... we are a group." Zhou Qingfeng bowed his head in front of the turret and shouted, "I am the one who just saved you!"

"What did you give me?" Nova asked.

"Treatment needles, a very powerful and powerful emergency medicine. But I didn't expect you to have a rejection effect on the treatment needles." Zhou Qingfeng said.

"No, it's not rejection." Nova raised her fist and smashed the tank. She felt her strength and frowned. "It's not clear what happened, and it needs further verification."

"As long as you are okay, we continue to evacuate." Zhou Qingfeng returned to the cockpit position, but without waiting for him to re-drive the tank forward, a squeaking sound of tracks rolling over the ground sounded.

The sound was approaching quickly, even a few blocks away. The tank was too heavy, and the tracks pushed the ground out of traces. As long as it was not blind, it could not be seen. Obviously, the enemy also sent tanks to catch up, listening to the sound, in addition to the tank, there are other tanks to cooperate.

Now Zhou Qingfeng can only deal with the tank of the M60 he grabbed. He could abandon the tank and run away with Nova, but the next escape route is quite troublesome. After all, the firepower of chasing troops will have a great advantage.

"Will you use a bazooka?" Before the enemy appeared, Zhou Qingfeng grabbed a light M72 bazooka from behind and wanted to give it to Nova.

Nova shook her head. "I won't use this thing, but I will drive a tank."

"Are you sure?" Zhou Qingfeng was not convinced.

But Nova nodded surely, "I stole an M60 when I escaped from Incre. I spent half a year trying to hook up a lieutenant in a caretaker laboratory and let him teach me how to drive A tank. "

"Awesome, let's change positions." Zhou Qingfeng climbed into the turret and let Nova enter the cockpit. "You come to drive the tank, I'll clean up the guy behind."

"Are you sure you can do all the work in the turret?" This time changing Nova suspected Zhou Qingfeng.

"Just leave." Zhou Qingfeng lost a tank cap with an internal communicator to Nova, "I'll do the rest."

After Zhou Qingfeng entered the turret, he got into the position of the loader without a word. He opened the bolt of the M68 tank gun and took a 105 mm caliber armor-piercing projectile from the ammunition rack and shoved it into the barrel. The bolt is closed automatically.

At this time, the tank body shook suddenly, Zhou Qingfeng's head almost hit the ammunition rack. A few seconds later the tank slowly started to accelerate, leaving from the corner of a street.

At this time, the movement of the tank has attracted a lot of urban poor who wait and see, and they probed their brains from a distance of tens of meters. But when the following convoy of tanks appeared, they immediately dispersed.

Zhou Qingfeng's tank was shaking constantly, and Nova's driving skills seemed to be ... not very good. He turned to the gunner's position to open the muzzle stabilization device, and activated the laser range finder and fire control computer and other tank fire control systems.

After Zhou Qingfeng completed all preparations, the enemy following him finally determined his position. An unknown armored vehicle suddenly emerged from the intersection, and a member of the vehicle caught a rocket launcher and seemed to want to destroy the tracks of Zhou Qingfeng's tank, forcing him to stop.

"He's meowing, do you want to break Lao Tzu's leg?" Zhou Qingfeng's muzzle was facing this armored vehicle. He didn't need to aim at all, just launch the pedal and step on it. "I want your life!"

There was a boom in the back seat of the gun, and a shelled armor-piercing projectile flew out from the muzzle. The armored car on the opposite side was hit straight, and the car body was easily penetrated by the core, as simple as a piece of tofu.

The armored vehicle has only a small hole in its exterior, and the high-speed bullet core can cause extremely powerful secondary damage. Internally cracked metal fragments are given high speed, which instantly kills most people in the car.

The bazooka shooter was about to launch, but was suddenly unbalanced by the sudden disturbance of the car body. The original rocket launcher turned into a sky-fired launch. He pulled the trigger nervously, the rocket flew into the sky, and the flame of the rocket launcher was poured directly into the interior of the armored vehicle, and his feet were first cooked.

Before the armored vehicle was shot, no one expected that the hijacked tank could fire, and the armored convoy following it was utterly invincible under the leadership of the tank. When they found that their opponents weren't fighting back, a group of people shrank immediately.

Zhou Qingfeng fired another round of armor-piercing shells and moved the turret to the rear. He shouted to Nova in the speaker: "Changing directions, go to the street next door."

"What?" Nova didn't seem to hear her, her tank was like a runaway Mustang, and it was good to go straight.

Zhou Qingfeng growled: "I said you drive slowly ~ www.readwn.com ~ and take a detour to the enemy. We can't be chased by people all the time."

This time Nova heard clearly, she twisted the steering wheel and a tank drifted. The dozens of tons of big guys made a turn in place under her control, and they knocked down four or five houses like a demolitionist at one go, as long as they were not deaf, they could hear them.

Demolished the house and ran for dozens of meters. Zhou Qingfeng saw a group of wretched soldiers approaching in the muzzle sight. Seeing their crappy looks, obviously also wanted to surprise Zhou Qingfeng by detouring.

For these soldiers, Zhou Qingfeng politely fired at them with a parallel machine gun. A hundred rounds of bullet chains were all emptied, and the chickens flying by the soldiers on the opposite side jumped, and there was nowhere to hide. When he packed his infantry, a government army M60A3 emerged from the back of the street.

Zhou Qingfeng and his opponent moved the muzzle almost at the same time, completed the ballistic solution at the same time, and at the same time ... Playing tricks, he used ‘smartness’ to fire for a second. The British M68 tank gun was famous, and he was so sharp that he penetrated the other side as easily as a can opener.

This time the shell hit the turret of the opponent's tank. The reaction armor on the turret was detonated but failed to block the high-speed armor-piercing core. The thin and long core relies on kinetic energy to move forward. It ignores the good bulletproof appearance of the M60 turret and directly penetrates the armor.

The penetrated core continued to disintegrate, and the gunner and commander in the turret were directly torn by high-speed fragments. The loader on the side only felt the shock of the body, and then looked at it before knowing that he was swinging around the gate.

In Zhou Qingfeng's sighting lens, the opponent's loader yelled out of the turret, jumped off the body and fled. The enemies chasing each other didn't dare to come easily.

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