Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 142: bad news

What is it like being surrounded by thousands of young women?

Zhou Qingfeng immediately started to fill the brain. If all the women in his field of vision were stripped away, a naked feast would be held, and an uncovered meeting would be allowed, and he would let the front pop, the rear pop, the left pop, the right pop, and the human Poppy, sandwich poppy, all kinds of fancy poppy, really happy and happy life!

In the end, I'm afraid that I will die!

Squeezing out of a bunch of women, you can see Lena Fox standing at the door of the clubhouse building, smiling like a happy little fox. Zhou Qingfeng went up as a bear hug, holding the little woman around for a few times, causing Miss Fox to make an exclamation.

"Victor Hugo, you bad guy, put Aunt Lina down!" A crisp child's voice sounded aside.

Zhou Qingfeng stopped turning, and suddenly found that there was a swollen pink loli around him, wearing a floral skirt, combing his two ponytails, one hand on his hips, and one finger giving him a reprimand.

"Not yet hurry up!" Lina Fox was also scratching Zhou Qingfeng's chest, seemingly worried that her elegant image was destroyed in public.

"Hi, Victor." Jenny Braun also stood out from behind, greeting with a smile. These are the lover who has popped many times, the plump body is more attractive than Miss Fox. Zhou Qingfeng went up to the same hold and then let go, holding circles.

"Victor Hugo, you big bad guy, put my mother down!" The crisp childish sounded again, and the swollen pink loli stared at the eyes, obviously more angry. She stepped forward and hugged Zhou Qingfeng's thigh and bit a bite.

It was only that Little Loli had bitten the wrong place, and bit it on Zhou Qingfeng's thigh holster. She soon cried and hugged her mother, whooping for comfort.

Originally, Jenny wanted to talk to Zhou Qingfeng, and now she can only whisper in Zhou Qingfeng's ear: "No other woman is allowed at night, you must come to my room." After speaking, she took Loli to her side and coaxed. Already.

"That's Jenny's daughter Anna?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"Yes, a very good little girl." Lina replied briskly, but she immediately changed her face and approached Zhou Qingfeng and drank. "You are not allowed to hit her idea, she is only eight years old."

"Please, do you look at me like a shameless person? I will stretch out an evil hand to such a cute little loli? This is an insult to me!" Zhou Qingfeng said he was very angry.

"Now there are too many shameless people," Lena said slightly with a slight joke and a warning. "It doesn't matter if you stretch out your hand, as long as you don't stretch your third leg, otherwise ... hum!"

"I think you are thinking too much." Zhou Qingfeng looked back at the women crowded at the door of the club building and asked, "Where did you get these women?"

"This is the staff of our Armed Nuns."

"I've always wanted to ask you what's going on with the Armed Nuns?"

"Oh, this is a bit complicated to explain. In simple terms, I hope to build a cohesive group, but the cost of relying on a group is too high, and we can't afford it, so I thought of working with several nearby churches. .

I am responsible for building a community where anyone can enter our community for asylum for a fee. I make laws and are responsible for adjudication and enforcement, so that there are security guarantees in the community, job opportunities, and medical services. I also sell all kinds of living materials to keep the community running orderly.

The organization that runs this community is called the Armed Sisters. As for the reason why it is called 'Sisters of the Nuns', we have a strong religious color here. Many of the nuns in the church are helping me to manage this institution. The word 'armed' seems to be very powerful, and I added it intentionally. "

After listening to Lina Fox's explanation, Zhou Qingfeng looked at thousands of women around her and had to admire Miss Fox's ingenuity. She has rebuilt a society in the simplest and most effective way, and is exercising the role of government, which is the right way to build a country.

"We are now equivalent to a tribe that can travel freely?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"You are right. We are a tribe that is open to the outside world. Because of security and opportunities to make a living, there are many people who come to us. I originally wanted to establish a bank for lending or something, but there were some collaterals. Trouble. But our **** and safe deposit box business is very good.

However, it is not really possible for anyone to enter here. For example, guns are not allowed inside. And in the last two days, there have been a large number of penniless refugees in Manhattan. I have turned them all out. Anyone who dares to break through feeds the dog. "

Lina Fox also whistled at 'Dog Meat', and the stupid dog immediately wagged her tail around Miss Fox. After a few people, no one dares to make trouble again. "

Those who are bitten by ‘dog meat’ will die terribly. The villains who scramble around may not be afraid of their own kind, but a mechanical dog is hard to say. So the fierce name of "dog meat" has become the greatest security guarantee of the Armed Sisters!

"Well, it sounds like our lives are very good." Zhou Qingfeng felt that the situation was still good, "But why are there so many women here? I still don't understand this."

Lena Fox explained: "Because there are the most women who need asylum, and they often do not have the ability to survive outside, they can only come to us to find job opportunities and obtain survival supplies."

"But do we really have so many job opportunities for them?" Zhou Qingfeng was still very skeptical.

Lina was also ashamed of this issue, and her voice was a bit weak, saying, "You know, there is an ancient industry that can be done without any capital and skills. For women, this is their helplessness. The only option. "

"No, right?" Zhou Qingfeng said it was difficult to accept.

"Yes, that's the kind of profession you want." Lina Fox said affirmatively. "Don't discriminate against women in this business, they are often young mothers who have no choice but to do anything for a can Those scavengers fiddled with for hours. "

"Well, now the world is crashing, I still care about what these are doing?" Zhou Qingfeng felt that it looks good now, at least everyone has the ability to live on their own, without him having to worry about it.

However, people have near-term worries without far-sightedness, and Lena Fox close to Zhou Qingfeng said, "In fact, we still have some trouble now."

"What trouble?"

"Have you heard of 'Brotherhood of Steel'?"

"No, but this name is not a charity."

"Some guys who look like soldiers are moving around lately. As far as I know, not only Manhattan, but also Queens and Brooklyn. They are very powerful, well-equipped and well-trained, and they feel like a group of veterans. Organization.

I have contacted these people and they say that their organization is extremely powerful, with tanks, armored vehicles, gunships, and regular army. By contrast, we are really weak.

The Brotherhood of Steel seems to want to rule the whole of New York. They are investigating and conducting intelligence gathering. This kind of planned and stepwise action disturbs me because they are very unfriendly to our small organizations. "

Lina Fox was full of anxiety ~ www.readwn.com ~ Have a great alert to the 'Brotherhood of Steel', "There are two organizations that need to be careful. One is the" Skull and Bones ", which is one of several New York A consort of criminals in prison.

After the prison guards disappeared, the "Skull and Bones" sought to occupy the prison and recruited a large number of staff. They have several land channels in New York that can communicate with the outside world, and they can easily obtain living materials. Now they are in control of New York's black market trade.

The other is called "Incred". This organization is even more mysterious. Their activities in New York are extremely low-key, but this does not prevent them from showing their ambitions to occupy New York. It's just that we know too little about it. I suspect that this organization's base is not in New York at all.

The cataclysm has now been more than half a month, and truly ambitious people will not come out immediately. They will only gather their strength silently behind them, waiting for a chance to take control of the whole situation.

Don't look at the tens of thousands of various small organizations and small groups throughout New York, but they are too weak to resist the really strong groups. And our Armed Nuns are just such a small organization. "

This is really not good news! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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