Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 143: Beat and entrust

The Armed Sisters Occupy a dozen buildings on Fifth Avenue, East 50th Block, and form a relatively independent community after building the barricade. Today there are four or five thousand people living in the community, and people move freely, of which women are the majority.

Lena Fox tries to do everything possible to create jobs in the community, attract more people to settle, and use this to collect various service fees as taxes. For example, the security situation in the community is the best in Manhattan, and the medical service is relatively high. Many people are willing to come and settle.

Nancy Stephanie is now the head of the medical department of the Armed Mother Sisters. The head nurse with pious faith and naivety finally feels relieved. At least the armed nuns now meet her expectations-a safer and more Cozy place.

But ..., I heard that infamous Victor Hugo is back.

Zhou Qingfeng took ‘dog meat’ and walked to the medical area with an M40A5 sniper rifle in his hand. Beside him was the noisy Zogall, the former security guard of the big man was using exaggerated language to announce the arrival of 'Mr. Hugo' to the people around him.

"Mr. Hugo, you are so great. This harvest is a miracle. You have brought us hope. As your subordinate, I am deeply honored!"

"Mr. Hugo, during your outing, I completed all the tasks explained by Miss Lina Fox with excellent performance, and the whole community is safe and sound."

"Mr. Hugo, I have to report to you that Roma is very irresponsible as your subordinate. He wants to betray you, and this behavior must be punished."

Watching Zogel leading Zhou Qingfeng appearing in the medical area, Nancy stood up and slumped and said, "Please keep quiet. The patients here need to rest."

"You leave first." Zhou Qingfeng also felt that Zogel was too noisy and waved his opponent away, and he continued to go to Minsk's ward. But he went out a few steps and returned to Nancy, and frowned and asked, "I remember you, you are the disobedient slave, my slave."

"I'm not a slave to anyone." Nancy had both hated and feared Zhou Qingfeng. Her face turned red instantly, and she tried to scold.

"You are really not obedient." Zhou Qingfeng pinched Nancy's chin. The reason why he beat Nancy was because Lina told him that someone seemed to want to take Nancy away. But this head nurse is very important to the armed nuns, and now any medical staff is a valuable talent.

"Again, I'm not a slave to anyone." Nancy vigorously got rid of Zhou Qingfeng's fingers, saying word by word. I can see she is angry.

"It seems that some memories have been forgotten in your brain." Zhou Qingfeng had no time to do Nancy's ideological work. He pressed the full-length nurse on the wall stiffly, staring at the other person's eyes and yelling, "I don't care Whatever you think, no matter who wants to take you away, if you don't obey me, I will kill. "

"No ... no one wants to take me away. I don't want to leave here either." Nancy was half a head shorter than Zhou Qingfeng, and he was inexplicably panicked when he was forced to the wall. She obviously didn't tell the truth.

"Don't try to lie to me, I can know what you think." Zhou Qingfeng's hand slid across Nancy's face. "You are a very good slave. Don't let me lose you."

After the threat was over, Zhou Qingfeng strode away. Nancy leaning against the wall felt that all her courage and strength had been taken away. She didn't really want to leave the Armed Nuns, but that didn't mean no one wanted to take her away.

Back at his workbench, Nancy hesitated again and again, still found his walkie-talkie, tuned to a channel and called: "Richard, I don't think I can meet you anymore."

A man's surprised and frustrated voice came out on the walkie-talkie, "Oh Nancy, my baby. I will be sad forever if I don't see you. You are the only obsession in my life, and I can't wait to be with you Have a formal date, but now you ... "

"No, no, just no, you quickly leave the community of the Armed Nuns and leave quickly." Nancy shut down her walkie-talkie after speaking, and her accelerating heartbeat had reached the point where she was dizzy.

Zhou Qingfeng walked outside Minsk's ward and knocked gently on the door. The door of the ward was not closed, but opened as soon as it was pushed. Minsk was lying on the bed with several cannulas in his throat, but fortunately he was alive.

At the bedside, where Katrina was sitting, seemed to be talking to Minsk. Seeing this scene, Zhou Qingfeng said apologetically, "Oh, I'm sorry, it seems I have to change my time again."

"No, wait!" Katerina has always been a crisp woman, and she stood up and walked out of the ward. "I just came to see Minsk, and now I'm going back to work. The community that Lina built is very good, but many places are Need to do better. "

The fierce girl left in a hurry, Zhou Qingfeng had no choice but to enter the room. He apologized towards Minsk lying on the bed, "I hope I didn't disturb you."

Minsk shrugged and smiled, his face was not bad. Kowal shot him in the neck. Although he was not killed, the bullet rubbed his throat, the carotid artery was preserved, but a large hole was broken in the esophagus and trachea.

At present, Minsk can only eat through a tube in the throat, and it is difficult to breathe, and it can't speak. Communication with people can only rely on a writing board.

Armed nuns have recruited a large number of people in the past week, some of them doctors. After a simple surgery, Minsk survived but lost his ability to take care of himself.

"I'm sorry, if I don't go to the Town Hall Square to make trouble, you won't be injured." Zhou Qingfeng put the sniper rifle in his hand on the table next to the bed. "The **** who hurt you was bitten by 'dog meat' Dead, his gun is here. Hope it really makes you feel better. "

"This is the fate of the soldiers, I have nothing to complain about," Minsk replied on the writing board, and he remained very optimistic. "You did not abandon me, which shows that my choice was not wrong."

"As for this rifle, you are useless to me. I think our team is short of a sniper. Go and recruit one or two. This rifle can come in handy." Minsk pushed the rifle back to Zhou Qingfeng. On hand.

Zhou Qingfeng nodded. The team did need a professional sniper team, but now several people including Zhou Qingfeng are not suitable for sniping. It seems that I really need to find one or two people to come in.

Zhou Qingfeng talked with Minsk for a while and got up to leave. After all, he had other things to do. But before he left, Minsk said on the tablet: "Victor, I want to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"Help me take care of Catalina ~ www.readwn.com ~ That tough girl still needs me to take care of her? No one dares to bully her, no one dares to provoke her, where does she need other people to take care of? She would not be bullying others.

"Victor, don't change the subject. You know what I mean! Katrina is a good girl, but she's actually fragile. She needs someone to take care of her. And she likes you."

"Forget it, Katerina likes David Lawrence." Zhou Qingfeng only felt his head big. In his eyes, Katerina was beautiful, wild, and straightforward, looking far away at the starting point of Seisen. But now Minsk is obviously asking him to be a nanny for Katerina, this is ........., forget it!

"Minsk, do you think you've been lying in bed for the rest of your life? No ... I'll tell you, you'll heal yourself, and you'll be back on the battlefield again.

It's up to you to take care of Katrina. And our team needs an excellent combat engineer, otherwise who will do the dirty work of digging the sewer? "

Hahaha ... With that said, they both laughed in joy. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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