Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1440: The long road to conquest!

Three 100,000 tons of nuclear warheads are much more powerful than one 300,000 tons of nuclear warheads. Uncle Zhou takes the shot, and uses it as soon as he takes it. Havana was hit by an air-explosive nuclear bomb, and one of the three he gave to Houston was a ground-bore nuclear bomb that could deal with underground targets.

When the shock wave of the nuclear explosion swept the city like the most violent hurricane, the sturdy buildings shattered and stirred like paper in the wind. In the midst of soot and dust, the ground-bombing nuclear bomb penetrated two hundred meters underground and released an infinite power of 100,000 tons.

According to information provided by Marshall, the nuclear bomb accurately hit the underground bunker prepared by Inkley for high-level personnel. Because Gray Corning and others did not expect their opponents to have a nuclear counterattack capability, the result was that the capital of Enclave was destroyed and high-level officials were killed.

The three nuclear bombs exploded a few kilometers apart, causing the high-temperature fireballs to appear as if the sun were on the earth. Blazing heat swept across the earth, and shock waves engulfed hot winds raging around the city, blowing people into coke over a few kilometers.

The dazzling glare can blind people after being blinded dozens of kilometers away, and you can see dazzling flashes hundreds of kilometers away.

The effectiveness of the explosion created a small earthquake due to a ground bomb. The shock wave stopped around the earth for a few hundred kilometers, and there was a sense of tremor several hundred kilometers apart. Explosive electromagnetic pulses disrupted radio communications for several minutes.

The impact of these few minutes is a huge shock to the world, because the Aurora Corps publicly announced to many forces in advance that a Havana nuclear attack commemoration ceremony will be held. live TV broadcast.

Due to the delay of the live broadcast, when the world saw the missile take off, the warhead was about to land. The result is that everyone is frightened by the use of nuclear weapons, and the radio interruption caused by nuclear weapons interrupts all television signals.

The missile lifted off and the live screen disappeared. The fear in them was unparalleled. Everyone felt as if they were living on an isolated island in an instant. In the next second, only the world was left alone.

"A total ban on nuclear weapons!"

"Stop throwing nuclear bombs!"

"Further playing like this, the lunatic in power will destroy all humanity."

Endless grievances are coming and going all over the world, and for Zhou Qingfeng who caused this scene, he has successfully imprinted himself in the minds of everyone, no matter how good Mess with this guy!

For those who witnessed the whole event at the venue, the shock was particularly great. When Inkley lost the nuclear bomb a few days ago, everyone evacuated Havana long ago. And suddenly there was such a nuclear explosion, in fact, I did not have much loss, and at most it was only afterwards.

However, the presence of the head of the legion was so decisive that it paved the way for a strong atmosphere. The moment the missile takes off, the despair that destroys the world can suffocate.

When the scene was silent, Zhou Qingfeng slowly walked off the podium. He waved his hand to let the god-killers act again, "Life is endless, the fighting is endless. Inkley wanted to stop for a while this time, but they are not completely finished, there are many things waiting for us."

Shocked people are slow to move, and both men and women are a bit old-fashioned and weak. After Zhou Qingfeng stepped down, he first hugged with Lina. Miss Fox's body was shaking slightly, and she whispered as she kissed the man's cheek, "I know you are the strongest, and I am convinced of this."

For Lina who has always supported herself, Zhou Qingfeng also gave the greatest care, "I will give you a new city, a new country. Rest assured, our loot is rich and unimaginable, you will have a bigger world. showing talent."

The two hugged for ten minutes before slowly letting go. At this time, the people at the venue were slowly dispersing, and only Rachel stood still with tears in his eyes and looked at it side by side. Zhou Qingfeng looked at her crying poorly, and stretched out her hand to bring his wife and mother over.

Rachel was soft with no resistance at all. She did not expect that Zhou Qingfeng would use a nuclear bomb with a backhand blow. This is like a weak person bullied, clearly a bad and evil devil.

As long as you think about the hundreds of thousands of people in the world who are afraid of being killed by the man in front of you, the wives and mothers who are already strong enough will be shivering. But when she arrived in Zhou Qingfeng's arms, she could only curse a few words of "cold blood" repeatedly, but she was really afraid.

David Lawrence is also fierce enough to kill decisively, the city is extremely deep, and use whatever means to achieve his purpose. But he can predict everything he does. Rachel never fears her husband.

But Zhou Qingfeng is different. When the man is normal, he is the kindest in the world. The territory he ruled was the last paradise of the last days, and his subjects felt that they had a powerful and benevolent king. But such a person is scarier than anyone else when he is black!

This is why Rachel was frightened when she looked at Zhou Qingfeng at this moment. The man is obviously a strong and handsome figure, but his wife and mother seem to see him covered in blood, like Satan wielding a sickle to harvest life.

"Well, don't cry. Go back and take a rest." Zhou Qingfeng patted the backs of the two women in his arms and put them on the car. He himself walked slowly through the ruins of Havana's nuclear explosion, and under his feet there were only the ruins and the ruins in dark tones.

The road to conquest is filled with bones!

After walking a long way, I don't know how long it took. The old butler Martin, who has always been behind, came forward and whispered, "Master, the North American Brotherhood of Steel sent a telegram, and they jointly expressed their hope that the Legion would officially join."

"Oh ~ www.readwn.com ~ I see." Zhou Qingfeng's tone was flat.

Old Martin continued: "The Brotherhood headed by David Lawrence proposed the establishment of a nuclear weapons restriction treaty. They believe that under the current circumstances, it is still possible to compromise with INCREDA, and everyone will destroy all the current nuclear warheads. The reason is' For all humanity '. "

"Hehehe ... their shoes are afraid of my bare feet." Zhou Qingfeng chuckled a few times, "Actually, I don't want to use nuclear weapons, I'm also afraid of death. But who makes me weakest? .Tell them, I agree to restrict the use of nuclear weapons. But is it completely destroyed ... "

Waiting for Zhou Qingfeng to think clearly, 'GOD', which has not been moving for a long time, directly put a message in his mind to consider the huge power of nuclear weapons to break the balance, for the sake of human peace, and for the book to continue to write. Remove all remaining nuclear warheads from the wasteland.

Hmm ... Zhou Qingfeng was a little bit sad for the nuclear explosion he had made. Hearing this news, all of you don't have to be afraid, you can only play conventional weapons in the future.

Lao Tzu's "Dongfeng-3", from now on, only two tons of conventional explosives can be loaded as a cannonball that is extremely expensive and has a very long range, but its power is extremely weakened! 8)

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