Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1441: Substitution

The ruling class was taken over by Zhou Qingfeng, and the entire Enclave was plunged into a huge mess. And ‘GOD’ abolished the nuclear bomb, and it also made the North ’s Iron Brotherhood a lot of courage. The two North American strong powers were already in full swing. This time, the Cold War became a hot war, and the fighting was endless.

In this case, no one really cares about Zhou Qingfeng, who was copied. The sea and air forces that originally blocked the Florida Strait and the Yucatan Straits have all retreated. The Aurora Corps has survived the hardest, most difficult and most dangerous days since its establishment, and the next is ...

Great move!

Moving, moving, moving, we're going to Mexico!

The Aurora Legion's nest, Havana, was destroyed. However, due to the evacuation in advance, all personnel were preserved except for the various hardware facilities. And the army that threw out half a million wastes has also succeeded in losing weight, reducing a lot of burdens.

The Ministry of the Interior has been quick and efficient with Miss Fox's training and management. Although they did n’t have a lot of office equipment, the Brotherhood of Steel managed to keep their promises and transported them a lot in an airship.

As the Under Secretary of the Interior, Raymond was now working in a humble room in Matanzas, with a pile of stacked schedules on his desk.

The Legion will not abandon Cuba, especially its agricultural facilities that have been reclaimed. Therefore, the relocation is mainly an administrative agency. The military personnel first move away, and then the business and service system. The entire moving process is estimated to last more than six months.

During the busy period, the door of the Deputy Chief's room was knocked. Raymond said ‘please come in’ and a slightly nervous and upset man walked in through the door.

"You are ..." Raymond looked at the man in his thirties and was very ordinary. After he tilted his head to look at the door, his secretary blinked at him through the crack of the door, without seeming to know the man's origin.

"Hello, my name is Giris, and I'm from Merida. I was there ..., the mayor." The man calmed down and took the initiative to shake hands with Raymond. "I was transferred to Matanza yesterday. I just talked to Minister Fox. She asked me to come to you first. "

"Oh ... you're Giris, who was dragged into the company by the legion chief." Raymond laughed, and after the handshake he asked the secretary to bring two cups of coffee. "We all know you, the legion chief said you are good, But my brain is not very clever. "

Norris' joke made Giris grin. He felt that this joke was afraid that he would follow him all his life, from being hostile to the Aurora Corps to being drawn into the gang, and being turned around by the legion leader, and finally convinced that he would kill his life for the legion. Hmm ... this blessing is not for everyone.

"I heard that the battle for Merida's defense was very difficult, is that so?" As the coffee served, Raymond stepped out of the desk and handed it to Giris.

Giris sat down on the sofa and took a sip of coffee and sighed, "We did a very hard job. Forty to fifty thousand well-equipped, well-trained enemies guided us to continue to attack with the tank as the first. We rely on The artillery battalion of the firepower pillar was destroyed by enemy fighters. "

Speaking of Merida's **** battle, Giris looked complex. "It was a hard and great war. I have never seen death so touching. I have seen countless people bravely sacrifice for victory. Shame on them even for making me come from.

But we finally won. After the Enclave capital Houston was destroyed, Mexican government forces quickly retreated. And our casualties are very large. People say that we have killed at least 100,000 people, and the initial statistics of casualties are about 50,000. The terrible street fighting destroyed the city. "

Merida's **** battle was entirely fought by the Mexicans themselves, with only a few key military personnel participating in the Aurora Corps.

And it turns out that an army awakened with faith and ideals has extremely strong will to fight. Even a Mexican who was considered useless in the past can be a good fighter.

Giris casually talked about the moving deeds in the battle, and Raymond was sighing. The two chatted for a while and then turned to the current situation of the Legion.

"The Yucatan Peninsula is currently under our control. The Legion ’s army will go to Merida first. The goal of the Corps leader is to take down the entire Mexico in a month. Then move all the administrative staff over and rebuild the Legion in Latin America Regional ruling system. "

Speaking of the situation in Mexico, Giris obviously had a little more understanding and confidence. He began to talk about transportation, supplies, roads, and even the current situation within the Diego government in Mexico.

Talking about the details of the entire relocation plan, Raymond looked at this strange Mexican in front of him a bit, and it was indeed a straw bag that the head of the army could personally recruit.

The two talked happily, and Raymond's secretary suddenly knocked on the door and said, ‘the commander of the legion asked His Excellency to go there’. Raymond immediately got up and went, before leaving, he generously allowed Giris to look through all the documents in his office to show his intimacy.

When Raymond left, Giris, who was originally sitting on the sofa, slowly stood up. He paced with interest in the seemingly humble interior secretary's office.

Raymond's secretary stood at the door looking at Giris very dutifully. Although Raymond allowed Giris to stay in his office, it was only theoretically polite. The secretary is waiting for Giris to get out of this office by himself.

Keji Ruisi didn't leave ~ www.readwn.com ~ his interest in this room seemed to be getting bigger and stronger. At first, he only carefully looked at the small ornaments on the table by Raymond, and then looked more and more boldly at some documents, or looked at the bust of the legionnaire on the wall.

Finally, letting Girith be behind the desk, slowly reaching Raymond's chair, Raymond's secretary finally couldn't help reminding: "Mr. Girith Diago, you don't know Are you a little too rude or even too much? This is not your office. "

Girith turned a deaf ear to the secretary's words. He rubbed the painted armrests on the seat with both hands, an intoxicated expression. He slightly lifted his head and breathed a long sigh of relief, whispering: "This is the position of a powerful undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior. I used to dream of it."

The secretary's expression turned cold, his face changed drastically, and he stiffly locked: "Mr. Dialgo, if you don't get up, I will call the guard."

At this time, Kirisdiago showed a kind smile, straightened his hands, pressed his hands on the desk, and said calmly, "From now on, I'm the Deputy Director of the Aurora Army's Interior. As for Raymond, who just left, Mr. De, he will not come back again. "

The secretary's face changed immediately and he couldn't believe it.

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