Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1442: Dig out mole

Matanzas is not the capital Havana. The tall buildings are lacking here, and the Aurora Corps bureaucracy temporarily residing here has to be scattered.

Raymond walked out of his office and walked a long distance to a large house where the Corps Chief was located. Just a few steps out, he felt like he was being followed. Looking back, a wretched guy with a gimmicky head behind him asked, frowning, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Sir, don't be nervous. I'm from Cat's Claw. I'm in charge of the counter-espionage work here." The insignificant guy smiled and drew out an identity document. The department name was 'Legion Anti-Counterfeiting and Inventory Committee.' The pattern printed on it is very special, it is a mark of 'cat's paw'.

Raymond was a bit unhappy. He was a senior officer in the Legion and was always traveling with bodyguards and assistants. It is an insult to him to be stared at by such a small person today.

Regarding the new so-called 'committee', Raymond is also a little bit upset about this broken institution? The quality of the recruited people is too bad, and the appearance is not like a good person.

After walking about a hundred meters away, Raymond arrived at the large house where the head of the legion was located. After verifying his identity, he looked back and wanted to demonstrate to the insignificant man who was watching the dogs low. But when he turned back, he saw the other side and smiled at himself.

The smug smile made Raymond's heart twitch into his throat, and then he remembered the other party's self-introduction, saying, ‘Legislation and Anti-Inspection Commission’, ‘Working on Anti-espionage’.

With dry mouth, dry tongue and sweat on his forehead, Raymond forced himself into the legion's current center of domination. He tried to calm himself down, only to find that his heartbeat was uncontrollable.

Walked to the door of the legion's office, the guards opened the door after checking again. A bright light emerged, and Raymond's wide office appeared in front of the legion's chief. He's been here a few times before, but this time he has made his feet heavy and almost unable to move.

The chief of the legion stood by the window, and Miss Fox sat on the sofa under the window. In addition, the leader of the guard, Marco Shi, stood on the inside of the door, and Ms. Mirta and the old Dave, who wore black gauze all year round ... Why are you here?

"Come in, Raymond." Zhou Qingfeng pointed gently at an empty sofa in the office. "We need to finish some things."

This was quite serious, and Raymond felt his knees uncontrollably weak. He tried to calm himself, and even lowered himself when he stepped onto the sofa and asked, "Hello, Lord Corps, what happened?"

Zhou Qingfeng's expression was cold, but he did not speak. Instead, Mirta, wearing a black gauze, stood up, put a stack of photos and documents in front of Raymond, and spread them out. "Severe leaks occurred in the Legion in the past six months. According to the clue, they found Fanoist. .

These are the evidence we searched at Fino's house, and some information is not accessible to Fino. So we continued to investigate until we confirmed that you have a problem with Mr. Raymond. "

Facing a pile of evidence, Raymond glanced quickly, then exclaimed loudly, "Her chief of the legion, do you suspect that I am leaking? I am willing to confront Fanoist, and I can prove my innocence. "

Zhou Qingfeng turned his back to Raymond and looked out the window. His low voice sounded slowly in the office. "Feno is a good man. He came to me before I occupied Cuba. The aircraft carrier" Kennedy "still offered him To me. I also always felt that he would not betray me.

In the end, what caused a 180-degree change in a senior legion that supported me for two years? Raymond, can you explain it to me? "

Raymond's forehead began to sweat heavily, and his mind was usually very alert and good at solving complex problems. But in this case today, his mind seemed to be filled with lead, and he had no idea at all. "I ... I can confront Fenault, this is not my secret."

Raymond grabbed the evidence in front of him and flipped through it at a rapid speed, his breathing was heavy, his brain was thinking hard. Mirta, who was standing in front of him, said again, "Fenoist is dead. He is desperate to protect you.

We wanted to spit out the real medicine, but in the end he died. I guess he had known for a day that he would be arrested and had been taking medicines against vomiting. "

When Raymond died, Raymond widened. He knelt straight down and held up the evidence in his hand and shouted: "These information are not only accessible to me, but can be obtained by many people at the senior level of the legion. For example ..., such as the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Defense of Jackson.

Jackson had always made pessimistic remarks before the war, and repeatedly said that he would negotiate with Inkley, compromise and even surrender. Why don't you investigate him, instead investigate me? "

After hearing this, Zhou Qingfeng sneered, "Jackson's Chief of Staff has just left my office, and he cried out. Because he ignored the overall situation many times and made erroneous remarks affecting the internal cohesion of the Legion, I lifted his staff Long post, change to reserve service.

But Jackson just kept his mouth shut, he was not the betrayer who betrayed me, it was you who betrayed me. "

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng's bite that he had colluded with Inkley, Raymond fell and sat down. He murmured sweatily: "You can't help but tell the evidence, you have no reason to doubt me, you can't do this."

At this stage of the matter, the old Dave, who had not been silent, stood up slowly, "Raymond, you have been very careful to contact Inkley, not even to come directly. But you have actually exposed yourself."


"Remember we went to Mexico City not long ago for diplomatic mediation? I talked to you about my work and about the financial secrets of the Legion. It didn't take long for these secrets to appear in the hands of Enclave's intelligence personnel.

In fact, the secrets I told you were all told by the commander of the army, indicating that the secrets belong to many people, but in fact some of the content was compiled by me, and I only told you. Don't you think the Legion also has high-level spies inside the Enclave? "

The truth was revealed, and Raymond was faceless. He glared at Dave for a while, then suddenly jumped up and scolded, "Dave, aren't you the Inkley? You Jewish vampire, aren't you the best at following the strong? Why are you an alien? Life?

Don't you know what Victor Hugo is doing? He is destroying our religion, destroying our traditions, and tampering with our culture. His policies were for his own community, and the United States of liberty and democracy would be ruined by him. "

The original Raymond growled and rushed at Dave's old man, but was held down by Marcos standing behind him.

The old man Dave was sprayed with saliva, frightened for several steps. It wasn't until Raymond was brought under control that he sighed and said, "I really follow the strong, so I abandoned the Inkley. As for the so-called 'freedom and democracy' America, you can only say that you don't know much about American history. "

The old Dave shrugged and retreated silently.

Zhou Qingfeng only turned around at this time, he looked indifferently at Raymond pressed on the carpet, and said with pity: "Raymond, we have known each other for a long time. When I recruited you, you were trapped in New York. On Staten Island, desperately had to sell his wife for canning. "

A few words from Zhou Qingfeng calmed the manic Raymond. He realized that he was incapable of quibbling and could only relax his energy. He said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Hugo ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am very grateful You saved my family at the time, but for the past two years I have disagreed with your governing philosophy.

I can only say sorry to you. I hope you can execute me secretly, not to affect my family. My wife and children have no idea what I do, and they have always appreciated you. "

Raymond was cramped, and the whole person was paralyzed on the ground.

"If you want to say an apology, apologize to your minister. I actually suspected you long ago. It was Lena who stopped me. She said that she could not be arrested without evidence. She trusted you, loved you, and assured me. There will be no problems. "Zhou Qingfeng said.

Miss Fox was sitting silently under the sofa in the window, looking at Raymond coldly from beginning to end. Watching Raymond's eyes turn, she took a deep breath and twisted her face away.

"I'm sorry, Miss Fox. I talked to you once, but you ... but willing to be a vassal of Victor Hugo. In fact, with your ability, you can completely control the army alone." Raymond ignored his boss and ignored him In the end, only his head fell weakly.

The matter was finally over, and with Zhou Qingfeng waving his hand, Marco Shi dragged Raymond down. (.)

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